tfw Conservashits call me marxists

> tfw Conservashits call me marxists

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Other urls found in this thread:

>everything i don't like is cultural marxism

Left can’t meme

This board is called politically incorrect.

>only the left hates Jordan B. Memeson

good to know seeing that this board is full of bootlickers.

everything I don't like literally is marxism though


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Peterson is a dishonest jew lover. Fuck him.

Ironic coming from a skinny little faggot who calls anything he doesn't like "fascist"

They're not incorrect in that everything I hate IS cultural marxism.

I still cannot understand what cultural marxism is.

Nice thesis. This will truly change the way people see him

applying critical theory to ethnic groups instead of income classes, that's all their is
whites are the eternal bourgeois and brown people the eternal proletariat

Left can't meme

Egalitarianism's current phase.

The left cant meme but also Peterson is a hackish cult leader serving the establishment.

>not understanding the current political climate is structured to be marxist with social prospects and identity politics

Fuck you nigger

> free trade
> not marxist

Ice pick yourself my dude

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It isn't cultural marxism it is just Marxism.

Cultural marxism is the new age shit where culture is homogenized in order for new ideas to be accepted.

I.e. japan after ww2 or south korea after the Vietnam war. The US homogenized their culture and pumped in the artificial idea of consumerism to fit capitalism in.

If you believe the differences in man is caused by the accesses to resources then you are a Marxist. If you don't believe race is the major contributor to difference in culture you are a Marxist. You conclusion doesn't have to be communism to be a Marxist. Your false premise is what makes you a Marxist.

That's called critical race theory it's purely and American Cancer thinking that came out during the 80's.
Seriously everything that comes from the USA lately most be eliminated and destroy including music.
Pic related Argentina under neo burger influence

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>everything i dont like is marxism

It was a neo-Marxist ideology that evolved over time, starting with in the interwar period. There was a Marxist think tank called The Frankfurt School where Marxist intellectuals like Marcuse, Adorno, Horkheim, Lucaks, ect. all theorized on marxism. Both why it failed to take hold in the west, and also pointing out flaws in the Soviet Union.

The main idea to come out of this school was "critical theory" which was about examining culture and society as a whole for these sort of power dynamics. So instead of the original marxist idea of the bourgeoisie oppressing the proles, it simple expanded on that idea, that women were oppressed by men, gays by straights, ect.

It basically just examines culture to point out why people hate marxism, and theorizes that it is because in a society with a free market, these memes seep into the culture that 'brainwash us' into hating marxism and loving capitalism. Its MARXISM that examines CULTURE, therefore, Cultural Marxism

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Fucking leftists will never be able to meme

>critical theory is american
No, its a european ideology that was formed in Germany.

Why are leftist memes alwaysso god damn wordy. If you cant get your point across in only few words you need a blog not a fucking meme

Here's a handy guide for you, OP. You're being called a Marxist likely because you are showing all the signature traits of a Marxist.

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This is a good explanation.

I would just add that since Postmodernism and Marxism are both tightly woven, especially in academia, it's all a power struggle for them. So, if they convince themselves that the only reason Western people hate communism is brainwashing, then brainwashing of their own brand is the only way to fight against it.

OP is a faggot and all fucking commies must fucking hang
shoo shoo soros

> No inner lip tattoos

> American culture

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It says it's of American origin

>Jordan Peterson got popular
>now Sup Forums LARPs about hating him

>implying it's not /leftypol/ and various shills attempting to character assassinate him

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Conservashits has to be the cringiest name the left have come up with yeah? It's weak as fuck

>Few weeks ago
>fuckton of Peterson hate threads
>The whole Israel-Poland situation happens
>no Peterson hate threads
>Plenty of anti-Poland, pro-Israel threads
>Israel-Poland situation blows over
>no anti-Poland, pro-Israel threads
>Peterson hate threads start popping up again
(((pure coincidence)))

This. I don't like Marxism and I'm calling about it

no, Im just saying critical theory was born out of Germany. All the offshoots of it evolved where ever.

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>Most of the members of the Institute for Social Research were of Jewish descent.
OK this is all I need to know

this potato gets it
capped for every shill anti-Peterson thread these faggots start

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Explain to me how alledgedly
>cultural marxism
isnt just plain old enlightenment-liberalism and humanism?

protip: you cant

>profile pic is literally Marx

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The very core of the ideas are COMPLETELY opposite. Enlightenemnet era liberalism was all about the individual, whereas cultural marxism is all about the group.

