Do you believe communism will come back one day?
Do you believe communism will come back one day?
Maybe in Poland. It doesn't work you know. The Chinese and Russians figured that out. You don't seem to be clear on the whole "failed system" thing.
It never went anywhere
well, with the advancement of technology and subsequent breakthroughs in energy production and manufacturing is is not unreasonable to assume eventually people would have their own fusion reactors powering advanced 3-D printers, thus the means of the production will be in the hands of the people, however even the most hard-core communists would fight that possible future with everything they have because it will make the need for a state mandated oppression apparatus meaningless, thus removing the thing communists really desire, the total and complete subjugation of goyum
>dick fantasies
nothing new
It's already happening in Russia.
Everyone is poor, antiwestern propaganda is rampant and a lunatic has declared himself a dictator.
Why is the peenus round?
> Russians figured that out
Capitalism in Russia works even worse than communism
Guess you subhumans aren't good at anything.
Kill all Americans and torture them to death!
it is back already.
It is better to apply the method of re-education in Stalin's gulags
This were heading toward an anarchist libertarian future with no actual value for anything since everyone can produce their own things. At that point communism and states will only continue to exist if they control everything.
Assuming we first generate a culture of morality, strength, and community and spread it all across even a single country, though preferably the world, then it might make a comeback.
"coming back" implies it actually existed and worked out at some point in history, which simply isn't the case.
It will but in the bastardized form you first and foremost see in modern socialism/social Marxism.
The ultimate goal of communism will be achieved via globalism if allowed, you see the early 20th century communism of violent revolution has deteriorated, most modern socialists realize they're an extreme minority and instead intend to slowly shift the paradigm through cooperating governments via social movements.
Where's the proof? Well look at the modern state of morality, the homosexual agenda and migrant agenda are clear cut policies to secure a voting block, homosexuals and non native populaces care very little for the security of our borders or morality, in the case of homosexuals their major concern is protected hedonism and migrants their ability to accrue wealth and sap our nations dry.
Thusly, the mass import of said peoples and the absolute propaganda you see pumped out of Hollywood. As these populations become more numerous we inevitably shift major world powers into a form of socialism and inevitably communism in the end, achieving the "worldwide workers revolution" which Marx wanted..
It has dawned on a few to what exactly is occurring but our only option has become mass deportation or genocide at this point, we are too late to the game to uphold any sort of moral or non-violent response throughout north america, europe and even australia, our nations must either accept the inhumanity of what we must do or our grandchildren will suffer the repercussions of our ignorance.
You people that think simple policy change or halting immigration don't watch the birth rates, you don't consider the portion of the population that is native whom votes on purely social issues (women). Changing these things might buy us a decade or two but there is truly only one solution at this point, the west must get rid of the parasite in order to survive and put aside the moral qualms with removing the people who don't belong to them.
It’s a clitoris, you bigot shitlord
The scary thing, it has already come back. But it's in a new form now, evolved. It's more traditional and edgy, and more emphasis is being placed on how the West is degenerate and how Russia is the only salvation, and how all countries must follow the Eurasian model. And most Sup Forumstards sympathize with it.
No Liberals have corrupted it entirely.
The "long march through the institutions" is nearly at full fruition. So yes.