Other urls found in this thread:
... Cawfee
We finally broke her.
Trips confirm.
I'm still tired.
It's fun, but please don't make this thread daily since Gochiusa thread need a lot of thinking & creativity to reply.
How much time do you need to think creatively enough to reply?
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand GochiUsa.
is this the gochiUzbekistan general?
Trips of high intelligence.
You guys are retarded.
>says the retarded
Your threads are dumb.
who /intelligent/ here?
These threads are on another level.
I don't mean to brag, but i did watch Monotagari for the story.
watch out, we have a real smart person in here
>tfw IQ so high i'm literally turning into a rabbit myself
feels good man
Only true intelligents like Gochiusa.
You're just angry because you can't cut the cake.
this might not be the right thread to ask but were Roze and Rize the same person?
Roze is Rize's phantom.
Two souls sharing same body.
>He doesn't run out of Gochiusa new meme idea
Are you even human though?
no u
is there a version with sharon or chiya?
only got these
thank you so much, do you also have the chiya one?
Sadly, Chiya version doesn't exist. she only drew those 4
Whats the context of this?
we just dont know
gochiusas' last trip
That was the last time user's wife Chino was seen alive.
they made Las Vegas look like a fucking joke
jween tea
gwew tet
But she's by me.
She was later seen dead numerous times, thought.
>my dear last trip
They appeared in the same picture separately in the manga, so they must be different!
By me.
the rabbits as seen by the creator of Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou. she's a weird person, and it shows in her art.
I'm going to MARRY my girlfriend Sharo-chan!
Same person, different personality.
Why is coffee dark?
If your favorite usagi is:
Cocoa: Your IQ is 100-110
Sxaro: 110-120
Chino, Maya, or Megu: 120-130
Rize: 130-140
Chiya: 140+
Dark like a cup of Chino
i would drink a cup of Chino if you know what i mean
with sygar?
By me?
How intelligent do you have to be to obtain Blue Mountains like Aoyama?
By you.
What the hell are these threads? They are borderline [s4s]
You mean borderline genius.
Who is this?
Are you people even laughing anymore or are you just going through the motions?
The only good threads on Sup Forums anymore.
Gochiusa threads are like old Sup Forums. Just a bunch of intellectuals having fun.
Such a similar digits
Such a different opinions
Nice, Rize and Chiya are literally my two favorites.
I thought Cocoa is literally the smartest and so are her fans
Good taste and good image.
I failed to get a diploma from high school , dropped out from college once, and I'm a proud Gochiusa fan. Cocoa is my favorite btw.
I'd like some more kafuu chino.
>tfw no Chiya and Rize threesome doujin
Meanwhile Chino doujin No. 103 just got scanned recently
So was Bill Gates and Einstein.
Proud Gochiusa fan here
I graduated Army basic training at Ft Jackson and am now undergoing AIT for 91B at Ft Lee.
Rize best girl. I wish I could go to the range with her and fire M249s
How do i become ASIAN enough to DATE Chiya?
Samarkand in 1220.
How were you admitted to college without a diploma?
Give up. She already has a man (me). I'm literally the perfect asian man for Chiya.
Por mim.
We can still get into college without it. We have tests similar to SAT, they matter more to colleges.
I just want a new Rize doujin to fap to, Sup Forums.
I wonder if the covfefe puzzle was just Trump saying that Cocoa is best girl in a way that would elude the Hillary camp.
I self insert as Cocoa