Spent last night reading quite long about different cases where animals attack humans with intend of preying (not self-defense). I found it interesting that even when genders dont really exist and women and men are same (according liberals). Majority of these cases tigers, lions, leopards, wolves, bears etc choose to attack only/mainly women and children. Are these wild animals sexist or something?
Spent last night reading quite long about different cases where animals attack humans with intend of preying (not...
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Not sexist. Animals tend to hunt the weakest because it’s easier. Lions tend to pick young, old or slow wildebeest. Cheetahs are the same with gazelles.
Jaguars are different, hunting crocs and shit. Absolutely savage.
>pussy eats pussy
it's just like my cartoons
But thats sexist women are just as strong as men (maybe even stronger). So why would these animals regulary choose women and children as prey and almost never adult males? Only reason has to be sexism.
Umm sweety? Gender is a social construct and completely fluid. Stop being a bigot and taking about gender like it's set in stone because that is rude
I like you! No really, it is not about bodily strength, a predator may not really guess how strong a human would be and they pick their fights carefully. It is about size. Smaller prey is easier to handle and on average women are smaller than men ... of course children therefore are even better.
Women bleed. Whether they actually are or not, they give off a wounded scent.
just like in the wild where theyd rather chose the easy baby gazelle kill then a big male.. in other news the sky is blue and grass is green
They seem to be racist, too. They rarely attack white people:
In the mammalian world, herbivorous females tend to be weaker and smaller than their male counterparts. Does are much smaller than stags, bills are bigger than cows etc. This is also true for apes, therefore in humans too.
jaguars are central/south american you dunce
that be a leopard
women scream and bring attention to themselves. Kid means dessert.
Well aware. I’m just specifying an outlier.
But thats sexist women are just as good, strong and capable as men (usually even more). I think we should do something about this sexism that these wild animals practice.
I just read how almost all wolf attack done in preying intention target children and women and never adult males. I smell patriachy here.
The thing about this isn't even that they're targeting women and children because they're weaker or smaller. Wild animals will attack animals that are several times larger than humans.
The reason they tend to target women and children is because they can't contain their emotions. If you freak out and you start running, you are far more likely to be targeted than if you stand your ground and deal with the situation with a level head.
Women simply have the emotional stability of a child.
Can an adult human male defeats a lion, bear or whatever predator without weapon?
not by a longshot
Not really but if we talk seriously biggest danger for predator is always risk of injury. Thats why they minimize risk when attacking prey. Thing is that even animals can regocnize size and strenght difference in human males and females.
that happens all the time in africa actually
even the hippos eat people, theyre worse than the crocs. hyenas can crush bone with their jaws...
men are pack persistence hunters. Our advantage is that we can walk and run for very long without exhausting when compared to most animals we used to hunt prior to gunpowder.
Predators are attracted to the menstrual fluid
They can and have, but it's extremely unlikely to happen. These animals can kill you in seconds.
this is only because whites killed off dangerous animals where they live.
big cats kill cubs of other big cats because predators are in competition
Good read brown bear fucking up japanese village.
Also there are good reads also about leopards in asia coming inside houses throu thatched roofs (even during modern times) and killing and grabbing kids or wife for snack.
I knew of this guy who fended off a lion by hitting it with a log. he kept the log as a memento. my friends grandpa got mauled by a lion but managed to escape and climbed up a tree, tied himself to the tree and passed out from blood loss, park rangers found him unconscious like that in the tree, the hard bastard survived.
Totally sexist and it's not okay! Those animals will be prosecuted for hate crimes.
what the fuck that's the most bullshit story I've ever heard where would you even encounter a lio
>looks at flag
what kind of animals do you get in Japan?
>choose to attack only/mainly women and children. Are these wild animals sexist or something?
Its because the animal identifies them as smaller, easier targets
Boars, bears, tanuki, and Chinese
That's right. Women (male) are just as strong as men (male).
yep, fast food
based jap
the meat taste like special snowflake
the cretins of the jungle
A Japanese dude once fended off a bear attack, with karate. Didn't kill it or anything, just punched it in the face until it fucked off. Mind you, it was a Japanese bear, so it was comparatively small. But then again, the nip was 63, so that's still pretty impressive.
goddamn hyenas are big as shit
the Japs dont fuck around when its bushido time
>even the hippos eat people
Do they actually eat people? I thought they just killed them for trespassing on rightful hippo clay
Male Hippos in rut will eat meat.
Well a Russian man fought off a bear with a computer and another russian man took out a boar with a sink...
hippos are cunts
Well a Russian man fought off a bear with a computer and another russian man took out a boar with a sink...
Kyokushin karate is the style I trained in, when I was younger. Somehow I never heard the story of Mas Oyama's bullfights when I was studying. When I learned about it later, I said "holy fuck, I have to know what style he practiced so I can learn that shit".
>mfw I already did
forgot pic
Women and children are smaller.
