what is wrong with being gay?
What is wrong with being gay?
nohting, now come crawl into my bed so we can watch anime and cuddle.
being gay
its fucking gay
It is gay
Sounds comfy
liking other men
physically disgusting
Spreads diseases.
That's gay, bro.
they impose themselves upon others and demand protected class status
Being gay is for fags.
silly faggot, dicks are for chicks
Nothing at all. Just stop telling the World about yours sexual preference.i don't want my son seeing you half naked kissing in the street.
If it's biologically determined, then it can be classified as a genetic disorder
If it's determined by choice or environment, then it can be classified as a perversion.
Either way, it contributes to low birthrates, high STD rates, and gay couples engage disproportionately in child and domestic abuse crimes.
its against islam
Nothing. It's the rampant degeneracy at pride parades and chasing after HIV in nightclub toilets that's wrong.
The degeneracy that infests the gay community. Also, can some gay guy explain the need for gay guys to gout out of their way to ‘act’ gay. Can’t gay men and women just act normal and still be gay? Can gay men not force that regarded gay lisp and just speak like a normal man?
When you go out of your way to stand out and go against social norms be prepared to be called out for it
1) Aristotle: sex between men is sterile, does not produce babies; therefore, against nature which is unique through propagation (homosexuality is usury)
2) Christian: same argument but with God
3) Biological and socially determined disgust mechanisms, arguably the justification for 1 & 2
4) Nationalist: undermines the (Christian) morality of the volk. Though, gays can be socially useful in other ways (no distraction of family, state can become family)
All of the above are terrible arguments once God was murdered. The 19th century saw a sentimental justification of homosexuality based upon "superior" pagan Greek standards, now defunct.
Homosexuality is biological and to be homophobic is to be a race-denier. There is literally nothing wrong with homosexuality. The promiscuousness argument simply applies to it, but is not a unique moral case against it--it's a possible consequence.
Rightists need to accept LGBT and focus on more important questions of race, identity, and economic decline. LGBT is a trap to bait the right into an argument they can't win.
hey if you want to build your house on the Hershey highway i guess thats fine.
Kys nip two bombs weren't enough. Go visit Fukushima and drink some of the water
tell me timmy, you learned this from a video game.
It's kinda gay mmmkay
Nah I'm a boomer. Had to kick out my son when he was jacking off to homosexual shit online. Fuck fags.
Men don't love each other, they kill each other.
That is the natural way. Competition until one man has all the women and resources and the other is worm shit.
Do you love you father, brother, friend, countryman--in different ways? Homosexual love is a different kind of love which should be celebrated just as the above types of love.
Why is it so hard to understand that homosexuality in a heterosexual species is abnormal and against basic biology
>telling your father you've decided to take it in the ass for the rest of your life with your bisexual nigger boyfriend
>trying to kiss your mother with smegma and shit still hanging off your lip from sucking off your boyfriend after he assfucked you
>trying to explain to everyone that this is perfectly normal
>start to bleed from your eyes
>collapse on the floor from final metastasis of full blown aids
Hitler did nothing wrong.
>Homosexuality is biological
Proof? Aristotle was right, though. One of the basic necessities for life in Maslow's hierarchy of needs is procreative sex. You can't continue the species, race, society, etc. without reproduction and you can't reproduce with fags. They're already an insignificant minority and should stay that way.
On another note, Germans have a word for fags I can't recall right now that translates to "child ravisher." You neglect to mention the fact that a lot of repeating child abusers are homosexuals and are, by proxy, enabling child abuse with your fag love you degenerate cunt.
You know, I would think you're trolling
but admitting you're a boomer is the
most boomer thing you can do,
oh well, now you're out a son, and
you're probably going to die alone, good
for you gramps!
Nope, being a fag is an abomination in principle, all the degeneracy that comes with it is secondary.
has your asshole ever hung out like a pink sock? do you have aids?
>what is wrong with being gay?
Basically nothing as long as you mind your own business and don't try to subvert the rest of society.
Can someone please explain the fucking gay lisp!? If you’re attracted to men then why do they talk like women!?!?!? It’s so fucking counter intuitive.
>Rightists need to accept LGBT
Nope. Sorry alt-lite fagenabler, every sodomite and sodomite worshiper must be put to death. They won't get an argument for why it's happening.
Do you sperg out on every nip poster you see?
The fact that faggo's can adopt children is fucked up.There is a reason why they cannot procreate and therefore should not experience the privilege of child-rearing. It will only spread more faggotry as the homo-friendly population grows from this ability to raise children as well.
