Made in Abyss

How much does Reg weigh?

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bout three fiddy


Would you dress in girl dresses for a chance to be brutally straponed by Ozen in the night while she stretches you naked body bound by ropes?

Asking for a friend.

Ozen is too old for sex, she probably just gets off on erotica she writes and pranking Mark.

I want Ozen to gently dominate me.

Can someone please post the colored image of this flat fucker? I really can't find it.

I only want to hug Ozen

>you'll never pull Regu into a hug

What does Ozen taste like?

This one? Remember is just fanart, we arent sure what his official colors truly are

I really want Wakuna or Srajo to turn up soon so we can see what particular flavour of batshit they are.

Thanks very much user! Have a nice Ozen in return.



rougly 40kg.

>Nanachi says the only things she values are Mitty, Reg, and Riko
What about her hat or the relics she's recovered? She's got to have some value placed in then if she kept them around. It probably wouldn't even be hard to make and sell some plushes, since she made so many for Mitty and there's bound to be buyers here. You don't have to give up the things you value most here.

If she flexed her thighs even slightly she'd cut you clean in half

Those are what she actually holds dear. She doesn't give a fuck about any of that other stuff because it doesn't actually mean anything for her.

If you're talking about stuff she has to possibly trade, its far easier to just step on some guy with your fluffy bunny paws than it is to give up your valuables.

I finally made a MiA fetish chart.

>Ozen less weird than Lyza
As fucking if

Lyza fucks robots though.
To be fair I wasn't sure who to put in Creep, so if you have better ideas go ahead.

>October 16
>Assange is kill
>Grape-kun is kill
>Mitty is kill(?)
>Eminent fear for WW3
>Still no chapter
Fucking when.

Assange isn't kill though.

Cute Hobos!

Enough to bounce up and down on my dick.

Where do you think Lyza got that fetish from?

>No Ilim

chapter 43 fucking when

I dont think she's as much into robots as she is little boys... no idea where she would have picked up a fetish like that tho


Isnt Ilim the one in the middle of the picture?

So were Lyza and Ozen just fujis?

Also Ozen has all the best fanart, she's so awesome.

Oh you're right, I didn't see her hair behind her head. Thank goodness she's in.

No confirmation she got rugged, I'm still holding out hope she's hiding in the Idofront somewhere.

Fucking kek

Shiggy is my husband

Are we gonna do this again?

Hopefully no, but the artist updated the pic with more cute kids so it was good enough to be shared

Amen to that.

What are the odds that Riko becomes a narehate? I feel like that would be too much fluff but she's eaten every other curse.

I will climb down to the 5th layer and rape Bondrewd, and none of you can stop me.

Bondrewd did nothing wrong!

I hope thats not the case, her design is unique and cute enough transforming her in a furry would be almost as big as changing her completely, also a change in appeal not everyone is into that

She's Meinya

That's what I'm thinking. Especially since we just got fluffy moth who is not long for this world

Do quads tell the truth?
And what does Assange has to do with MiA?


He did one thing wrong, and that was not sucking my dick.

Aged herring

nanachi plushies when?

Eternal Fortunes and other beautiful scented flowers.


Never, stop asking.


But why not?

do you think it would be fun to manhandle his tiny body?

I'm making a Nanachi clay figurine.

If you're gonna trap, may as well go all out

I feel like Ozen could cause a lot of damage to foreign cave raiders by swinging Reg around.

She is busy though.

post it

It's nowhere near done because I've been busy lately. I'll post it when it's closer to being done because right now it's just a head and a cylinder body.


Maaaan I hope none of the other rugs were immortal and that they're all at peace now.

i hope he's going to suprise us with something we all didn't expect

One of these guys is going to have a shiny new Narehate body, I can feel it.

my daughter mark is aging like a fine wine. Take that naysayers!

Mitty was immortal because she received two curses. None of the others did that, and the Miniature Garden of Dawn was flooded anyway, so they probably drowned.

You could dick wine if you tried hard enough.

Good. I can't take another shit-flinging about stree urchins.

I don't think so

Honestly, that's not even a bad idea. Considering her superhuman strength, she could use virtually anything as a deadly blunt weapon, including her own fists of course. But her fists lack range, and anything else couldn't carry the full force of her attacks since it would just break (with her 120,000 man strength, even steel would easily bend as she swung it against something).

If Reg truly is that unbreakable, using him as a weapon is actually a reasonable idea.

> is actually a reasonable idea.

Not against a deadly foe, no. Reg is very bendy in the middle part so you get a weapon with an unreliable striking distance which might be fatal.

what if he's meinya

Why havent any big anime youtubers talked about this? Ended like two weeks ago.

>If Reg truly is that unbreakable, using him as a weapon is actually a reasonable idea.
Reg is also light enough to be dragged around by a little girl. F=ma; hitting something so hard your weapon breaks will still impart more energy than slapping it with a squishy indestructible fuckbot.
If Ozen is supposed to be the immovable lord then it's likely her main method of attack was just standing still and throwing heavy shit. Her big goofy catcher's mitt armor reflects this.

Im just waiting to fucking hurry up with his episode. Its been 2 weeks since ep5.


don't stretch near me your harlot

Im sure some will talk about it at the end of the year. Im sure Gigguk will talk about it, it was his favorite of the season

Wish BGE and Digi would have continued their weekly reactions. Really wasted opportunity.

I wonder what happened to Digifag, he said he would resume reviewing of MiA after the finale. Not that I care about him or anything, but still.

>two curses
t. animeonly

I mean after episode 10 aired the ratings skyrocketed and lots of reactionlist youtubers picked it up which is wired the was almost nothing else of note this season

your husband is pretty low tier, please reconsider.

I want to suck maruruk chinpo!

Shaft was way ahead of the curve with Madoka having the edgy happen at ep3 rather than at the end of the season.
50 times larger bd sales than MiA as a result.

Everyone will be fluffy in the end.

now this is one reg I can get behind

It's a decent answer, better than "Mitty is immortal because out of the two possible outcomes the curse of the sixth gives, she somehow lost the ability to die".

Based on common concenus he'll probably shit on just to be special and say thats not so dark

stop the madness

Or what?

>bullying someone who is the property of a the daughter of the most prolific madwoman in history
bun will get hers

I am not into fat people senpai, very sorry.

obligatory taste, user

Is not fat, its fluffy.

>has to run on the treadmill on all 4 legs
>belly brushes the bottom
>trips and tumbles off the back
>just keeps rolling until she hits a wall
please do not feed the bun. It's bad for her health

>Reg works his ass off to save Riko and heal her arm while terrified of losing her
>She thanks him for his effort to save her
>Few days later his own arm gets completely sawed off
>They can't save the arm and have to escape
>She ends up breaking down over what happened to Reg and her own inability to protect him this time
I bet even if she wasn't venturing to find her mother she'd go to the sixth just to get Reg's arm fixed.