>Texas GDP 1,5 trillion
>Russia GDP 1,2 Trillion
Makes me think
>Texas GDP 1,5 trillion
>Russia GDP 1,2 Trillion
Makes me think
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well nowadays russia is a shthole congrats on finding that out
>nowadays russia is a shthole
I don't think there was ever a time when Russia wasn't a shithole.
how is that an illuminati secret
im not surprised mr.haxor you just came out of communism and get hit with a million sanctions
What about peter the great
Russia is infinity more influential over the globe then texas thought. Money is irrelevant in that sense.
The star of David is also the Cube of Saturn / Satan and gives a 6 pointed Hexagram when turned 45 degrees on two axis
Russia GDP (purchasing power parity adjusted):
$4.0 trillion
4 trillion is an Apple and an Amazon.
Russia poor and stupid slav wasteland.
Even your oligarchs are nigger-tier.
go away with your statistical nonsense you jewish shill
Does Texas have a black budget?
Russia has the same power projection as Italy. Why are people afraid of them again? They wont use their nukes because that automatically guarantees your own country to get nuked.
O I am laffin
Except we united around the idea that all people deserve certain rights because we are bound by our HUMANITY.
1,2 billion people in the world poop in the streets
over 90% of them are from India
your math is wrong....because you are retarded:)
who cares, canada doesnt even have trillions
Yes, but this simply wasn't the case in the founding of our country and nor should it dictate the future of our country. All races are not equal by virtue of being human. Also look and see how far that has gotten us. Hint: not very.
its almost as if people are different
Russia always was pour. Some things just don't change.
A typical settlement beyond the Urals. The timecode is present.
sup kike
show your flag arabboy
also R1A > R1B nigger haplogroup
>what is price difference
>All races are not equal by virtue of being human
By virtue of people being human and only human, they are equal. Am I retarded or are you contradicting yourself?
What if I have gray eyes?
sad reality
>a country is more important than another country's state when it comes to international politics
Watch out guys we got a genius over here
medshit turk rape baby as i suspected
also you didnt show flag, haha
Texas and California are rich because of amerindians.
gray is a genetic subgroup of blue, so you are technically blue
typical kike trying to divide europeans.
Not larping or trolling when I say I can't think of a blonde hair + blue eyed person who did anything important.
Niggers are a genetic subgroup of homosapiens so you're technically a nigger.
>typical kike trying to divide europeans.
i cringed hard
actually i can't think of a jew who has ever done anything good except this guy, what say you shitskin?
>implying you aren't a kike
idk, I think Anne Frank was pretty redpilled
>Friedman the only "jew" who did anything worthwile.
texas will take russia one day
The United Confederacy of Soviet Texas?
meant for you
>calls someone else kike
>makes divide and conquer posts
Oh, Rabbi Yidberg, you never quit.
okay I admit this guy too, he's a polack, who you got?
What about Schuldiner?
didn't realize he was jewish, good call!
Comparing countries by GDP is terrible. It's one small piece in the massive puzzle that's called an economy.
niggers aren't human
>Comparing money is terrible way to compare economy?
Canadian school system everyone
It's more than just output. Americans overpay for most things drastically. It's an inflated GDP.
Do you even know what GDP is?
two wealthy and powerful economists were walking outdoors when they saw a pile of shit. “I’ll give you $500,000 for the service of entertaining me by eating that shit,” Economist A said to B. so B did.
after a while, they saw another heap of shit, and Economist B said that he would give Economist A $500,000 if he returned the favour and ate the shit. and so Economist A did.
afterwards, one of the economists admitted that he was dissatisfied – they had eaten a lot of shit without earning a single cent.
the other economist replied that they had at least achieved something – their country’s GDP had increased by a million dollars.
talking economy is like pissing on your own leg
it might seem hot to you but nobody else gives a shit
also Texas still makes more money than Russia i dont know what your problem is pal
Explain in even dumber terms please.
Who needs money if you can live in shit and be ok?
