How do we fix this Chuuni?
How do we fix this Chuuni?
with ma dick
You can't fix what's already perfect.
cant fix perfection
gentle bullying
Anal fisting.
head bonks followed by head pats
By placing her fat butt on my face.
Kiss her already
hugs and cuddling
Theres nothing to fix my girlfriend is perfect already
Tickle torture.
Rough sex. Lot of rough sex.
Equip a second eyepatch.
Give her the D
more selfconfidence so that the ending of her anime isnt so fucking shit
Cut off her antenna.
What are we expecting from the new movie?
24/7, non stop
A kiss
What are you crazy? They aren't even married yet you sicko.
Easy there, it's not a porn ova
My man
Look at this fucking idiot! He still has hope! Lucky him!
They're kids you sick fuck
So it is not ok to have sex with them
How about a pinky promise followed by hand holding?
Are there any images of that?
Make her into an idol.
give her even thiccer thighs and butt
With a movie.
How come Rikka and Mirai gets two movies?
Well, that's a different case, especially if you aren't a kid yourself.
Just give her a good dicking and she will stop acting like a retard.
A good dicking.
Teen pregnancy. Utah finally loses his cool and fucks her, she's too scared to do anything. Rikka ends up pregnant and hides it for a while, then her sister finds out and forces the two to get married. Rikka is bullied even harder at school and eventually drops out, Utah stays in and starts secretly dating Shinka while Rikka stays at home and gets depressed. Eventually Rikka finds out about Shinka and Utah but later that night her water breaks and they rush to the hospital. Rikka gets loaded up on painkillers and spends the next 3 days in a sort of half-consciousness. Utah has several phone calls with Shinka about various explicit things while he believes Rikka to be asleep.
Eventually Utah takes Rikka home and continues his affair with Shinka while Rikka suffers from postpartum depression. Eventually she can't take it anymore and moves in with her sister who lives in Japan again, taking the baby with her. Utah begins to date Shinka openly now, and refuses to pay child support.
You dont
Can we add Kumin dyuing in a car accident because she fell asleep while driving?
shinkafag pls go
Put her in a permanent state of anal.
why is she looking at me like that?
her butt hurts
You fool! That'll make her even more retarded!!
It probably stinks.
But that's a good thing. It may not fix her, but the next dickings will feel even better.
dude why are you telling us the life story of your mom and dad?
my penis in her butt
Tell her to grow her hair longer.
Use the trusted and patented Autismoe-away. Order now and receive a disc copy of "My Little Sister Can't Be This Invested In Jesus!"
>new movie?
second season was mediocre as hell.
Better than season 2.
Hell also better than everything that happened after the chapter in wich Rikka accepts her father's death.
from what?
That's filthy.
Hah. No.
Get in line.
Holy shit this art is fucking hideous
I don't remember her being this hot
wow her body is literally perfect
I remember her being way hotter, without those disgusting lumps of fat.
Is it true that the original source material doesn't have Dekomori and her sister?
It`s pretty good, fag.
>chuuni was five years ago
>2015 was 20 years ago
Give her show a new season 2.
regular spankings
he can touch her ass but goes full autistic beta if he has to grab her hand?
Does Utah beat himself off thinking of that fat chuuni butt?
Think you just did. Now I can watch it.
She should change her name to I-da-HO if she's going to be on top of Utah all the time.
>k-on was 8 years ago
>Evangelion was 22 years ago
Stop this at once!
She's got a big butt, she'll be fine.
>astro boy was 49 years ago
maybe spanking will make it bigger
But then it will be too big!
>chocolate banana
They know.
t. irish
More abuse
Just started the second season yesterday. What am I in for?
Get rid of the eye patch, make her a little taller, up her tits a couple cup sizes, take out the ahoge and lose the ribbon thing.
RIkka has a nice chest for someone so small
second season is so shit
what's wrong with her eye?
She has autist vision.