Every thing you complain about isn't in any way the result of the marxist ideology.
Degeneracy, destuction of the nation state and family values are all driven by Capitalism.
Prove me wrong fags.
Cultural marxism is bullshit
Other urls found in this thread:
Capitalism = human nature
Female hypergamy may be natural but unchecked it destroys the society and so itself. Human nature is capitalism, you are better off fighting for yourself, but only till your society doesnt function anymore and selfdestructs.
In the sense that capitalism will allow Marxism so long as it packages itself in a profitable way, then yes it is all a result of capitalism. In other words, capitalism needs to be throttled by National Socialism if it isn't to spiral into degeneracy.
>capitalism = human nature
Patrirchical socialist hunter gatherer = human nature
Capitalism is just a modern degenerate invention and a corruption of human nature.
But i don't understand how woman behaving like prostitutes and forced immigration to white counties is Marxist.
Seems to me the it is the purest for of capitalism.
Why do our leaders let immigrants, because they are cheap labour for the capitalist.
Why women are displayed as sluts and hores in our media, because they know that showing half naked sluts on some product is going to push a bunch of beta males to buy it.
>spaghetti nigger recites all his marxist brainwashing to the amusement of onlookers
>implying that degeneracy is exclusive to your economic system
Listen retard, people are shit and the best way to curb that is a social fabric to ensure moral behavior, marxism requires the distruction of those to "succeed", capitalism doesnt require that moral destruction to succeed.
>la creatura talks about brainwashing, when he is literally rulled and mindfucked by a bunch of (((capitalist))) that promote the most degenerate culture on the planet
>not understanding the 21 points of marxism and how it uses capitalism as a means to make people hate western ideology
>says the person actively engaging in the benefits of capitalism posting on the internet with a computer system that never would have existed without it
It’s actually driven by the pursuit of individualism
I'm not marxist
But of course you elites have promoted the idea that there is only two alternatives so if someone oposes their degenerate culture has to be a marxist.
Humans are shit, (((they))) tell you so you can't fight against degeneracy because it is a part of human nature.
>because soviet russia didn't have computers, and wasn't on it's way to create internet
But obviously your hoked capitalist lords wouldn't let you know about it
But what is western culture?
Free markets (that promote open borders for cheaper workes), muh individualism (that lets your women to become sluts, and your man to become trannies), rapresentative democracy (allows you to being rulled by (((international))) corporation, and shitskinns from all around the world).
Your master lords want you to believe that this are the values of the west, but their are nothing more then modern bullshit.
No it’s marxism and Jews you dumb nigger you disgrace Italians
you mean judaism?
The PMLI is a communist party, loyal to the teachings of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong, named the five teachers. This movement strives for a proletarian revolution and the establishment of a united, red and socialist Italy. The PMLI believes that Maoism is the highest stage of the workers' movement.
>Because most of the rich capitalist that rule your countrie are not jews
Well fuck me, i gues your masters are really good at brainwashing, or your just to stupid to understend their real plans.
If Sup Forums knew anything, they'd blame the Chicago School.
>capitalism has been around since feudalism ended in the 15th century
>degeneracy and destruction of family values started in the 20th century
>the nation state is a concept that was created centuries AFTER capitalism was created
>somehow capitalism is responsible for this
How are feminism, homosexuality lgbt, socialist and Marxist sympathies in collages, a result of capitalism?
>everyone that i can't argue against is part of a communist conspiracy because my international corporation controlled by jews told me so
You really think people arent at their core evil to one another?
Absolutely all evidence from thr beginning of time supports this, begone cultural Marxist.
Based mexican understands the reality of the situation.
What ethnicity was Milton Friedman?
Jews, due to their highly education-oriented culture, are involved in basically every political/economic/social school of thought. You could find a Jewish socialist, capitalist, anarchist, fundamentalist, or communist. Saying that "this ideology has a Jew involved in it so it's fundamentally Jewish" implies that almost every single ideology on Earth is Jewish.
You're so close. Just go a little deeper and you'll find where to REALLY place the blame.
>mercantilism and industrial capitalism are the same thing
The level of amerimutt education
How much did you pay for your private education again, dear jew slave?
Feminist, fags and trannies are not Marxist
They want individual freedom to do degenerate shit, that was not allowed in any communist nation.
Name one Communist Nation, that was ever in favour of Femminism or Fags, just fucking one.
Women, fag and minorities rights are the result of the degenerate individualist culture promoted by Jewish Capitalism.
