Also your Waifu doesn't speak english
Your Waifu doesn't exsist
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I can solve one of those problems.
>Language is somehow a problem
Belive me if she was real I would learn fucking ancient maya speech if that's what it takes.
Define existence
You might be able to solve both
>your Waifu doesn't speak english
Truly a smart little girl.
mô 日本語Zawakaruyo? Don't know Kanji yet.
>rem on the OP pic
Ironic weeb general?
Your Witch waifu doesn't love you either.
My Waifu can't speak Japanese either and instead uses translation magic to speak whatever language they need.
>your Waifu doesn't speak english
If CG was actually a multilingual show with subtitles for foreign languages, everyone should technically be speaking English anyway. Why would anyone dirty their tongues with filthy 11 speak?
She can speak a it a bit. This is my wife speaking English.
「ハーイッ、ミスターファントム!ハウ アー ユー?アイム、ファイン。センキュー!」
How can I love something that doesn't exist?
日本語 is nihongo, as in the Japanese language
私は日本人だから大丈夫です :^)
My waifu speaks English.
My waifu has subs.
No, I'll never tell.
This would actually be really funny. You get your waifu, but you have to read subtitles to understand her.
They are provided by Crunchy Roll and this causes endless wacky misunderstandings
>My Waifu only speaks in memes, error filled sentences and not so subtle leftist political messages
Time to learn Japanese
If my waifu had a dub does that mean she can speak English?
Even if I never watched the dub?
If your waifu wrote down whatever she wanted to say on a piece of paper, then some random whore said what was on the paper, would that mean your waifu could speak?
Yes, but she sounds just like the dub and has any quirks they may have added.
Wouldn't this apply to all girls who got an anime adaptation?
Fuck, I'd rather just take then language barrier then.
You're getting too meta mate. You're waifu isn't separate from the person that voices her. The voice is a part of her character.
>when your waifu only speaks in commie subs
Wrong. She doesn't exist as a physical entity, but she definitely exists as an idea.
I speak Japanese.
Me and my waifu talk the language of love.
She'll get sick of hearing your "anata no manko o kudasai" tier Japanese after a few days and dump your ass for good.
The random whore would need to join in and help out to avoid confusion.
Ha, jokes one you, doujins have prepared me well with a rich variety of sexy dialogue.
tsun incoming
You are not the one who can determine whether she exists or not.
Fucking cunt.
She exists on the immaterial plan, not in this shit 3D world we live in.
That's right user! Don't let the succubus get you. Stay safe.
>filthy 11 speak
I swear to god i try but goddamn i fucking hate kanji
My wife is smart and can learn English easily
You can't learn Japanese.
>turns out the meme exists for a reason
Really stimulates your pineal gland huh
my waifu has spanish subs
So does mine.
yo my man rei sounds nice in spanish, the VA's don't sound half bad, but that is only one scene
Fuck, was that shitty penguin thing in the original too?
yeah, best part of the show
The only good ant is a dead ant.
She can't talk, but I'm fine with her writing in a paper.
Jokes on you, I can't speak English anyway
i cant read
At least my waifu isn't Rem
>Also your Waifu doesn't speak english
She can use telepathy and moon isn't as difficult as EOP want you to believe.
Nice try.
>your waifu doesn't speak English
Nice try.
Silly user, there's one language that all women can understand. 中出しの喜び
Some do
This always works too.
>your Waifu doesn't speak english
You are wrong.
Whoever made the gif deserves free drinks forever.
She probably only know English.
Why did you post my waifu, Anonymous?
im ok with she not speaking english, i speak spanish after all
She doesn't speak japanese either
yes she does
>doesn't speak English
Fuck off Gon nobody likes you
Hey sawyerfag do you like this drawing?
>Your Waifu doesn't exist
Not with that attitude.
>Also your Waifu doesn't speak english
She's pretty smart so she probably does and if not we can teach each other our languages.
In my waifus world everything everyone says gets instatranslated so it doesn't matter.
>Horrible Frenchman
But he's English?
hes English and French user fyi
goddamnit what am i saying