So take a poor black kid whos doing shit in school. The Classic Liberal idea would be that this kid specifically needs to focus on school work to get better grades. The Cultural Marxist idea would be that he is doing poorly because of systemic racism in the school system, which must be over turned through blah blah blah.

Peterson is a liberal, and all the socialist and cultural marxist hate him for calling out their bullshit

So where do they differ on the right to dye your hair green, fuck yourself in the ass with a dildo, proclaim yourself the sixteenth gender, demand to be called "xir" and organize twitter boycots?

Hint: absolutely fucking nowhere.

>proclaim yourself the sixteenth gender, demand to be called "xir" and organize twitter boycots?
Cultural Marxist want to make it an illegal human rights violation to deny this, while the liberal would oppose such legislation as a violation of the freedom of speech (core liberal ideal not found in any strand of socialism) Also, the Liberal appeal to reason and logic would lead one to actual biologist which would question the "muh pronouns" thing while the cultural marxist would shill such things from a purly dogmatic ideology stand point. Vid very related, it highlights your scenario perfectly

also, who gives a fuck about people dying their hair?

socialists truly can't stop thieving can they



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Well shit you sure convinced me with this well thought out post full of evidence and reason.

>I think it's ok to take things that don't belong to me because I have less

you're an inhuman marxist and the only thing that permits you to live is the blood you suck from real people

ITT: FRagile SQW chuds

>Cultural Marxist want to make it an illegal human rights violation to deny this, while the liberal would oppose such legislation as a violation of the freedom of speech (core liberal ideal not found in any strand of socialism)

So the thing that sets "cultural marxism" apart is pretty much hate-speech laws and things like affirmative action? Pretty much all the other alledged degenerate behavior that Sup Forums rages against is well within what a plain old humanist would defend as expressions of individual freedom and personal choice..

>Also, the Liberal appeal to reason and logic would lead one to actual biologist which would question the "muh pronouns" thing while the cultural marxist would shill such things from a purly dogmatic ideology stand point.

Or a humanist or liberal could appeal to reason arguing that words are just words and people can call themselves whatever they damn well please and be respected within reasonable bounds as a matter of common courtesy.

when misgendering is a criminal offense punishable by fine it's no longer common courtesy

lol pic is rite

>Pretty much all the other alledged degenerate behavior that Sup Forums rages against is well within what a plain old humanist would defend as expressions of individual freedom and personal choice..
yes. No one would make it illegal to go against want some edgy pathological teenager on an anime image board finds offensive.

>matter of common courtesy.
yeah, but they wouldnt send you to prison over it.

It isnt

It is in Canada and New York

It's not Americans or Germans, it's jews. At most the Americans can be blamed for allowing in all the Frankfurt School jews as the Nazis and Fascists were kicking them out of Europe.

Although I guess u can blame the Germans for not immediatly shooting the kikes on the spot and allowing them to run

Had to google that. As I understand it, that law covers how you're allowed to interact with people when you're in a certain position (e.g. employer, landlord, government employee).

You're still allowed to call anyone what the fuck you like in your free time as a private citizen. There are already numerous things that would be preposterous to regulate for private citizens that is perfectly fine - or necessary even - to regulate for people in certain roles & positions.

An obvious example is accepting gifts. You can end up in jail for years for doing that if you have a certain job. "Cultural marxists" didnt invent that one...

"Critic" wasn't born with the critical theory school.

And there's absolutely nothing in common between the two things in your pic, besides the fact that you slapped the word marxist in the second one.

For starters Marx never used the word "homophobic" and this the fundamental core of american cultural revindicative capitalism.

I think it's pretty good desu

Jesus, I'm no Adorno expert but even I know this is wrong

Delightfully vague

Not even close

A lot warmer but not quite there.

Basically, they saw the USSR as not living up to the promise of Communism. Instead of concluding Communism was BS, they decided to blame the culture itself and seek arguments for how Englightenment culture was the problem. The possiblity that the Enlightenment was OK and Communism was bullshit was a priori excluded.

To be clear, it's not about the free market per se, it's about how the Enlightenment makes even Communism not work. But yes, it is an extension of Communist theory to the examination of the cultural idea first, rather than a belief in technological determinism or whatever the Leninists were into.

>necessary even - to regulate for people in certain roles & positions.

Get the fuck outta here kike nigger fag shill

Also, /thread

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Jordan Bederson is a lefty.

