The state of Engl*nd
The state of Engl*nd
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jesus christ its getting worse and worse
>no guns
>flooded with immigrants
>get jail time for shitposting
>age limit on soda
aldous huxley was right
Lol mountain dew gaymers btfo
Age limit of high caffeine soda is opposed to what Huxley wrote. In his world, the soda would be laced with drugs and it would be marketed and sold everywhere.
Part and parcel would have been funnier.
I'd gladly see soda (except carbonated mineralwater) banned completely. Tastes like shit, costs alot, and is bad for your health. Most people are incapable of making decisions for themselves, and if the state is supposed to catch their healthcare cost then the people should follow the regulations the state gives.
>no barqs rootbeer
>Shariah courts
>Pakistani grooming gangs are the norm, parents get arrested for trying to stop their kids getting raped
>TV license
>CCTV everywhere (controlled by Chinese gov)
>"Bin that knife!"
>Part and parcel would have been funnier.
Fix it and make it then.
There's more caffeine in tea, than soda. People develop health problems from consuming the sugar, not the caffeine.
I hope whoever took that has a picture takin loicense
Not a joke, bin that coke.
So is underaged soda drinking illegal, or just purchasing it? Could anyone over 16 order a soda for someone under 16 in a restaurant? If some 14 year old handed me cash and asked me to pick them up a coke, would it be illegal for me to do so?
soda should be illegal for everyone. when i go out in public, everyone is a FAT FUCK. If you're not a FAT FUCK, you're unhealthy looking greasy slob. don't pretend you're any better yurope, don't pretend you're any whiter. People are too irresponsible to make their own decisions, so the law must do it for them. Soda should be banned.
>perfectly salted
This is the least of our problems. I'm actually a lot happier knowing less people are drinking this shitty, overpriced, yank sugar water.
>People are too irresponsible to make their own decisions, so the law must do it for them
Go back faggot
Here's a good one >IT'S NO JOKE
>tfw no maria to make me the perfect sauce
Lol this shit is unreal. What a nightmarish country.
So this means that buying coffee and tea is also banned for minors?
Amerifats have it so much better with their access to pancreatic cancer and crippling obesity.
Western Europe has never been as ripe for war.
This. For once Britain is doing someone not retarded.
Nobody wants to look at your blubber lolberg.
>needs ID to buy a coke
Tfw when 23 and have to show id when buying fucking soda cause cashier thinks your underage
our youth are bordering on yank tier in terms of obesity at this point
15 year olds are better off being healthy than having muh freedumbs
Triggered fat fuck mutt detected
At least the girls will stay slim running away from paki gang rapists.
you have to be over 16 to buy your poison, the shit shouldn't even be on the shelves.
>Nobody wants to look at your blubber lolberg.
Yeah you're jealous!
goddamn i love the reflection of that image
drink more nigger sperm in the water
But that's an EU-mandated law. Not a UK law.
Define drugs. Because as far as I'm concerned, that much sugar is just as bad as any narcotic.
The caramel coloring in sodas and food is a known carcinogenic, as is Aspartame and all the artificial sweeteners.
it's not "illegal" you fucknut
this is a rule set up by certain supermarket chains
meanwhile in the usa, pic related. complete with "helpline" for desperate confused fatties
>wtf I love the government telling me what I can and can't do
>WTF Why arent you letting your children to become fat
State of mutts
yanks have literally no place to speak when it comes to interracial crimes, you complete mong
>15 years
Jesus, you should just shoot one of the terrorists at that point.
Jesus fucking christ. I tried to buy a can of monster last night and I had to get IDd on the self checkout. I was wondering why. This country is a fucking joke.
literally whiter than you cheddar man
Alcohol is much worse. Kills around 90,000 people in the united states each year. Destroys families, kills other people who don't drink themselves, including children. I'm sure you'll argue that alcohol has some sort of cultural significance or some bullshit to justify why it should be legal, and soda illegal. The truth is you're biased because you drink one and not the other. Also arguing for a nanny state instead of freedom is pretty fucking retarded.
