Railgun and Astral Buddy return from hiatus in a week. More fun times with ghost-chan await.
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Determined to have 24 hr threads huh?
Cute >:3
Not as determined as you are at being a dummy.
Cute fairy.
Is this for real?
Thor is best gril
why does mikoto get turned on by pee?
I hope Mikoto fags don't ruin this thread too
They might. And your post will most likely be the cause of it. Congrats.
too late they already have.
Sadly yes
you should talk about the main character's wife
I sure hope people won't respond to obvious falseflagging.
Oh, too late
Haven't kept up with NT since volume 7, did it get better?
Tell me how do we kill the Oriana ?
Misaki a pile of shit
You must be new.
NT7 was good though. And you're missing out on the Othinus arc and Aleister's wild ride.
I know it was great, but I just stopped reading for a bit. Want to get back into it
You're right, Kuroko is pretty good discussion material
>Anonymous Wed 18 Aug 2010 03:23:06 No.39314143
loved to read the index manga , but sadly no one is interested in translating, not even the anons in here..
7 years later and we still have the same problems
It did for 3 volumes then everything after until NT17 has been mediocre or average at best. NT17 onward has been exceptionally good especially NT18.
Shes the sexslave of the couple so I guess it makes sense to discuss her.
Aleister is a lying faggot and probably intends to kill the 2 MCs that aren't Touma.
Look what I found will going through my Raildex folder
He probably even calculated which type of body/personality would get to Touma the most
Mediocre and average mean the same thing.
It's still valid
Mediocre sounds a little more negative in my opinion
Touma's birthday is on Christmas
Can Accelerator teleport using his Vector manipulation?
I think so but he doesn't because its too much of a bother
This is what she deserves.
It's a weird word. Like how decimate sounds like it should mean complete annihilation, but it means only 10 percent was destroyed. Then again they might have updated the dictionaries for that. Fuck language. One word should mean one fucking thing.
Isn't he Aquarius?
I don't really see how. From my understanding he can't create vectors or modify vectors outside of reactions, like for example being touched by the object.
Who's Kawakami?
Since he can respond to 11th dimensional movement, he can probably move that way himself. Not that it's necessarily efficient, even if he's as good as Kuroko at it it's still much slower than him just flying in a straight line.
Pure Kinu
The guy who wrote Horizon/a few other things that js06 is also translating.
Best girl
Best girl
He'd have to know how to calculate how to move things through higher dimensions first, which is kind of something that only teleporters are really able to intrinsically understand.
Dengeki's other autistic author.
Sasuga Haimura.
I really appreciate that he explained the teleportation in a scientific manner, even if he doesn't explain how they get the power/ability to be able to use extra dimensions.
Accel teleporting is odd because he obviously has the processing power for it and can reflect it. So he either hasn't ever thought about it like when he figured out he can use the wind, or his brain just isn't wired that way.
My fellow man of superior taste.
How about reading them and determining that for yourself, isntead of asking people for their own personal/biased opinions?
>Long dress so he doesn't have to draw legs
>Lower body still much too long relative to her torso, even if she's wearing heels
It might also be that he deems it inefficient. Why waste processing power on that when he can move at mach whatever?
>When teleporting is too slow
Sasuga number 1
This. Its likely he can do it but its low teir on the scale of things he can do. So we will never see him do it
Why would Gaara be their son?
Index grew up? Shit, I'm so out of date on this.
It's Shirou.
>a fire killing Mikoto and Touma
>a magical fire at that
I want to see misaka end up against Mikoto for whatever reason and do this, not like it would be the first strech
>can reflect it
Did this ever happen?
Yes speed reader
>Aleister gets Touma, Hamazura and Accel
>yfw Coronzon gets Tsuchimikado, Kamisato and Mikoto
He mentioned that he's done it before, didn't actually do it "on page".
This would be fun as fuck
Coronzon's going to have to pick up a lot of fucking slack.
>3 best boys vs. 1 best boy and 2 losers
Seems pretty one sided.
>siscon, sperg and autist
Lolazon already lost.
Tsuchi would off Coronzon and Kamisato and then bully Mikoto into doing something lewd for Touma/his entertainment
>game was supposed to make characters like Oriana more popular
>she's more hated instead
What happened?
Oh come on if your going to give Coronzon an Accelerator equivalent, have Beetle or perhaps even a saint join his side. Mikoto is too weak to be his counterpart.
Beetle is already on Aleister backup side
>Touma fights Tsuchimikado
>Hamazura fights Kamaisato
>Accelerator fights Mikoto
>Tsuchimikado, Kamisato and Mikoto
Try Kazakiri, a Rensa and a Kihara. Might be more balanced.
>Tsuchi beats the shit out of Touma
>Mikoto beats Accel, since he probably won't fight back
I have no idea what's gonna happen in the Hamazura vs Kamisato fight
Coronzon's locked out of AC's tech, she doesn't have Kazakiri or Rensas.
Aleister can just introduce a piece of code into her and she dies, same with Rensa
The Kihara would just go on its own after getting magic knowledge from Coronzon and bring scientific triumph to the world
>Mikoto beats Accel
She was beaten by him doing nothing. Having the AAA won't change anything
>imouto bullets are ordinary damage
>fucking touma punches are science damage
This doesn't make any sense
Touma is introducing scientific triumph in his own way.
Touma IB punches are science though, the rest of his attacks are normal
Accelerator would let Mikoto beat the ever loving shit out of him. Tsuchi would naturally beat Touma to a pulp even with Touma defending himself. I'm guessing Kamisato would beat Hamazura somehow too unless he gets to be the only MC that wins
>since he probably won't fight back
He fought back against Worst since he had to save LO. Same situation here, a demon winning isn't going to help LO.
Left fists is normal, right fist is science. It'd be cool if they introduced a IB-specific damage type that's super effective against everything.
>since he probably won't fight back
It's not about power. Rather, him not wanting to fight someone with her face.
It's Archetype Controller, Aleister ain't gotta explain shit.
So whose side would each character take in a hypothetical Index: Civil War?
This. His "I deserve this" might kick in too. This could be what "Don't go die to redeem yourself" was foreshadowing
I think Touma is savvy enough to sick Accel on Tsuchi while he goes for Mikoto if he has any control over the situation.
There also the fact that Coronzon malice could spread and make her stronger through some idol theory fuckery
How old is she really?
>control of the situation
Thats where that idea, while good, will fall apart
>Accel vs Tsuchi
>Tsuchi curses Accel
>They both bleed to death
45yo fat dude that fucked with people's brains to make them think he's a middle school girl.
Never knew this was how it was spelled. Learn something new every day.
Those poor 3 MC's never stood a chance.
>Hamazura vs Kamisato + 400 girls
>Too easy, sluts
Literally only IB does special damage
Bullying level 5s is fun.