>be brit-bong >most powerful nation in the world >enter wwii, because muh ebil teutons >get rekt, london completely destroyed, but barely survive >spent all your empire's money on defeated ebil teutons, so have to give up colonial territories >become second rate nation, basically a US puppet state >nationalize healthcare, because labor is in power, and permit millions of third worlders in because muh colonial past >third worlders change landscape of country >third worlders groom young british girls in Rotherham for a decade >muslim controls london after legally defending world trade center attacked >british government: "shhhhhhh oh well we're diverse we're on the right side of history don't let racists tell you the facts" >get btfo a bunch of other times by tanned british men >still paying for tv license >get arrested for butter knifes and bike tires >revealed that another child grooming ring was exposed -- AGAIN -- while theresa may complains of 'mansplaining in the parliament' >arrest austrian and american identitarian for a speech that was never made, while permitting muslims to advocate for a caliphate on alleged 'english soil'
Imagine being this cuck'd? Canada and Sweden have some serious competition with Britain.
>inb4 muh ameri-mutt
I'm 100% European. My President BTFO your cuck'd EU/European leaders on a daily basis. I can also speak my mind in public without being police by Sharia-controlled State agents. I don't have to pay for a State mandated TV license.
I'm really gonna need Brit-bongs to explain themselves.
Christian Ross
It's really pathetic. I know hundreds of people in London and less than ten are properly red pilled. I think many whites are beginning to slightly wake up to the insanity but are still totally brainwashed against "racism" and against guns, etc.
Vast majority support Corbyn who will drown us in more migrants, then again May is absolutely shit too. Except for Farage UKIP has very few decent candidates, plus even they are really pretty soft.
We don't even have an "Alternative For Britain" party.
Any weapon whatsoever for self defence is literally illegal. Gangs of feral niggers roam all over London. And half the whites are stupid enough to admire their "grime" and shit fucking culture.
Somebody kill me now please. I'd slit my wrists but my butter knife was confiscated :(
this, so much this. You Brits are a pathetic bunch.
>once great empire is now turning into a shithole losing its identity by taking in millions of 3rd worlders
Can't say you don't deserve it though
William Fisher
>ok ok m8, we wont deport you, you won
Sebastian Barnes
They do. I'm sorry to say, but they do.
Joshua Adams
Asher Lewis
someone needs to unironically break the internet, its the only way half of you will get off your arse.
Nolan Cooper
Aren't you American?
Levi Thomas
Well, for one, Enoch Powell was never elected PM. So, that's one great reason.
The second is spreading liberal democracy.
The third is destroying the Germans after they attempted to make peace on numerous occasions.
Aaron Johnson
>Enoch never elected PM Enoch had a petition that was signed by loads of people against immigration. Enoch couldn't run in an election as he was never the leader of a party. It's up to party members who the leader is, not voters. >spreading democracy Like you're doing. >muh peace offers That wasn't up to the average Brit, just the elite. I fail to see how some 14-year-old girl deserves to be raped, killed and grounded into a kebab. Please go up to her parents and tell them that.
Cooper Perez
The first black plague inspired the rennasaince. This black plague will inspire an even greater renaissance. youtube.com/watch?v=1e3c9W-Yz3o
>Britain becoming more right wing by the day >votes Brexit >stories about Muslim rape gangs redpilling more and more people by the day >Sup Forums flooded with anti Brit posts telling us we're pathetic and to give up >catalogue filled with bait threads designed to turn right wing posters against each other
hmmmm I wonder who could be behind this?
Ethan Price
It can feel pretty disheartening in London.
And there isn't a single actual right wing party in Parliament.
How the hell can you be this complacent when we are totally fucked? We should be out on the streets
Levi Anderson
Isn't northern Britain, excluding maybe Manchester, still tough and majority white?
I was under the impression northerners still vote labour, but aren't pussies. (In the same way that there are many democrats in Philadelphia but they're not soy boy faggots)
Michael Scott
Nothing about it at all on the BBC, disgusting. They are complicit in all this.
>MFW I'm a brit moved to eastern europe >MFW we have free speech, guns, everyone hates non-whites, and am ex-commie nationalist president >MFW communism is better at preserving nations than liberalism
If this is the stipulation for deserving comeuppance and maledictions upon us then the USA deserves to be nuked over and over and over until all that remains is ash.
>arrest austrian and american identitarian for a speech that was never made and they claimed the reason was a speech on free speech could be "dangerous" the irony of this is astounding as well as sickening
It's not real. The real thing says some shit about not eating smelly food or listening to loud music. Sup Forums is fun to browse, but always, always triple check shit people post on here.