A friend of mine is professional diver. He says that most sharks will look at you and realize that you are to big for them.
He also said he is more afraid of dolphins because if they want to play they might drag you down and you will die due to the rising pressure.
Kyokushin, Judo and Jujitsu are good, I do mma, Muay Thai and Jujitsu.
To a predator women and children and lazy brown people decent prey, with white men it's a coin toss between who is eaten for dinner.
No. Women fetch the water.
>Predators are sexist
This is the framework you want to go with?
Its only explanation because clearly women are just as strong as men (or possible even stronger). With gender equality I found it problematic that there is clear statistic proof that these wild animals target women.
the fact that so many people took this seriously shows how much cancer is on Sup Forums
Its because the animals are ugly virgins who hate woman because they cant get laid.
I read a factoid some time ago, Indian farmers/peasants began wearing halloween masks backwards while they were working, tiger attacks fell by 80% or an equally huge margin.
Turns out tigers don't stalk & attack you if you're watching them. Same as cat cats I guess.
Some Bulgarian dude was attacked by a bear and ended up choking it to death. Killed a bear with his bare hands. Heh.
Read about this sixth sense humans have that is often described when a big cat is stalking you. Described as a feeling of being watched. Countless YouTube videos demonstrating how even caged cats instinctively begin to stalk as soon as you turn your back to them. The Savannah isn't wooded so it's easy to see the way prides follow Buffalo and gazelle. Thing is cougars in North America do the exact same thing but are so well hidden and camoflauged by brush. Atleast half of the missing411 cases are done by cougars in America. These solo hikers/joggers, campers are really risking their lives. They'll catch scent and follow you for miles. Find you and paralell pace your trail until they reach and ambush point. Snap your neck , run full speed 3 miles uphill and your picked clean in under 12 hours
>Countless YouTube videos demonstrating how even caged cats instinctively begin to stalk as soon as you turn your back to them.
A domestic cat did the same to me. I spooked her, then turned away and she followed me. What the fuck man.
There's a mma fighter who trains by wrestling bears on the daily.
He's white btw
nigga are you retarded, men are more likely to be at work or in the fields together while women are watching the kids in the village. Lions obviously going to go for the women and kids because they are scattered more (individual families at their homes vs many men working at a factory, field, whatever, all in the same place) and also of course physically weaker. Wouldn't be surprised if they are mostly going for children and the women just incidentally get in their way
Pretty sure most mma fighters wrestle "bears".
Because women and children smell better.
Its usually men wandering in woods for cases of tigers, bears and wolves but still women and children are almost exclusively victims of these preying attacks.
I want to be dressed in up in full impenetrable futuristic body armor and engage in physical combat with a lion. this should be a sport of the future
do it naked, casual.
Underrated. That just made me laugh. Top kek Ivo.
bulgarian tourist detected
OP is trolling but the reason that feminist women/men are so retarded is that they are infected with an incurable virus which changes mating/maternal habits in women, causes men to suffer from low testosterone and implodes society
basic gestalt:
>its a virus
>strains of it have existed forever
>ancient ruins and mythology depict it as a warning of what it is, how it manifests, who it effects, and how destructive it is
>it seems to start to naturally show itself when a civilization starts to build dense cities/industrialize
>women stop wanting to have kids, only want foreign men, hate males
>everyone turns degenerate/pedo/gay/trans
>society collapses everyone goes down with it
>cia/paperclipped gnatzis figured out what it was and identified a strain
>it was weaponized
>it was released in the nigger ghettos of america and poorer areas of western europe in the 70's
>today whites are infected as shit
>it is sometimes being administered in soyboy food products like starbucks drinks
>all feminists have it
>the only cure is lead
Further reading:
>Birth control causes frontal lobe brain damage, as well as other things like infertility, cancer and depression
>Steinem's history with the CIA and use of the femin virus on American black communities
>The Bronze Age collapse was caused by a femin outbreak
The Feminist is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a nationwrecker, whore, roastie, slut, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But tell her that she has an incurable virus and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
>demographic most in favor of abortion: liberal women
>least in favor: conservative women
>Even Women Didn't Want To Give Women the Vote
>If women got the vote, they would have to serve in the army and on juries. There would be fewer children but more divorce. Men would become less chivalrous and reverent of womanhood.
>Women would take up men's occupations, and men would take up women's occupations; the result, according to an antisuffrage booster, would be a "race of masculine women and effeminate men and the mating of these would result in the procreation of a race of degenerates."
>"If women achieve the feministic idea and live as men do," wrote a male doctor who opposed female suffrage, "they would incur the risk of 25% more insanity than they have now."
>Of the 535 members of the 108th Congress, only 73, or less than 14%, are women. All but six of America's 50 governors are men.
RIP Aniki
nakamura coming with the bants
Can we meme this and get this to go viral with the useful idiot sjws?