>what is wrong with being against nature itself.
I don't even care about them really, if they just do their faggotry and stop wanting rights for being gay I would even like them.
its fucking gay and goes against nature
>inb4 muh appeal to nature
Calm down Cheng, everyone knows you don't like japanese.
>full blown aids
I always thought that term was hilarious. Just say it out loud.
>full. blown. aids.
traps aren't gay
Literally nothing. There's nothing wrong with being gay or black. There's only one wrong. And we all, gay, hetero, black, white, need to stand together against that one wrong. They've succesfuly managed to convince a bunch of edgy Sup Forumstards to blindly hate without reason and it destroys us from within.
A 5 year old can tell that being gay is inherently wrong, anyone that tells you otherwise is deluding themselves.
>gay couples engage disproportionately in child and domestic abuse crimes
Got a single shred of evidence to back that up, pal?
You may think this is bait, but this is what nu/pol/ actually believes.
1. It's inhygienic
2. It fucks up your rectum and anal sphincter, and can lead to cancer
3. It does not produce children, spressing the personal birth rate. Which wouldn't be a problem if the rate of homosexuality was fixed, but
4. It is a memetic virus that fucks with kids heads and interferes with their proper socialization
5. It leads people to think that "love" is about sex, rather than sacrifice for the family.
t. Faggot
It makes you more susceptible to AIDS.
Get out leddit faggot
Helper chan, faggots, kikes, niggers and camel jockeys cause all the problems in this world. Sup Forums is never wrong. Now, go to /lgbt/ like a good fruitcake.
Is that supposed to be an argument? Then you really are just a braindead child who would rather spam Nigger Hate threads than discuss anything that actually matters. You should kill yourself, I've heard it's pretty easy to get help with that in your country.
Faggots can't hold their poop by forty.
butthole juice
>Literally nothing
If there was LITERALLY NOTHING wrong with being gay then 2 men would be able to have a baby together.
But they can't
Because it isn't normal
Great arguments cucks
What is there to explain? "social norms" are heteronormative, and the gay community is naturally insular due to their unique preferences and hatred from general society, why would they not develop unique cultural trends?
It makes no sense to say "there's nothing wrong with being gay, I just never want anyone around me to be exposed to that shit" because obviously then you do think that there is something wrong with it, were it to affect someone you know
>If it's determined by choice or environment, then it can be classified as a perversion.
Anal is a perversion. It has no reproductive value, it injures the receiver, and it's downright unsanitary. If you engage in it with either gender, you're degenerate.
>swede calling other people cucks
Its degenerate in every way.
I like your sense of humor.
>provides no arguments
>complains about the lack of
>be a gay male
>supposedly attracted to other men
>pick the most effinate man who talks and acts more like a woman
Go to any gay pride event, 99% of the men act female, the females act male.
Tell me again how being gay isn’t more than just a psychological issue
It's just 'peacocking'. They signal their faggotry to each other by acting like fags so they know who to go after.
>in Maslow's hierarchy of needs
>ever using this as a psychological/logic justification in an argument
I bet you didn't even get top score in your intro high school psych course
>It leads people to think that love is about sex, and not sacrifice for the family.
Gay people like to adopt children.
That user was laughing at you.
Now, I browse through your post and am inclined to also laugh at you.
Perhaps it's time for self reflection and to stop spewing nonsensical hate by telling strangers to kill themselves?
>Nothing wrong with a group that comits violent crimes at mexico tier rates in industrialized countries
>Nothing wrong with a group which has ten times more pedophiles per capita and yet claims they have a right to expose children to their sexuality through public education
>he is such a newfag he can't tell a boomer LARP from a legitimate post
it's fucking degenerate
i've been tricked by the internet into looking into it (from a distance) and girls are infinitely better
2D ones atleast
Jesus fucking christ. I've lost all hope in the future of Sup Forums. Perhaps you are right after all. You inbred kids should be gassed.
Not an argument.
Yes, because they feel the need to spread their brain cancer, also because they are often pedophiles
>says the swede
LOL. That is so paranoid. I know a couple that have a little adopted 3 year old daughter.
>Sup Forums BTFO.
These are dudes that fuck each other in the ass, but their speech is what stands out to you?
I honestly feel bad for gay people. Most of the ones I've met are pretty miserable once they start hitting their 30s. Also most are universally ebiphiles lmao.
How tragic for her.
It's part of the gay meme
pls more plattitudes about human equality
My point is if they're so attracted to men, then why do they desire effiminate traits? Wouldn’t very masculine traits be more desirable?
Anal sex is disgusting regardless of gender.