‘White privilege’ lessons for lecturers

‘White privilege’ lessons for lecturers

University academics are being told they need re-educating over racism

>Hundreds of university lecturers are being asked to acknowledge their “white privilege” in workshops that outline how their “whiteness” can make them unknowingly racist.

>Masterclasses and seminars being advertised at universities across the UK are exploring the idea that white people enjoy an advantage that they have not earned, simply because of the colour of their skin. By contrast, many black staff and students are discriminated against regularly, it is claimed.

>A session at Bristol University, hosted by the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Staff Advisory Group, entitled Walking on the White Side of the Street, said it would ask lecturers to “examine and acknowledge the destructive role of whiteness”.

>“We will look at it as a day-to-day reality of white privilege that causes daily racism"

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sage. No one cares about your shit country anymore bong. It's irrelevant.

Cant you guys just suicide yourselves already, you dont need to spread this cancer.

Do any of you pussies ever resist this shit or publicly complain?

>publicly complain
better be careful there m8, wouldn't want something to happen you.

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In Canada they are trying this shit and got a huge backlash

this ideology is an American precursor to a future white tax

Isn't that how Richard Spencer got famous?

Canada follows suit...

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probably a fee. like "if you dont complete this whitesplainin' tolerance course, your business will be fined"

>you must take your mandatory ethnomasochism course or else risk losing your job

Why did it have to come to this

Is it because we didn't listen to Hitler

Bristol is the San fran of the UK it's full of hippy retards who a go-to uni their because there's loads of drugs dropouts heroin meth and weed everywhere and believe they are a socialist republic ..it's fucking terrible there . It's not the UK


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I meant Jordan Peterson. Jesus...

I am so fucking ready for WW3 at this point.

>asians want to lecture whites on privilege in the US

When the boomers die off we're going to plummet to sub 40 percent.

boils my blood
at least some are objecting

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Being white in Britain. It's our fucking country.

I swear to fucking god if this specific shit spreads to mainland Europe I'm gonna off myself.

This is literally the only way to make sure niggers get jobs and prop up this dying economy.

But you wiggers want to just ignore the problem.


are all norwegians this funny?

Glad to hear there is resistance. Trudeau really is a trainwreck.

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You clearly haven't paid much attention to your neighbor.

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I wouldn't even call us a country anymore

Just learned I am the UberLeaf. Nice.

But honestly I think they need to go to this level because after 50+ years of work on equality they still can't compete with us. So it must be our fault. It must be.

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hahahah APOLOGIZE to sweden Sup Forums we don't have this draconian soygoy shit here

So, our children are learning how white people are evil, instead of how to do well in important US cybersecurity jobs?

Dont you mean Adolf Hitler?

>many black staff and students are discriminated against regularly, it is claimed

I wonder if they attempt to explain the consistent success of Asian students relative to Blacks within this framework?

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