What the actual fuck is wrong with you, Sup Forums?

What the actual fuck is wrong with you, Sup Forums?

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show me de wei

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Oh god it's so fucking obvious who made this, this is so stupid it's unbelievable.


MI-5 mail a bunch of letters all over town. big news the next day

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Gee rabbi Whacha doin?

>imam watcha doin?

kek I love these false flags

>mfw that will be on my birthday

I think it's a sign lads

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Are the cops actually this stupid that they believe anyone will fall for this?


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goml nigger

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My birthday is April 3rd as well

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what are you doing, Imam?

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>nuking mecca is only worth 25 beat up muslims
what a fuckin scam

Somebody is going to jail for this one.

>sandniggers terrorize native british people for decades
>oy vey what are you doing white pypo you're not supposed to fight back!

I don't understand, what's wrong?

Don't forget mother's day!

Its my birthday today and O just made picanha for the first time
Extremely tender I will be buying an entire packer top sirloin to carve my own out and get a bigger fatcap

England slipped up and assumed gender. It should be You day not Mother's day.

What a retarded point system

>5 Points: Shitpost about Muslims.

I'm over 9000, niggas!


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Uganda be kidding me!

>throwing acid in the face is cheaper than beating up
Really pol, what is wrong with you.

Happy b-day brah

Is your picanha meant for the grill or oven? If the latter go for the one with a consistent and yellow-ish cap, then put it in the oven with the fat up

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You could get more by walking into a mosque and shouting insults as long as there are more than 250 Muslims inside.

Clearly this was created by a retard.

>250 points "Use of a rack"

That's two fiddy for each one you kick in the nuts.