Thailand is one of the most degenerate countries i can imagine
know your place ladyboi
Russian on vacation actually. But agree, I already hate this country
The United States has several tiers of exchange.
Resource gatherer sells resource to a wholesaler, wholesaler sells resource to manufacturer, manufacturer creates refined product, sells to factory, factory creates consumer product and sells to wholesaler, wholesaler sells to consumer sales, consumer sales sells to you.
Every one of these transactions grows the GDP. So that 300 dollar coffee table you bought actually showed as ~1000 dollars to the GDP. Although the actual product is only worth less than 100 bucks in materials and labour.
the land itsself is probably nice though, but the culture is gross
>Cody's Lab is shit tier
fuck off
>Although the actual product is only worth less than 100 bucks in materials and labour
What is this, the labor theory of value? If some fag wants to give up 2000 dollars for a signed rug, then that signed rug is worth 2000 dollars. Value is subjective. The inputs should always be worth less than the outputs.
i own apartments in spain
if some rusky nigger wants it he has to pay a million dollars just like the american
Not when SHTF..
Saying one guy is better off with the same rug with a signature on it than the guy without the signature is the trouble of judging economies based solely on GDP.
Both rugs do the same job, overpaying for it doesn't mean you're in a better position is what I meant with the entire rant.
That's real estate user. It's also inflated but it's a different breed all together. We pay for location and local labor when it comes to that. A million dollar house in Vancouver, Canada doesnt exist, you're offering too little. A million dollar house in the middle of Siberia is a mansion with hundreds of acres.
>Texas GDP 1,5 trillion
Russia = 6 letters
>Russia GDP 1,2 Trillion
>Texas is the 2nd largest state
666 Illuminati confirmed
You should learn to differentiate between value and price. The Romans had different grammarical constructions to express each.
I’d like to meet her and enjoy her smile and personality as I value and respect her as an individual.
You're just retarded because I do not believe all people are equal.
>Canada GDP 1,6 trillion
>Russia GDP 1,2 Trillion
You have thirty whole seconds to explain why Canada is worth more than your country, Ruski.
Humans are very different from each other.
norway you can't compare that.
May be old numbers
>hurr durr GDP is the only reliable indicator of economic supremacy and prosperity
explain why MOST WORLD ECONOMIES aren't as high gdp as that country full of brown people who shit in the street next to pakistan
Not equal?
By virtue of being human?
Tell me then, what does it mean - to be human?
And don't forget:
>Canada 36 mln people
>Russia 140 mln people
>All races are not equal by virtue of being human
He's saying the assumption that Human A and Human B have equal value BECAUSE they are human is false.
I don't believe niggers are equal to white people. Why should I?
because most countries don't have 1.3 billion people?
GDP per capita we are way higher than US, so we are relevant in a sense
and that's why we use gdp per capita boys and girls.
I wonder how Texas GDP would look without the oil industry and faggot Austin tech cucks pyramid scheming with their gay startup industry
I must be a retard because I really fail to see that as false. "Human" is a generic as it gets.
>implying the only aspect of a human is being human
>population 5.2m
Being human implies everything. Like God. Were all equal in the eyes of God. So likewise, with being "human" as the benchmark, we're equally equal.
The Menorah was the symbol of the house of David, it wasn't a star.
>implying that being human is the only benchmark
>By virtue of being human
Of course people are different. You're illiterate and I'm not. I'm a Pole and you're not. But by virtue of being human, were the same.
And by virtue of being made of carbon, you're equal to a kangaroo.
Do you see how stupid that is?
q user predicted this
Well russia is independent and texas is not.
NY state is almost as big as Russia
we are the head of NATO fuckwad
New York City by itself has a higher GDP than all of Russia
>In 2012, the New York City Metropolitan Statistical Area generated a gross metropolitan product (GMP) of over US$1.33 trillion, while the Combined Statistical Area produced a GMP of over US$1.55 trillion, both ranking first nationally by a wide margin and being roughly equivalent to the GDP of South Korea.
1.283 trillion USD (2016)