the jews cant just dump the niggers in so they need to build roads and housing just to try and replace these fuckin ppl.
imagine being so neglected that they cant even get rid of you because they cant access the places the want to destroy.
the jews cant just dump the niggers in so they need to build roads and housing just to try and replace these fuckin ppl.
imagine being so neglected that they cant even get rid of you because they cant access the places the want to destroy.
That's the way Jews are. They see it as a money-making opportunity.
not even its gona cost faar to much to ever seen a slight profit, this plan basically shows money isnt what there after its just the destruction of this country in general
>being so neglected
checked right but do the Jews own the construction companies or have interest in them?
this is the most sickening thing ive ever seen, goes beyond Sweden tier
We are not as bad as the rest of Europe. We will look back on current times as idyllic innocence. I pray there is no terror attacks because or leftists are more retarded than even the Swedes.
Also highspeed rail should be built from Cork Limerick, Dublin and Galway.
It would run at a loss but allow people to rent or live further out in the country and commute to Dublin.
Also spend a couple billion rolling out fibre internet. It will turbo charge the economy.
gone not lie to yourself man this is fuckin insane thing anyone here has ever heard 1 million in a country of 4.5 mil population, just what even but at least we have a train right guys.
>They see it as a money-making opportunity.
They're way past obsession with money. It's all ideological now.
>dump a million 3rd world shithole people in Ireland
>improve the economy
Yes. That's clearly been the trend so far.
I'm sure Ireland will become the new mecca for aspiring doctors, lawyers, and engineers.
Athens I think is the worst. Fuck you services are shite if you live outside Dublin. I know people who get free mental health counselling only in Dublin. You wont get the redistributed wealth if the infrastructure isn't built. Do you realize how many villages and towns are emptied of young people? Go to Mayo or Donegal.
It works if you take educated people. Right now we have a serious shortage of truck drivers (amongst loads other jobs) A lot of South Africans are taking it up. Otherwise those jobs would go unfilled and the tax base is lower
>ireland 2040
Gotta love all the air blowing from the left about the world being overpopulated and then they shill for shit like this.
You vote for this you're a fucking moron, simple as that.
>muh tax base
And why do the young people leave Ireland? Maybe you should fix that instead of literally replacing the Irish youth with niggers? Wow great, let's just up and completely destroy a country!
But the taxes you know!
Jews always inflict genocide by making you pay for your own destruction. It's never enough for them just kill outright, it has to be humiliating along the way.
Not only that but Politicians are paid off with investment opportunities and tips for their '''unrelated business ventures''' that end up paying out massive dividends to '''influential shareholders''' a decade after the fact.
Whats the real reason behind this plan? Is Leo just a globalist?
>educated people.
>sub-saharan Africans who raped and shot their way through their teen before raping their way to Libya, getting on a boat, and then raping their way through Italy/Germany.
Total destruction of the west, turning the population into a low-IQ mutt slave force to be culled later after they've been used to build transhumanism for the pure-blooded Jews.
It's been the plan for decades. Used to be called UN Agenda 21, but it didn't come together on time, so now it's Agenda 2030, Ireland 2040, etc. etc.
the answer MUST be to dump black people theres just no other way like how about put funding into those villages with out the genocide, crazy thought and im sure the rest of the country would say fuck dublin in general also if you have a population problem then have children, you used to have like average of like 10.. sort your shit out.
I'm obviously not talking about those kind of people
That's what you're going to get. And no mater what you get, they won't be Irish, so there goes Ireland. You're abjectly retarded and a danger to society.
too true btw this^
So there are similar plans to this in other european states? These plans originated in the UN. I dont want to lose my country
We have been looking for development outside dublin for years. They attatched that to immigration policy to make it more palatable
Yes. It's already been happening throughout Europe. Also in the US. All of these plans are ultimately global in nature. Not until recently has mankind developed the technology that might finally allow for taking over the entire world rather than just a transient regional empire as has been attempted throughout history.
Can't let the goyim die like a warrior on the battlefield. They have to be chained down and kill themselves with a butter knife they paid for.
Except we are getting more than enough immigration from the EU. No one really is pushing for immigration from other countries.
When are you guys going to get violent
and they send the bill to the family for the body.
How would it be more palatable with 1mil 3rd world migrants attached?
You misunderstand, we dont want more immigrants, so they attatch the plan to import more of them to something we DO want, decentralization and rural development
Its a common tactic in america
the plan is simple. they sponge off the dole and kill your country, anything positive to come with this plan is pure bullshit
But who would disagree if we didnt attach the migrant idea to it?
let's starting pushing immigration for 1 million white christians into israel and watch them explain how unsustainable it would be and how it would irreversibly change their culture. just do it under the guise of christians being the true israelis and jews being kazharian invaders or some other bullshit
I'm getting tired of posting this but I guess I'll have to for every country's every election before people start to get it.
Just have a one-state solution for Israel. They already demographically are dying out, and this shining bastion of democracy would quickly succumb to the Palestinian majority :)
Once the violent replacement becomes the majority
>Catholics and Protestants unite to expel the Muslim hordes
>get a new St. Patrick's Day for the expulsion of a new kind of snake
Good timeline.
I hate the irish so i hope this happens.
They're such a pathetic race of people the left let them celebrate their identity (St.Pats) they're literally the only white country that can be proud of their history without the left calling them nazis. that's how fucking shit the country and its inhabitants are.
the irish are a majority in 2 places in england, liverpool and luton. both considered the biggest economic drains on the entire ireland.
If the immigration aspects were stripped away the rest of the plan would get broad support.
Most of the things listed in the plan are things that have been promised for years
All the young people leave
All the old people die
Ireland will be 100% immigrants
>who is paying taxes?
more false promise .. worse its the same false promise, you would think that your ppl would of learned
What the fuck is Ireland 2040?
Who cares? The goal was accomplished. That's what you need to remember. All of the white countries need to be destroyed together, otherwise some might get together to burn the garbage left by the fallen.
Official population replacement strategy.
you're all retards, the extra 1 million is projected growth. in no place does it say that they're planning on opening the borders.
Are you a nigger?
Your country is already ruined, you should be quiet.
What Jews have to do with you, anti-Semitic potato nigger?
checked fun fact: Jews caused the Irish potato famine because they cared more about making shekels by exporting food while the population starved.
do you have source of that, i member seein it ages ago on wiki
Nah, it's been ages since I hit the books. I was reminded of it the other night because some radio show was going off about early American history and it caught my attention briefly when the host started in on the Jews being behind all these waves of migration and suffering for white people.
In this case some of the promises are absolutely necessary to keep in order to take in more immigrants. We have a housing crisis atm. There is quite literally no more room in the country