>what is mercantile capitalism
Studies done by who?
Most sociologist are jewish
They promote their own bullshit, in order to controll you, and you fall for it.
Every one here thinks that he is a free thinker, but none of you dares to be skeptical of Capitalism (and who is behind it).
Why? Because it was told to you by your teachers, movies and documentaries, that communism is bad. And of course you have to be a good goym and respect the system.
Communist China banned the patriarchal, traditional practice of foot binding because it was "oppressing women". I'd say that's pretty feminist.
My English professor was saying we should read the communist manifesto because it's one of the "greatest works of literature ever written."
>Every thing you complain about isn't in any way the result of the marxist ideology.
This explains why the countries with the largest and most generous welfare states are by far the most ass-kicking and based. Oh wait.
>Degeneracy, destuction of the nation state and family values are all driven by Capitalism.
No. Capitalists simply appeal to existing trends, they do not create them.
>Prove me wrong fags.
Prove yourself right fag and then come back.
Yea some guy hires someone and pay them a wage for work and then the whole fabric of our society goes to shit. Makes perfect sense.
My Leftist professors didn't assign the required anti-white, anti-Western reading that they did because they were driven by "capitalism."
is this supposed to be a bad thing?
Your first point makes no sense, your second point makes no sense as what you say does not in any way disprove what he is arguing, that capitalism is a system that uses the very basest desires of a human being as a means to appeal to and use them, and that the capitalist machine does not care at all about family values, and indeed hurts the making of families by the hiring of women.
>every ideology is contaminated by jews
This is why is critical to think by your self and not fall for the Corporate propaganda.
Who promotes immigration?
Is there any communist partie that wants to bring in the shitskinss in your contrie?
Are Democrats communist, no they are Corporate Shills, this is why they are pro-immigration. If they where commies they would care about the wages of the native workes.
Why do you think that USSR falled, it survived a world war and an economical crisis, but it could not survive the pressure imposed on it by the international jewery.
Have you noticed that China is not entirely communist anymore, it has been under the Jew-Capitalist influence for decades.
OP was arguing that communist nations were never in favor of feminism or homosexuality. I provided a clear counter example, in which Communist China was in favor of feminism against traditional values.
You should read "The Capital", better the original version not contaminated by the American (((Capitalist))).
And don't forget to read "On the Jewish Question" also written by Karl Marx.
Communist nations don't and never did have welfare (that would be socialism).
>existing trends
How weird that they don't exist in primitive cultures, if they are part of human nature.
>some guy hires someone and society goes to shit
No you retard, i'm talking about the (((international))) corporations, if you can't understend the difference between a local business runed by the local people, and Internation Corporations runned by Jews i don't know what to say to you.
But foot binding was already stigmatized and banned in Communist China during the 1950's and 1960's, which is the period during which China was the most communist.
replace with
>tribal family group
socialism for the family and capitalism/warfare for everyone else
In a communist world, there wouldn't even BE nations : communism explicitly calls for a stateless, classless society. How can you claim to be an ethnic nationalist while believing in an ideology that is quite clearly anti-nationalist, anti-racialist?
Capitalism is a tool of cultural Marxism. Even Marx would tell you this, dumb fuckin' Irishman.
"Eurocommunist parties expressed their fidelity to democratic institutions more clearly than before and attempted to widen their appeal by embracing public sector middle-class workers, new social movements such as FEMINISM and GAY liberation and more publicly questioning the Soviet Union."
Communism isn't anti-white.
Now think about it, why would you (leftist) professor go against white people?
Why is there white guilt?
What is the purpuse of it?
I wonder who could benefit from it?
mmmhhh thinking.jpg
Could it be that big (((multinational))) corporations, are paying intelectuals and professors to create a narrative that would benefit them at the expence of the local population?
augusto and giorgio perfetti are literally jewish
In the past Capitalism somehow worked because people had values and morals and their interactions were tempered by those as well as social pressure. Then a certain semitic tribe sank its claws deep into the very fabric of society, slowly destroying it from within like cancer. So Capitalism then became an agent of degeneracy and moral degradation.
Ideologies change with time, you don't have the same form of Capitalism as formulated by Smith.
