>20 years
>still no anime ending that has surpassed EoE
I'm serious. How did Anno do it?
>20 years
>still no anime ending that has surpassed EoE
I'm serious. How did Anno do it?
Other urls found in this thread:
He watched Ideon Be Invoked
it's a fucking garbage nonsense ending with no tension or even proper closure
The secret lies in going insane and having nightmares and visions.
>Nihilism for babbys
I don't know, how did he do it?
>no proper closure
>one more final
I mean come on.
You'll have to try harder than that.
the ending to NGE was better desu
He let his work be judged by someone who hasn't seen an anime in 20 years.
he said just fuck it
who cares
>I don't have an argument: The Post.
>why does shinji choke asuka
There's no argument to respond to.
Just like the posts he replied to then.
how do you respond to something that isn't an argument with an argument
This post is redundant.
Nothing in anime has surpassed it in terms of pretension.
Pseudointellectual bullshit for brainlets to feel intelligent
>whoa dude, muh anti terror field
>people can't get close without hurting each other, whoa how can any other anime compete with this philosophical masterpiece ?
>bad exposition to make it appear deep to morons
>complete bullshit ending with completely random events and a lot of edge
If you think this shit is deep go read a decent philosophy book, you retarded niggers.
>Nothing in anime has surpassed it in terms of pretentiousness
the ending in NGE was a million times better
Last two I read, phenomenology of the end and heroes mass murder and suicide, were exactly like eva but without the kink.
Agree with everything except the ending being completely random events. The entire movie was basically exposing what the anime implicitly told us, which is that Shinji is a sexually frustrated hyperautist.
I finished watching this today - I finally caught up with it - and I have a question: I thought it only has one season but I've seen plenty of fanart of Asuka where she wears an eyepatch? What's that about? Is there anything I missed?
its the rebuilds look em up.
he tried to destroy evangelion for himself, and end his relationship with otaku-culture
he cultivates his insanity and uses it to rip apart his own beliefs
Got it. Are they worth watching if I've just seen the original? I thought it's just a remake with touched up art.
this, anno hates his fans and i dont know why, he is like the kurt cobain of anime
i'd watch them, the first one is pretty much a remake but the second one is different although similar to series. haven't watched third.
thanks brobro
no problem.
the third is almost irredeemable
>EoE is Nihilist
i liked the first two though. they were nice especially the parts with my waifu
Anno doesn't hate his fans. He probably does hate Reifags but they're not his fans by definition.
>two hormonal teenagers stop trying to kill each other for a second before credits
Nah, kurt blew his head off within four years of fame. Anno is still around two decades later. If anything, he's Andy Warhol.
no he just hates his fans, if Asuka fans become too much he'll kill her off and piss them off, he just likes pissing people off. plus did he even direct the rebuilds?
Actually, he only really likes fujoshi. Consider how Asuka is only a minor character now who is sent to kill the main character, Shinji, in 3.33.
the first two were updated Evangelion, but with more kitsch and a bit more background/expository
still pales to the original series, but only if you don't have the attention span of a gnat
anno spitefully shits on whatever he wants to whenever. Look at what happened to Rei's development in Rebuild, it was miles ahead of the series' autistic 1 dimensional character
It's like we didn't see the same movie. Don't bother.
No. The rebuilds are just Anno trying to make a fuckload of money from his characters. The only reason to watch them is if you're a stupid waifufag who loves "muh waifu reisuka can now be shipped with shinji-kun!!"
Case in point
uwu, what's this
fuck off freud
yeah the rebuilds is waifu shit
No, shinji conjured up a doll that looked exactly like asuka. Which is...if you think about that cunts past is seriously seriously fucking sad.
The little faggot shinji couldn't even fuck it.
He just choked the shit out of it.
I need a smoke.
Because Anno isn't just some run-of-the-mill hack.
He is THE hack.
on another note why do so many fellow rei-fags hate the new asuka? whats wrong with making a character from an abusive bitch to tolerable.
all the worst parts of anime (overdone camera work and physical comedy)
all the worst parts of life action melodrama (acting)
youtube is cancer
Huh, I made the exact same webm.
Rebuild isn't Anno shitting on his fans it's just his studio cashing out and basically not being nearly as inspired/depressed as the original Eva.
The point about Reifags wasn't about rebuild btw. For Anno Rei is basically a cleverly wrapped Oedipus complex and his interviews are filled with stuff like
>In the midst of making Eva, I suddenly realized that I had forgotten her. Her very existence. For example, in episode seven, I remembered and added one shot with Rei. I had no attachment to her at all. I think that was okay, because in episode eight, she didn't appear. Not even in a single shot.
I mean, be a Reifag all you want but I'm just saying it's hard to be a Reifag and an Anno fan at the same time.
I don't know why he made Rei so likable and Asuka so unlikable in the original. With how unbearable he made Asuka, you'd think he didn't like her.
it's literally the complete opposite of nihilist
i dont mind anno, i just don't get why he seems so indifferent to one of the better characters in the series, they really just abandoned her development arc halfway through, and her arc was one of the best parts of the series.
>How did Anno do it?
By being depressed as fuck. He was seriously mentally unstable at the time.
Rebuild is anno shitting on his fans, some way or another.
He thinks he's pandering to the Asuka fans and Kaworu fans by ruining Rei's character but all he's doing is creating shallow otaku pandering characters.
