Is there really a genocide of muslims going on in Myanmar? Or is it fake news as some are claiming? Is this just more Jew lies to get donations and bring in more refugees to the west?
Redpill me on Rohingya
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Buddhist Re-Incarnation squads doing what should have been done with the Chinese in Tibet.
I think there is jew shenanigans. I only ever see one side of the story
Muslims being Muslims
Nice people when they move in
As their population grows they start demanding stuff
After it reaches a critical mass around 30-40% they start the bullying
In Myanmar that meant attempts to force out natives.
As more Muslims kept coming over the border and confidence grew they started actively forcing people out, raiding houses, throwing stones in the streets and running round in mobs destroying houses and evicting people from homes.
The Buddhists said fuck this and started fighting back, then the media went kinda blank
>The Buddhists said fuck this and started fighting back, then the media went kinda blank
Then (((concerned white people))) started casually mentioning the horrors in Rohingya just like would Chechnya back when the Russians were using thermobarics to cleanse Grozni.
>hit her house
did they throw them?
Lol was about to say fake ass news it doesn't work like that
The bullets are still in their case
That picture is top kek
I'm fairly sure that most new weapons, especially those used by the racist special ops groups, fire pristine, still-in-casing never fired ammunition.
It's to give them plausible deniability that the event even happened.
>When white people say they need to get rid of muslims
>When Buddhists say they need to get rid of muslims
It's like when we say there is black on black violence. Nothing but silence and even some accuse you of racism. Lets face it, white people are the targets.
You know it's time to cleanse the world of muslims if fucking buddhists want them wiped out.
I mean, when ned fucking flanders next door says "It is now time to burn these motherfuckers where they stand", you know you've reached a critical point in human history.
Do any of you faggot "flag collectors" have Myanmar?
Chechnya should've been given sovereignty when the USSR split up.
>When Buddhists say they need to get rid of muslims
they don't say, they just do it
It's true Mien(Myanmar) people hate muslim
Myanmar protect Southeast Asia from muslim in the West and Vietnam protect Southeast Asia from muslim in the East.
Vietnam destroyed once largest Islam Empire Champa. Kill millions of muslim from the south Vietnam now we're living peace. Only 200k muslim in Vietnam but they never consider they're Vietnamese.
They wanna bring Islam back and kill all Vietnamese if they can, but right now they have no power in Vietnam if they rebel we will kill them all for sure. That's a fact about muslim never trusting them.
Look at Indonesia, country with 2000 years of hindu and buddhist and now what
They're 98% muslim population and islam only come to Indonesia 400 years ago.
Kill or be killed simple. Islam is cancer for any culture, learn it Europeans people
And the Muslims folded real quick like. They depend on tolerance. If there is no tolerance, Muslims lose.
One in each hand.
Indonesia has a growing number of Christians I heard, wonder if they'll be able to survive.
good, focus on the rohinga muslims
good luck vietbro
Soon this will happen in other places, then people will understand:
thank you for this rundown. exactly what I needed to hear.
when the fucking pacifists of the world say you need to get rid of Muslims, what is your counterargument?
if there is a genocide, they had it coming
scarry video. I couldn't imagine being in that apartment unarmed like they are.
sitting here wondering about that flag change. I must have fat fingered it.
nah Christians can't stand in Indonesia bro
There's many christians got kill by muslim.
Don't let muslim take over your country, they'll detroyed your roots culture and replace it.
In vietnam Cham people (muslim Champa) they don't want their girl married with Viets male when they really scared of Viets people but they still act like this.
If they have power who know they gotta do : Genocide, rape or someshit
is just a made up name for this group of people... they arent special or different they're just _ANOTHER_ group of annoying fucking muslims who attacked a few police stations and burned down their own village to claim "oppression"
Except when the muslims tried to act outraged the bases Buddhists told them to go fuck themselves and started clearing the jungle of muslims and kicked them acorss the border to Bangladesh...which is also full of muslims so they are using the Rohingya to try and shame Burma into taking more muslims and making changes to their laws to allow them to have more power.
They need to be eradicated i think the Buddhists are doing the right thing
The rohingya arent even all muslim their just an ethnic group
Who cares? Mudslimes deserve whatever they get. They are so rotten that they managed to piss off Buddhists.
If a Buddhist monk wants to genocide you then you must have fucked up pretty hardcore. The Muslims deserve it but they're also exaggerating and playing the victim as always when the fact is that they're the aggressors.
Rohingya are just Bangladeshis claiming to be a native Burmese population. They carry their Islam around like the Jews carry their golden stars. Their eradication is completely justified imo.
More like Muslims pulling their usual shit and the Buddhists responding in kind. Exactly how the West should respond but won't.