Joshua Carter
>in b4 b-b-but muh US spread democracy too!
We also installed Pinochet.
You are the progenitors of liberal democracy. The U.S. is simply a product of your doing.
Jason Kelly
Arguing that British children today deserve the awful things that muslims are doing to them because "we fought on the wrong side" in WORLD war 2 is exactly the same argument your negros make for reparations.
Our children had nothing to do with World War 2, neither did the common man of the time. I understand that shitting on us makes you feel better because that really is a basic human drive but if you genuinely believe that you are so much better off and not sinking in the exact same boat as us then that is called being delusional.
I don't want either of us to sink, remember that the next time you call for more British children to die for supposed crimes that they never even committed.
Kevin Davis
still better than having the dead be 100% white
Julian Hughes
>I'm 100% european ay ay ay...
Ayden Sanders
You missed out the other two events that happened yesterday:
> Journalist gets attacked by masked terrorists > Police shrug and say "we don't know who they are..." > Police refuse to look at any footage, despite being in the country with the most CCTV cameras in the world. and > Journalists enter country > Arrest them because they might say something nasty about muslims.
Well, the imperialists had guns. What has happened is an inefficient public service. Our police need to raise their standards, have more rigorous training and need to have guns. I've seen vids of American cops struggle with suspects without using guns in the exact manner.
Kevin Roberts
Dear me, I started to hope he would get away by the end to save embarrassment.
The only positive in these threads is that they make more people pissed off, but most here are already aware of things. That's why at best it seems like it's just pointless trolling or even a concerted effort to start shit flinging between people over who is more cucked which is just a waste of effort and very distracting.
Ethan Jones
Nobody wants your nigger music. All i hear is Ooga Booga muh shit
Connor Myers
> britbong can’t fathom why his country went off the rails You imprisoned and ignored Mosley. You had your chance and now look at you.
Churchill imprisoned Mosley, I didn't. Brits didn't vote Mosley because we were in comfortable times, like how Germany didn't vote Hitler until the crash.
Connor Torres
Same way Germany managed to nearly take on the entirety of Europe, and that Vikings were fucking rape machines. Europeans have been cucked hard in recent years, but whites are still the most terrifying race of maniacs on the entire planet.
Brit's built such a large empire in part because we're the most psychopathic and free markety of the Euros. No mistake america turned out the way it did when it had so much brit influence.
We're monsters, and the inevitable revolt is going to be fun fun fun. Just wait till Britain goes full fascist it'll be a thing of beauty.
the average english/german today looks like your picture.
Cooper Cruz
Some of Empire tries to eek through in the end as the Bobby tries to lay into the nog in what looks like a caricature of police action in Soweto in the 80’s.
>arrest sellner because he may offend muslims >get raped If this is what you get if you win a world war I am glad my country never won one.
Brandon Lopez
I just had a realization. Tens of thousands of rape victims. Multiple towns. A 40-year coverup conspiracy. What are the odds that police hid all of this from the media without silencing any victims?
British police officers have murdered innocent girls in the name of diversity. Probably. Statistically speaking.
Revving a car in a racist manner? Two years in jail? If he’d been driving a van of peace and mown down some white people on their way to work, perhaps.
Noah Clark
Why are knives banned?
Cameron Flores
I'll share you my blade for free dude Britian sound like shit hole I know my country is poor but our people happy living with our folk not like Europe messed up with niggers and muslim right now Can you forging blade or knife?? We always forging blade for protection when my government banned gun for a long time
It was America that forced Britain to dismantle the Empire after WW2, because you wanted to be the most powerful nation on earth, an era which is now at it's end since China is the new global superpower, and America is basically just Brazil but with more fatties at this point, so sad.
Hi Sup Forums, I'm not going to read this thread because we all know the UK is dead but here's what to do if you ever get grabbed like this. 1) get a wide base with your legs 2) snake your left arm in front of him 3) Grab his pant legs from the front 4) stand up 5) Now he's parallel to the ground holding onto your neck while you're holding both of his legs 6) Before he can let go and protect his head, dump him head first onto the concrete 7) Optional: scramble to side mount and drop elbows/triangle choke as necessary
or alternitevely, have a knife with you like a man, and stab him in the gut
Robert Martinez
Please. With our youth we'll be Sweden in 20 years.
Henry Hughes
you do not have the right to call out anyone bongcuck, not even Sweden or Canada or Germany. You are worlds #1 cuck, fucking own it, seeing as you clearly don't want to change anything about it