>still no anime that has surpassed NGE+EoE
Not even the best of its own genre.
and here...we...go!
waifu jihad now!
Asuka wears an eyepatch because Anno wants to make her more popular since he's jealous of Rei's popularity.
Rei literally made the whole eyepatch/bandage moe an entire subculture of Japanese fashion (look it up!), and this is Anno trying to capitalize on that trend.
She's friends with Shinji, at least. Unlike Asuka.
please can we not have a waifu war.
TV ending was better
It's obvious bait. Just let it slide. The original EVA is entirely different from what it is today, back in the day Rei was a whole different thing just like Asuka today is a whole different thing. What changed was that Anno changed the setting and the characters so Asuka would eventually become more popular, and Rei less.
There wouldn't need to be a war if asuka wasn't so shit
How is this a waifu war? Look it up. Do I need to do it for you?
amazing isn't it? No matter what the discussion is about, whether it's the philosophical meaning of the whole thing or even just what the fuck even happened it ALWAYS descends into a waifu war.
yay! here we go again!
see yeah this is why all Eva threads are literal shit, they pretty much need their own dedicated mod
>he doesn't know
It's still going strong today. The eye-patch moe has tons of groups which all include a shrine to Rei: hitome-bore.com
When Anno gives Asuka eye patches, he knows damn well what he's doing. The more you think about it, the more ridiculous the Rebuilds become.
This is what makes eva threads great, I'd rather have autists dedicated to shitpost for 20 years to defend their waifu than crossboarding retards.
yeah but its pretty much gotten to the point where liking rei is taboo
It's fucking wierd how much anno hates the rei character and pushes the asuka character
remember the eoe movies?
where he had asuka in fucking bandages and catatonic and jacked off over by shinji then shoved into the mecha where she automagically for no reason whatso ever was able to activate her shinji knock off berserker mode?
If you think about it....the entire hospital scene seems like it was created specifically for rei but asuka was put in there because...reasons.
also her being hurt in a way to where she was bandaged up later is really contrived
look at the ending where shinji conjures up a asuka doll out of the tang, she's basically a rei doll but made to look like asuka
anno really wanted to push that character and the studio basically ruined the tsundere archetype for generations to do it.
it's weird right?
am I projecting?
is this that far off.
>liking rei is taboo
>When society becomes so degenerate that common decency is taboo
You know what, let me propose something radical:
Evangelion as a franchise has just been waifuwar ever since EoE ended. Just like OP says, none of the works have even come within a mile of touching EoE or NGE. All those harem spinoffs, they were always there. But the Rebuilds are the worst, because they pretend to not be waifu war instigating bullshit. Just look at how Anno takes his time rewriting the entire canon just to make up for his waifu complex on Asuka and Rei, just because he couldn't deal with how much better Rei was as a character.
So let me propose something even more radical: this will NEVER end as long as the fanbase keeps protecting Anno. By the fanbase, I mean Asuka and Kaworu fans mostly, and the useful idiots inbetween.
bro you just desperately want to mollycoddle and be mollycoddled because you are weak or haven't had many relationships
are you saying that you want your waifu to be masturbated over? what the fuck?
I thought it was to make Asuka look more "cool" like Big Boss. Metal Gear is huge part of otaku culture.
>tsundere archetype
It's because both the average weeb and the average nip male is a white knight who thinks women exist to mistreat men.
In a place with gender equality Asuka would get her ass kicked.
Pretty sure Anno just hated the obsessive waifufags of Rei in the 90s, and since still feels the same way about it.
Could you translate that to english please?
The hospital scene was always created for Asuka. Her entire character builds up to being the ultimate consequence of escapism, whilst Rei's character builds up to the ultimate consequences of facing reality and making your own choices.
But Anno does hate Rei because he's an insecure otaku just like the Asuka fans spamming this board 24/7 with their inane nonsense.
stop it
you're weak and desperate for validation so you latch onto the waifu you think is most malleable
nah its mostly because i can relate to the character
It's simply to sap Rei's "cool" power. If we've got Metal Gear vibes, then who does that fit any more than Rei?
Snake is a semi-autistic clone of someone in the past who wears an eyepatch. Basically Anno is so obsessed with Rei's superiority over Asuka that he is slowly but surely, turning Asuka into Rei.
I'm no sure how this type of blog posting is relevant to the thread.
>useful idiots
>virtue signalling
more proof reifags are really sad spiteful individuals who are themselves useful idiots for right wing magnates
but Rei isn't even a character. Just a plot device
and don't insult my precious Kaworu
something something asuka boogeyman
Rei, ca 1995
>rei not a character
>kaworu is in one episode which he dies in
what? you are a reifag so by definition you love the tragic heroine, but i'm a whiteknight because i call you out. lol
>relate to a clone
that's how self centered and disillusioned you are - bahaha
None of those cunts are my waifu.
Sakura is my waifu.
Want to give her my 9x6 and fight angels together with her.
The tsundere archetype was completely different before it was ruined.
It was just a girl being a bit of a mild bitch because she didn't want to give up the emotional or sexual goods but we knew that she was into us. It was cute and fun.
It was pushed up to 11 and made into BITCH BEATS UP DUDE ISNT THAT HILARIOUS + the fairly violent slapstick that is inherent in japanese comedy.
Yeah, and he fucking hated the fact that his perfect realistic broken waifu asuka was outright loathed by the entire country