Also many advocates of International Capitalism, want the destruction of National Identities and Borders, all they want is a World Wide Economy.
led some MARXIST intellectuals to develop a more democratic approach to politics, opposed to what they saw as the centralised and authoritarian politics of the pre-war leftist parties. Those Communists who became disillusioned with the Communist Parties due to their authoritarian character eventually formed the "new left",
>The German-Jewish critical theorist Herbert Marcuse is referred to as the "Father of the New Left". He rejected the theory of class struggle and the Marxist concern with labor. According to Leszek Kołakowski, Marcuse argued that since "all questions of material existence have been solved, moral commands and prohibitions are no longer relevant". He regarded the realization of man's erotic nature as the true liberation of humanity, which inspired the utopias of Jerry Rubin and others.[9] Another prominent New Left thinker, Ernst Bloch, believed that socialism would prove the means for all human beings to become immortal and eventually create God
Just because you have revisionists they are still consider themselves marxists. No go fight your brothers of the new left. The communist party here in my country is losing ground to the dissents of their own party
So you correctly warn against the dangers of international capitalism, but what about international communism? That's a problem as well, correct?
user I...
First Marx, would defently never talk about Cultural Marxism.
Capitalism predates Communism, and it's the Capitalist degeneracy that creates the necessesary conditions for a communist state.
>Patrirchical socialist hunter gatherer = human nature
Maybe when we lived in mud huts for fuck sake
As if Eurocommunist aren't just Capitalist Shills
Go and look of what the communist partie in Russia talks about, you fag!
topkek a whole roast turkey
So european communists aren't "real communists"? Why? They clearly advocate for a socialist economy on the way to communism. I'm beginning to think that your definition of "real communism" is Stalinism and nothing else.
>Every thing you complain about isn't in any way the result of the marxist ideology.
>Degeneracy, destuction of the nation state and family values are all driven by Capitalism.
A little from column A, a little from column B. Capitalism doesn't really have an ideology it's just the market trying to exploit it's surroundings. Cultural marxism however does have an ideology and that ideology is explicitly anti west, anti white, anti intellectualism, anti everything that is good in this world.
So there. I proved you wromg. Stupid wop.
The priority of any national political partie should be the preservation and flourishing of the local ethnic group.
Soviet Russia would never have allowed its own people to be replaced by any one
only nigers lived in shit huts
Capitalists are subverting Marxists for their own ends. The capitalists realized that an international borderless world would actually help them because it would give them an unlimited amount of workers to choose from. Corporations are using marxists to unite the world and drive immigration into 1st world countries so that they have more workers at their disposal.
I'm telling you that there is no such thing as Cultural Marxism.
What you call so, is in reality the interest of (((International))) Corporatons.
>The main ideology and societal organization vs a XXth century fringe theory that collapsed more than 30 years ago.
I don't think miss pink hair it's going full Lenin on you user.
We have checks and balances, cultural marxism looks to undermine those. Fuck you.
Are you claiming that international communism does not exist?
Are you claiming that Stalin's version of communism in the Soviet Union is the only version of communism?
Why do you refuse to condemn international communism?
Gramscians are marxists.
You're just avoiding understanding how the old Marxist vanguard adapted their strategy after their vision for workers of the world uniting plan failed. Johnathan Bowden's vid on this subject is a must: youtube.com
No body denies that the effects of cultural marxism aren't in the interests of (((globalists))).
Part of the reason it is called cultural marxism is because the techniques employed are the same as is bringing about communism.
It is also developed by the same group of (((people))).
Besides, similar things have been going on for a while.
Check out Libido dominandi for an overview from the French revolution until today.
It also goes into some lesser know side effects of implementing communism.
>I'm telling you that there is no such thing as Cultural Marxism.
Everything that BLM and modern feminists preach is based in Marxist ideology.
>Prove me wrong fags
Prove yourself right, dipshit.
all fucking commies must fucking hang, even you, you faggot pasta-eating italian marxist socialist cunt
>in all fields
| en.wikipedia.org
>Since the 1960s, the concept has been closely associated with the New Left and the focus on identity politics and the cultural domain, rather than economics and class struggle (this became especially prominent in the United States and the Western world
torturing women is not a traditional "value"
It is in China, dipshit. What right do you have to judge their culture?
>muh oppressed wymyn!!1!
Go whore yourself out some more, progressive feminist scum.
Is there a international version of communism?
Yes, it exist but it is marginal among the communist of today.
And the people who are promoting and forcing Diversety on the West are not communist, they are international jew-caps (just think about Sorros, do you really think he subscribes to communism, he would lose all his wealth in a communist countrie, he is trying to destebalize and destroy nations for his capitalist profit).
