Pro-Kurdish Protesters shut down Manchester Piccadilly station halting all trains going in and out...

>Pro-Kurdish Protesters shut down Manchester Piccadilly station halting all trains going in and out, protesting against Turkey's military interventions against Kurds in Syria and claiming to be doing this to make a stand against terrorism.

>Most of the protesters are waving flags of the PKK terrorist organisation.


That makes no fucking sense.
Why are they so fucking retarded?


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This government is tacitly supporting their fucking cause, why are they protesting.

>Government allows this
>doesn't allow Brittany and Martin to enter the UK and hold them illegally on no charges for 3 full days in a detention centre for convicted criminals,failed asylum seekers and illegals despite the fact they've been here many times

Fuck the (((government))).

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We told you fuckers.

Stop trying to divide Turkey

Stop trying to strengthen commies separatists

Stop giving asylum to Kurds just cause they be opressed an shit

I hope you drown in Kurds Brit.

Antifa and Kurds have joined forces due to sharing the same communist ideology.
They're already attacking Turk owned shops and mosques on continental Europe with a Turk mosque being burnt by Kurds last night in Germany.

They were protesting outside the national tv station here yesterday. It doesn't make sense either, nobody sees them there. Their best shot would be downtown instead, lots of people in there on saturdays not so much today.

Guess they tried to do a
>hey looki here, be demonstrating and shieeet
for the tv people, don't even know if they have demonstrated here before, but don't think so. Best is infront of parliament in the weekdays, like everyone else. wether it is for killing all the whales, the wolves or clubbing more baby seal, they all go there

A pity none of them touch the live line.
That is instant death

I used to have some sympathy for the Kurdish cause; now, after all the antifa affiliation and constant bullshit, i can't wait to see them BTFO by the surrounding powers.

UK is one of the biggest supporters of Turkey in Europe.

Fuck kurds and fuck turks. Anatolia is greek

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Volatile turd worlders bringing their wars with them. Yay multiculturalism!

What a bunch of cry baby subpar jews koords are

The sad part is the station would have been sued for injury or death because they didnt switch off the power when they invaded the tracks

>terrorist organisation.

Nice try Mehmet


I want a white chimpout.

That's because it is, frog

Tell the trains to keep on rolling through!
Fuck those Commie Niggers

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>Turks persecute your people
>"terrorist organization"

Yeah no

These Kurds are European problem, you have been feeding them and it's gonna back fire the moment you stop the monetary aid. They are loosing in middle east and they'll blame you for not giving them more money/weapons.

Please take a look at recent history of Afghanistan.

I'd rather 100 secular Kurds than 100 T*rks.
>le based turkey
They're islamists and despise the western world. Fuck them and fuck them hard. They have what they deserve. Better PKK than T*rk.

Britain is such an embarrassment - the flights are so cheap there from the US I assume because no one wants to go to London anymore. The last time I went ticks were $600 in the winter. Now they’re like $250.

kurds are niggers of middle east.imagine worst even in middle east


>I'd rather 100 secular Kurds than 100 T*rks
How about neither?

the sand nigger invasion of europe is so thorough they've moved on from killing the kuffar to killing each other

>It doesn't make sense either, nobody sees them there.
Who the fuck cares if some brits see them? It's a fucking media event for the social network shilling.


sure Hans Oztürk!
We will be coming for you too!

Id rather communists than muslims.


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