The problem with our movement is that it attracts a lot of retards, to it and low IQ white rednecks, also christians, our movement woun't go anywhere if we don't purge such people out of it, the fact is we need to take a scientific aproach to problems and look at everything in cold ration, people like stormfaggs or christcucks can't do that, the best of alt rights speakers are mostly people like Althype who base their idiology solly on facts and evidance, on evolution of spechies, the problem is most of rednecks don't do that, they speak solly from their emotions, if we don't get those people out we will achieve nothing.
The reson why this movement is atracting so many low IQ induviduals is because low IQ induviduals base their idiology on feelings which for the most part are genetic, evolutionary it makes sence to love your own group rather than other (that dosen't look like you) so you can pass on genes better, now the average people those with 100IQ think ''Why should i hate someone only because they look diferant'' and YES thats fair statement, the problem is its not that easy, races aren't same, its not only about shape of nose and skin color.
Thats why ''our movement'' consists mosty of idiots and smart people like alt hype, we lack average people.
Also if you get triggered by term ''ALT-RIGHT'' that i am using, just so you know, you can call it whatever you want but there is a movement of pro-right wing people which im refering to.
I agree, but the only way to do this is to start your own organisations and exclude idiots from them, grow them while excluding the idiots and eventually make them irrelevent
Angel Foster
The way to purge idiots from this board is to purge normalfags which could be done by posting the edgiest, most offensive shit possible, such as gore. There should be a dedicated gore/kill all shitskins thread to serve this purpose. >but the only way to do this is to start your own organisations and exclude idiots from them The problem with this is OP is an idiot and would only include other idiots who agree with his ill-conceived and regurgitated ideas.
still sage
Ryan Cruz
Christians made science, you low IQ retard. Sage
Jonathan Adams
KKK in 1920s had 6 Milion members, gues what, now its compleatly irrelevant, it dosen't have intelegant people only idiots, and its achieving nothing, we will end up same if things aren't changed.
>Christians made science I hope this is bait man, but i will say, as a counterargument regardless, that, that would mean that sciance has existed for only 2000 years.Which is not true.
>I hope this is bait man, but i will say, as a counterargument regardless, that, that would mean that sciance has existed for only 2000 years.Which is not true. >Posting this shit and accusing me of baiting.
>low IQ induviduals and uneeded peoples >thinking-emoji
Adrian Reed
muh alt-right movement. There's no alt-right you faggot. It only exist on your larping websites such as Sup Forums.
Being Islamophobe and a strong-border activist doesnt make you an "alt-righter", it makes you a common right-winger. Which applies to basically 99,999% of the people in the whole right-wing spectrum
>our movement. Kys. Alt-right is literally a leftist meme and I would not be surprised if all the "speakers" were shills, maybe one or two idiots that they liked.
I legitimately have a low IQ so bear with me. Statistically, 50% of people will be under the average/median intelligence, making them "low IQ." Note: In this situation, "median" intelligence is the same as average, because the average will always be placed at 100 (gaussian distribution). Since low IQ people are very common, a movement needs them on its side. You should be focusing more on how to get high IQ people on the alt-right's side. Not everyone in the alt-right will own a mink-fur, mountain spring water bidet, sorry.
Ian Baker
>call it alt-right and talks about It's problems and how to fix them. >literally talking about the alt-right movement. >iF YOu geT TriGgERed bY AlT-RigHt tHeN CaAl It WHaTeveR YoU WAnt, I'M Talking AbOUt a MoVEmenT Of pRo-RigHT WiNg PEopLe (aka alt-right itself).
Tyler Sanders
>hurr lets remove all the people that might actually be willing to fight for our cause >DURRRRRRRR
Juan Nguyen
Yes and we need to make it clear that we don't suport these retarded ideas of low IQ people who are atracted to our movement.
LARPing as a nazzi and screaming HEIL HITLER like an autist isn't helping the movement its making things worse.
>As one of user put it in last thread:
The idiots doing the Roman salute in public and the idiots who thought the Tiki torch march was a good idea should be purged. Zero marketing skills, and they fucking drove the movement back underground by defiling the public perception. You can’t just make the leap from Pepe to neo-Nazis without a proper transition.
>Fighting for our cause Stop acting like there will be a race war or something, its obviusly not going to happen, we have to convince masses, that we are RIGHT.We have to PROVE our point, LOW IQ whites can't do that, they are actualy damaging the cause.
Jason Ross
Wrong. You'll see that one day the people are going to be totally fed-up with what is happening. And the last thing that is needed is to alienate more people.
And if you have such a high IQ, then get out in public and start advocating these ideals. See how far that gets you; see how many people will be willing to listen.
Jonathan Bell
dumasses and retards come in all shape and sizes. Diversity is awesome.
You need to educate them about what is going on. Why would you throw away and/or alienate a resource? You are no better than the "liberal elite" and would see those buildings all being run by Macklemore fans that hate you.
Jordan Parker
From what I remember the Unite the right march ( Tiki Torch ) had people from the Dem party as organizers / co founders ( aka False flag / controlled OPo)
Now to answer the OP : it is necessary to be pragmatic here , while I agree that backing the most common " alt right " talking point with logic and science is completely doable It might not be the best choice if you consider the amount of people that such approach will lure
You can have thousands of hours of racial realists talking about how certain races are more prone to violence and how ( real example ) 2000 years of inbreeding in the Middle east has made permanent damage to their gene pool
But then you have people like the modern Uni / college student that has been brainwashed by ( emotional ) leftist propaganda and will just block any kind of perceived wrong think , both from entering his brain AND from being accepted in his surroundings