Every thing that is international is cancer
Stalins version isn't the only and it's isn't the best (but it is good enough)
Yes, Capitalism is great for Western Nations:
- they have below replacement birth rates
- forced immigration (by multionation corp.)
- femminism
- gay shit
- trannies
God i'm so happy to live in this society, we made so much (((progress))), the rich are getting richer meanwhile there is 50% unemploiment among young italians.
Nigers and arabs are invading us and raping our women.
But hey at least i can by a COCA-COLA....
>all these edgy retards defending muh capitalism because they're either amerimutts or jew lovers
capitalism is a cancer, free market capitalism is a bigger cancer, individualism is retarded as a political goal and libertarianism is a meme ideology
socialism/communism is not the only alternative to capitalism, there are many others such as distrubutism, corporatism, national syndicalism, strasserism, etc
there is literally nothing wrong with statism, average person is too retarded to manage his own personal freedom
also, regardless of your views on his "solutions" to capitalism, marx's analysis of capitalism is 100% correct in terms of how it works and how it came to be
>blames jews
>makes excuses for communism, whos founders and leaders were all jews
Pick a lane retard
So a Portugese (((self proclamed))) marxist is also gay.
WoW what great logic that totaly made me change my mind, fucking hell, the entire Soviet Russia was against fags, femminism, trannies and immigration.
But since you say that there are some supposed commies that are fags, i guess i'm wrong.
this muse.jhu.edu
marxism was founded by jews, socialism existed before marxism but marxism helped create a concrete socialist theory
God why Americans are the way they are?
Remember Milton Friedman?
Remember Ayn Rand?
Do i have to put the echos for you to understand?
But we aren't allowed to critice it as capitalism, cause criticism it's a marxist invention or something.
Therefore all those issues are proxy caused by someone in the USSR that died 50 years ago.
facts lol
Yes it’s a little more complex than Marxism = degeneracy of the modern world.
For one thing under the shitheel yuppie boomers Marxism have co-opted capitalism. Think about it: Shitheel boomers started out as radical left Marxist hedonists in the late 60s then transitioned to ultra selfish capitalist shitheel yuppies in the 1980s, retaining their Marxist lack of morals and anti-Christianity. Later during the Clinton years these fucks took full control of the culture and started really started amping up both the Marxist degeneracy and the capitalist greed.
So here we are today, the peak of the boomer shitheap enjoying the worst of both worlds they enabled for the West. The answer is certainly not “more Marxism” as anyone who follows Sweden or Britain understands. The answer is Trad, libertarianism, protectionism, nationalism.
so I had a semester long class called "Manwom in a Wom's World" because of capitalism?
>Every thing that is international is cancer
Well, at least we can agree on one thing.
A lot of capitalists are Jews, but a lot of communists are Jews too. Like I stated before, Jews are a very politically active people.
Fuck marxism. Fuck jews. Same shit. Call me anti semite.
>blm and feminism are the product of a doctrine that wants to protect the workes rights and white nations against the international jewish capitalism
citation needed
Feminism is the result of an individualist culture, promoted by capitalism.
BLM is just a distraction for white american, meanwhile banks and big corps. fuck you in the ass.
Stop trying to argue with them user. Sup Forumsfags are too afraid of le marxist boogeyman.
yes. because it is in capitalist interest to create a society of brainless retards with no identity who only exist to serve massive corporations and consume their products without dissenting
Such degenerate shit would not be allowed in Soviet Russia
Why is this shit promoted?
Because women have been transformed into selfish idiots by capitalism, and they don't want to sacrifice them selves for family or nation anymore.
So now there is a market for lonely and desperate women, who need to express their frustration and anger on someone (man in this case).
This is how feminism was created.
And it is promoted as a distraction for the masses, meanwhile the rich jews become richer every day. And nobody discusses the real issues.
>le marxist boogeyman
They think that they are skeptical of everything, and they are free thinkers.
But then they can't even consider the idea that maybe their oppinions in regards to communism is the result of being brainwashed by the jewish international corporations (media, education).
To Sup Forums sticking it to le ebil lefties and voting for (((Republicans))) makes them counterculture freethinkers. This is par for the course for these low IQ mongrels.
I'm seeing an awful lot of this shit being posted today. hmm...
>international, industrial, progressive capitalism is bad
>this means that Soviet communism is good
Most of their intellectual leaders are fags
Millenial Woes is a fag
Greg Johnson is a fag
Richard Spence (probably bisexual) he says that fagotry is part of western culture, remember the greeks and shiett
Gay-Nazi-Feudal-Space-Empire when?