Why do these weirdos demonize everything?

Why do these weirdos demonize everything?
From a discussion about Amazon alexa
"Heh, someone bought one of those the other day and asked me my opinion on them. Told him I had no desire for one as I value my privacy and don't want something that's always listening.

He responded with the usual "It only listens when you tell it to," yadda yadda nonsense. I wanted to laugh so hard at his naivety, but didn't wanna get written up for it. :p

Ah well. It will take something drastic for people to wake up and realize their mistake in letting these things into your home. We've got smart TV's, video game consoles, smart appliances, smart phones... all listening in to us day and night."

its sad thinking this guy lives in a house surrounded by tinfoil and diddles his taint all day

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>posts from computer using the internet


perfect lol I should add that to the discussion!
why sage, honestly trying to have a half descent discussion here dick

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I’m the only one here. sage again

Look at me.

I’m the OP now.


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fine, bump


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nice blog faggot kys

pretty much proves your stupidity

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Which weirdos are you talking about, and what are they demonizing?
It sounds like you are criticizing them for mocking Alexa, then you go on to trash it yourself (justifiably).
What's your beef user?

Alexa is soy technology

>Wanting a spy device in your own house
These people would be slaves if you made it sound cool and sugarcoat what it actually means

portray as wicked and threatening.
Can you quote where "myself" had trashed it?

I have two, plus an xbox with the camera etc. I don't give a fuck if people listen to me or watch. I'm not a fucking criminal

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We would need to search your hard drive before we believe you aren't a criminal.

got not issues letting law enforcement check my hard drive and any computers I have owned....

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Thank you for your cooperation citizen

What are you hiding?
>t. concerned citizen

Ever said an off color remark privately at home?
>7 years later.
user wins his first congressional race
Black Cube mercanaries pay you a visit and play a tape of you saying "gas the kikes"

You forgot to put a quote mark before 'Ah well', and I read it wrong.
Apparently you are the oblivious fool. You think no-one is going to take advantage of a pre-made wiretap in offices and homes? Cellphones and smart tv's have already been exploited this way by letter agencies.

This is a wake up call for a sleeping CIA cell, be ready for another mass shooting guys.

again I'm not a douche so yea not really worried about myself. I dont say things like that... so there is that.

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You never say anything in your home that could be used as blackmail?
Sometimes it may not even be something out of bounds. Maybe a private policy position. Maybe an affair. Maybe your son did something weird.
There are lots of moments of our lives which are private. Small things have been used to blackmail people. It's easier to tie off the loose listening devices, especially voluntarily, than to control for the chaos of life.

Came here to say this.

Go innawoods retard you have no idea the level of data capture you're involved in. You cannot be on this high horse without a thorough understanding that you are exactly as compromised. Alexa ads little more to the fray.

nah, I mean I come on here and read pol, download porn etc. Have no issue with all of this stuff.

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Yes, yes, good little mongrels, let mossad, mi6, the cia listen and watch you all the time. Let them know everything, why you're not criminals are you? What harm could there be in letting us know what you eat, drink, do, when you sleep, when you leave your home, when you masturbate, when you work out, when you have sex, when you talk to yourself. Good goy

I even have the progressive drivewise plugged into my vehicles obd port! Holy shit

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so you live in a wood box, with no dare I say "INTERNET" no friends, all family dead, no records, you most likely don't go to doctors, no job, no vehicle.
see how ridiculous that sounds.... just stop

so guys this was an interesting conversation. Its quite amazing how so many people sensationalize shit like this. I find it odd and sad that so many spend their lives feeling constant danger from everything. Anyway I gotta go do some painting in the house. Laterzzz

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Would you be okay with transparent walls in your house?
Or speakers that broadcast everything you say?
Don't you value your privacy at all?

>the tip is already in so you shouldn't mind if we put a cameras in your home and record you 24/7.

good goy

Thank you sir, so ... when will I get my computer back? What? You had to delete my docs and pics to check for thought crime? What? You need my phone and tablet now too? INDEFINITELY???

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I assume you know the chance of a federal agency tapping into your data, so here is a concrete example of the dangers of using a home search engine such as Google Home or Alexa.

Let's say you left your computer, filled with loli or traps or other degenerate/illegal garbage on, forever. And you also had a webcam facing that computer, 24/7, never turned off.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't buy a computer. I'm saying you shouldn't have a webcam that is on 24/7, records what you see and what you say, and can be remotely accessed by anyone.

In any case if you want to know how to use something, just fucking use DuckDuckGo. It isn't that hard to type what you're looking for in and get results.

I'd like to think of Alexa as one of those as-seen-on-tv products that are only for lazy fucks and usually don't work.

Thanks for the advert Amascholom.