Literally the whole of the US constitution does nothing except regulate stuff for people in certain roles and positions, but you wouldnt know dear jungle soccer mongrel

So you firmly believe that "cultural marxism" isn't just capitalists living in cultural capitalism that decided that they should do something for the less privileged using capitalism?

Any jew promoted ideology, whatever it is, is good for them bad for every one else.
Communism could actually be benefical if no jews were involved.
Focusing on the content of "marxism" is as dumb a bull attacking the cape.
You must have a very low IQ.

>dont call me marxist!
>Marx is avatar
Kek, the irony

>twitter's name is ClassicCommie
yeah gee, wonder if he's leftist or not

>rejected & fragile broflakes
christ, leftists are so bad at this

> tfw
back to tumbleddit buddy

No because it isnt. You clearly have no clue what you are talking about. I suspect youre a leftypol shitposter who seeks to muddy the waters around this issue. This blaming cultural marxism on liberalism and/or capitalism is a go to meme argument for leftist

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Let's recapitulate.

This people, are born into capitalism, under capitalist countries, they use capitalism for everything, ranging from wiping their ass to approach geopolitical issues, they buy sell and overall participate of trade.

They see a problematic inside their own capitalist culture, and using the same capitalist means ( they don't have access to others) they try to solve the issues.

I'm sorry but I fail to see how them using slogans and reading some books change their material conditions.

Unless capitalism it's a social construct and can be changed at will.

His ideology is shit, but a lot of what he says is verifiable. His talk about a lack of rules regarding women in the work place and Holywood promoting degeneracy is spot on.
We all knew this all along, but he actually present arguements containing causation and a valid method.

>Dude just toss bro into a word to make in an insult lmao

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Thats not what is happening at all. Again, you have no idea what you are talking about.

The Frankfurt School was a Marxist think tank

Adorno, Marcuse, Lucaks, Horkheim, ect. were all Marxist

Critical Theory is a Neo-Marxist idea.

You clearly havent done your homework.

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>twitter handle

Unlike you I actually read those people, Adorno and Marcuse were euro trash and lived and acted as such, their ideology reflects the internal issues of academy more than the material conditions of the capitalist world.

The issue with niggers today is that they rob to buy fancy shoes.

That's a capitalist issue, if their problem was famine, that would be marxist.

See here the level of intellect marxists possess. Can't even come up with their own insults.

Only dishonest faggots and intellectual weaklings oppose JBP - I'm not saying he's any sort of messiah, just that anyone who is upset by the sorts of things he says, should be rolled over ASAP..

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Yeah, youre speaking pure drivel that has nothing at all to do with the topic at hand.

I'm sorry but most the things you consider "cultural marxism" simply don't exist in communism, like stamped t-shirts.

i love how they're so lacking in self awareness of the current political climate that they don't see that they are the ones trying to maintain the current status quo

instead of simply following the popular meme format and making a funny meme, they always try to shoehorn those words into it and it capsizes the format

disappointing desu
from far away it looked like a funny meme but it's actually just a buttmad leftie having a hissy fit

>he thinks it's a LARP
>he's this in denial about his meme messiah being disliked by some on Sup Forums

That's not /leftypol/ you insolent newfaggot, that's Sup Forums on infin ity chan.

>inb4 those ebil nazis on inf inity chan are out to stop the BASED zionist psychologist eceleb

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It was real in your mind, user.

Is it really *this* devastating to your worldview that you have to concoct delusions such as this to assure yourself that it couldn't possibly be the case that people on Sup Forums do not agree with Peterson? Toppest of keks lad.

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>capping his own posts

You didn't read that initial wave of threads closely enough. They were not ordinary hate threads. They were sophisticated consensus cracks designed to solidify Peterstein support among the normalfags who lurk here by painting anons who expose him as unreasonable neo-nazis.
If you can't read between the lines, you shouldn't be posting here.

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What was unreasonable about anything that was posted? Care to post some quotes so we can make up our own minds?

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they can't even come up with their own insults. they have to steal ones used against them and repurpose them.

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Marxist faggots who cheer jail time for thought crime offenses don’t get to whine about anti-marxists.

what about pic related? Hopefully it is to your liking.

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Just call them Jews it makes it easier. You're just doing there work for them when you blame weimerica. We can easily pass the buck to Germany for letting the rootless cosmopolitans escape.

>Who could behind these post.
>The left can't meme.

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EVERYONE I DON'T LIKE IS A [insert phrase]

it's not a difficult meme and they still managed to fuck it up


>equality of opportunity vs. equality of outcome

is this a left mem? wow, so original