Jew lies! The MSM don't talk in depth about armed Muslims conducting sectarian atrocities!
i want so bad for a holy war to push back the shit river damnit
Buddhist monk don't want situation like Afghanistan once ago.
Buddhist afghanistan chose peace and don't want to fight then muslim kill them all and replace buddhist into Islam.
Myanmar learn a lot from mistake of Afghanistan. If you want peace you must do something to secure your peace.
I'm so sad about afghanistan, Buddha once a time teaching Buddhist and afghanistan is oldest place for buddhist people now all detroyed by muslim rats
Agreed. Based Buddhists.
Only 40 years after being bombed sideways by burgers, vietnam has hugely turned bro-tier.
It isn't happening and if it is they deserve it.
pretty much sums it up. too bad Sup Forums didn't have a twitter campaign to counter this jew bullshit it makes me mad
I had no idea Afghanistan was Buddhist. going to do a bit of reading later
Rohingyas in the northern most Arakan tried to join East Pakistan in 1947-48
Iran is a cautionary tale as well. Used to be a Zoroastrian country, and a scientific super power.
its just the msm claiming there is a genocide to try to get them to take in more muslims
they are deporting muslims to the country that sent them in. india. india has deported muslims as well. shri lanka was both partially genocided by india and forced to take muslims from india. they are being returned as well
there is a ebb and flow to all of this. msm nigger faggot (((kikes))) tried some faggy shit then did their ghey victory lap and in due time were proven to be latent homosexuals
lmfao, North Vietnamese totally brainwashed by Communist.
Most of them are nationalism, when they first time liberate Saigon,they are surprised about wealthy of Saigon. They thought USA make south Vietnamese people slave.
That's old times but right now polictical of Vietnamese are messed up, some are fascism, some are communist and some are liberals( from the south) and most of them like me are nationalists.
That's what Communist and Democracy bring to Vietnam after 40 years
Afghanistan and Pakistan was Buddhist region, but when muslim come they detroyed everything
Somebody threw bullets at her house? That's mean.
End of story
how about the Chechen Christian who were being fucked all along.... not a single fucking peep on news outlets for them..
Persian should rise again.
Islam is not their religion, Perisa Empire was a great Empire. Fuck those sand nigger from Arab
god bless vietbro
semi fake news. Muslims look after each other and have a propaganda mouth piece, larger than the jewish one.
The truth to this is that a large number of Bangladeshi mudslimes illegally settled in burma , some 40-50 years ago. Bangladesh doesn't want them back, they don't want to go back and burma never wanted them. so now they are driving them back.
There are "rohingya" who legit lives in burma and has burmese passport, and who arent being driven away.
Being mudslime, they do what mudslimes do best and displace the local population, rape, kill etc.
Islam grows by repopulating
Christianity grows by conversion..... no one every thinks about the fact that under persecution Christianity multiplies!
>Christianity grows by conversion
By misguiding, fake healings, bribing, digesting other cultures and religions
How is the political state right now?
Very Jewish.
He should bring out a toilet and show that miracle happen live on stage.
That's all globalist bullshit..
India? They have the Nasrani... the people who claim lineage from St. Thomas..
Ethopia has bishops that claim lineage from the guy in Acts 8.
The stories of Christianity spreading like wildfire among the mass killings during the ancient times.
Fuck even in China.....where a large majority of Believers live...all thrive under the persecution...
But you know....typical fag goyim... response. 3.69/10
hot new holiday location.
It goes back to WW2. Brits stoked Rohingya separatists against the Burmese who were under Japanese control. The rohingya are islamist separatists and the government is merely protecting its people. It's funny how Western media refuses to mention the violence goes both ways.
Yeah, mate. Also, Hinduism came from Jesus, right?
>The stories of Christianity spreading like wildfire among the mass killings during the ancient times.
I wonder why.
i've seen it a couple of times. the flag here just looks like the taiwanese flag
Relatively underrated post
Goa is Portugese clay you fucking shitskin
Mainly fake news. It's not genocide, it's self-defense. The Rohingya have been targetting Buddhist and all non-Muslims. The government of Myanmar has responded by taking out the radicals.
Jew-MSM has depected it as goverment vs poor civilians and ethnic cleansing when really it's goverment vs terrorists.
We won that war peacefully unlike your battle of Nuremberg which you lost too. Kek
>Then (((concerned white people))) started casually mentioning the horrors in Rohingya
The area is called Rakhine, the native Buddhists there are called the Rakhine people. The Rohingya are illegal immigrant muslims from Bangladesh doing what muslims do: raping, stealing, and killing.
Fuck you and fuck your hygiene standards