What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear that word?
Other urls found in this thread:
>At least I'm not a mutt from Muttland
feels pretty good
cucked, white guilt, suicidal, overly altruistic, pathetic
Snus and bacon
feels pretty good to have tyrone fuck your family?
>tfw wake up every day in glorious Texas than God-forsaken Sweden
Youve never even been here We the people in order to form a more perfect union establish and ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and establish justic and security to ourselves and our prosperity, do ordain and establish the constituion of the united states of america. .
>I'm perfectly ok with being a cuck and having Mohammed rape my wife and daughter as long as I'm not American
This is what end game cuckoldry looks like
Maimo rape capital, sweedish men cuckolds
Kek. That'd be the same Texas that's a matter of years away from being majority Mexican, yeah?
Feminist snow clearing shutting a city down.
self hating country is what i am thinking.
my friends are out today and putting flyers on walls and in mailboxes about marxist in a school called södertörn högskola that is famous for its marxist shit. check it out here.
I will get the gopro videos off them doing it so a 2th video will be uploaded about what they did, they are doing it right now and will keep doing it until midnight.
give the video a thumb up to show support!
You do know that the whole amerimutt meme is just a meme right? However you are still a cuck, it reminds me of that time in Rambo 4 where the white man is crying in front of the Asian guy and the Asian guy's disgusted, because in his culture tears are a sign of weakness.
Cheap stuff and waiters
Comfy summer holiday in a cabin, perfect temperatures and long hours of sunlight
>What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear that word?
Looking at that picture. Come back once you have good knowledge of each civilization from the past 5,000 years
If anything it shows that geography and technology is the jackpot that grants races wealth and therefore power to make their heads go so far up their own ass that they produce images like this
Ignorance must be bliss
Them little pocket knives.
>Come back once you have good knowledge of each civilization from the past 5,000 years
What are you on about? The only place that could hold a candle to Europe was China, and they ruined it all by striving for internal perfection.
There were two tragedies/wrongs going on when Anders Behring Breivik landed on Utoeya Island:
He killed 77 people in Norway's worst peacetime atrocity and the
Island was hosting it's annual youth political indoctrination camp. Intense Hitler-youth brainwashing of susceptible unformed and vulnerable young minds. Get 'em early for lifetime obedience... Child mental abuse...
"...As well as being just a great place to spend your holiday, Utoeya [Island] has over the years developed into a place of significant national political importance.
The Labour Party has been a dominant political force in Norway for the last 60-70 years, and the AUF has been an extremely important base for recruiting and training our political leaders.
Utoeya has served as the main national platform for this recruiting and training.
Every summer, some 700-1,000 Labour youths from all over Norway have gathered for political debate and seminars covering topics like international solidarity, environmental issues, education, vocational training, and how to fight racism and xenophobia.
The AUF is a multi-cultural organisation, with a very clear stance against racism and xenophobia, and the island has always been a buzzing ethnic melting pot.
The AUF summer camp at Utoeya is the place our party leader and other prominent leaders always simply have to attend...."