What the actual fuck is wrong with you, Sup Forums?
What the actual fuck is wrong with you, Sup Forums?
show me de wei
Oh god it's so fucking obvious who made this, this is so stupid it's unbelievable.
MI-5 mail a bunch of letters all over town. big news the next day
Gee rabbi Whacha doin?
>imam watcha doin?
kek I love these false flags
>mfw that will be on my birthday
I think it's a sign lads
Are the cops actually this stupid that they believe anyone will fall for this?
goml nigger
My birthday is April 3rd as well
what are you doing, Imam?
>nuking mecca is only worth 25 beat up muslims
what a fuckin scam
Somebody is going to jail for this one.
>sandniggers terrorize native british people for decades
>oy vey what are you doing white pypo you're not supposed to fight back!
I don't understand, what's wrong?
Don't forget mother's day!
Its my birthday today and O just made picanha for the first time
Extremely tender I will be buying an entire packer top sirloin to carve my own out and get a bigger fatcap
England slipped up and assumed gender. It should be You day not Mother's day.
What a retarded point system
>5 Points: Shitpost about Muslims.
I'm over 9000, niggas!
Uganda be kidding me!
>throwing acid in the face is cheaper than beating up
Really pol, what is wrong with you.
Happy b-day brah
Is your picanha meant for the grill or oven? If the latter go for the one with a consistent and yellow-ish cap, then put it in the oven with the fat up
You could get more by walking into a mosque and shouting insults as long as there are more than 250 Muslims inside.
Clearly this was created by a retard.
>250 points "Use of a rack"
That's two fiddy for each one you kick in the nuts.