>don't worry m8s things will get better sometime
>better just do nothing until then
>56% being this cocky
i cant fathom this being unironic
I unironically agree with this. Tbh I think it should go a step further and require pictures and warnings of products containing high sugar content to display what could happen to you if you consume to much. Similar to how cigarettes have cancer patients all over them.
Yo bongs! Hit me up if you want some of the good stuff if you know what I mean wink wink. I've got double recrystallized straight from the chink chemical plant, and 'brown suga' garage lab extract. Bitcoins and sexual favours accepted.
>Fighting higher taxes is bad
Literally the reason america exists. Fuck feds man.
no, it's why do you need the gov't or at the very least a store chain to restrict it to have personal responsibility
i would go a step further and weigh anyone in education yearly like they do in japan
if you have a national health service then your obesity is bordering on theft
There is also a new sugar tax to deal with that
Its the same here with energy drinks
It's not cocky when we BTFO of your meme empire twice, and had to bail you out from the Germans twice.
your country wasn't 1/4 mexican during those events you halfwit
Right. I'm a fucknut because I didn't understand, so I asked questions instead of making assumptions. Next time I'll be sure to answer my own questions before I ask them, thanks.
I hope they are gathering that ID so they know who to line up and shoot.
If you're gonna poison yourself at least do it with a right wing poison like red bull.
Yet you live in a literal shithole because you have "white guilt" from your colonial days! Sad! Oh yeah, how's that Brexit working out for you, cuck?
kek does the government not know its fuckin itself over by makin people healthier
>jumping all over the place with non-arguments
>meanwhile 30% obese and 56% white
I'll remember this next time I need caffeine and palpitations after work. Thanks user.
It is not about the sugar you Numbskull, what part of HIGH CAFFEINATED drinks you don't understand? Nobody is banning Sprite or Fanta.
Yeah, we're fat and we know it. What's you point?
Good, to be honest. Fuck coke.
It is not the caffeine that causes obesity. Am I surrounded by morons?
This, unironically. What in the fuck, America. Your law system is laughable. But we are all suffering at this time.
The state is the parent now.
>i would go a step further and weigh anyone in education yearly like they do in japan
I didn't know they did this. I've been wondering if this would have a positive effect here in the States. Perhaps not, as they'd have to fire 50% of my kids' school employees. Thanks for the reference.
>Am I surrounded by morons?
Brits are by definition morons.
>children arent allowed to buy literal poisen
nothing wrong with it
>be a child in britbongistan
>cant buy soda
>cant have a butter knife
>can get raped by pakis and police will cover it up because they dont wanna be racist
AWESOME COUNTRY LMAO was it worth to "win" ww2?
a can contains about 100mg caffeine, same as a regular non-faggot cup of coffee
In England, that word is hate speech and will get you a minimum of 15 years in jail.
who cares, its stopping them drinking sugary drinks
Are those 7.5lbs? Fuckin yolked
Still whiter than future members of your royal family.
So, ban coffee and tea?
they measure waistlines of all citizens, i believe if men's are larger than 34" then you have to go to counselling and the company you work for will be fined
>Minimum purchase age on soda
>Because of the caffeine
Does this extend to tea?
If doobs anime, video games and hydrogenated vegetable oil also banned.
>hijab-wearing police woman tries to stop you
>pull off her hijab
>she dies
>run away
He's a big guy
Not at all. Are you really this stupid that you don't know the difference between sugar and caffeine? What do you think there is caffeine in all soda drinks?
I would say give tax rebates to anyone not clinically overweight. But I live in canada where healthcare is payed for by taxes, so in the states it would not make sense.
>oi bruv where's your tea license innit
Oi mate, thats offensive to dogs, ya hear? A few weeks in the slammer'll set ya straight!
$1.17 tax on a 2 liter bottle of soda? That's pretty steep as taxes go. More than doubles the price in many cases. I wonder what the maximum tax percentage for cigarettes has been?
Holy shit this projection.
>cops in hijabs
Let's apply British logic here: Who the FUCK let them outside?!
to be fair, he harrassed them multiple times and was doing a lot more than that. the bacon part just made a nice headline. but still nothing worth 15 years.
>Having degenerate junk on a police vehicle.