Hypothetical question for the liberals of Sup Forums

Hypothetical question for the liberals of Sup Forums

>Boom bam bom!
>A nigger just broke into your home
>He has a gun
>He's banging on your locked bedroom door
>God comes down from earth and tells you he will give you either lube, a butter knife, or a gun

Which would you pick and why?

Attached: black-guy-with-gun.jpg (1000x665, 290K)

I'd ask for a hogwarts wand and hit him with the cruxtible curse.

wubba lubba dub dubď

Do people lock their bedroom doors in America?

>liberals of Sup Forums
not such thing, what you see as liberals are actually /ourguys/ pretending to be liberals so we can train our arguments

it's because of all the rapey uncles i guess

It's hypothetical idiots

Impossible. That nice dindu would respet DA lawz an shiet. You must be in his house.

Met one dude who did. But his step kids and useless in-laws lived in his house and he didn't trust any of them. Poor guy had a weird life. He was surrounded by scrubs leeching off him.

If I was him, I would have set up a few shadow bank accounts save as much as I could, then one day say "I'm going out for a pizza." and never come back.

I do because I don't live in a fantasy world where bad shit never happens. I'd have plenty of time to grab my gun and kill the guy.

poor guy

Do hypothetical idiots lock their bedroom doors in America?

why are Republicans always so scared and paranoid? in the unlikely event this happened I'd just call the cops.

Why not? What's the big deal if they do? If someone breaks in you have an extra few seconds hence the scenario retard

Congratulations on legitimately pissing me off faggot. If you don't lock your door before surrendering yourself to an extremely vulnerable position you may as well leave you fucking front door unlocked too. I swear to God all you fucking Europeans deserve to be slaughted by the truck load.

So what happens during the 12 minutes the cops are trying to get there

Reasonable, but sounds south africa-tier. Do you live in a city? I live on a stretched out road in the forest in some bumfuck nowhere Abbey town, don't really worry about that shit.

God doesn't exist.

Attached: neckbeard.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

Any self respecting Lefty would choose the lube.

niggers aren't real they're just on tv

I lock the bathroom door if I'm taking a shower or having a dump, even when I'm home alone.

You're fucking vulnerable in there.

what kind of shit doors can be busted down in 12 minutes by hand?

The 45 caliber holes id put in the dudes chest wouldn't be hypothetical at all. Also the dude pictured needs to fix his grip. That's literally how people who have never shot a gun hold a gun.

the thing is, we don't need to do it.

none, i would jump on him and throat fuck him at first chance


I hope you enjoy that false sense of security. Nothing is more organsmic than watching a faggot get fucked by his hubris

Hey i was just asking a question maestro, i got locking your doors etc having self defence but locking your bedroom door sounds like shit people in south africa doo with those steel gates inside their houses.

I feel safe with having a few dogs and an alarm system + self defence weapons

Literally any interior door. Like they are all hollow core and are only there for privacy and not security. The lock just keeps someone from accidently (or purposely) opening the door while your in there.

>hear the sound of glass breaking
>someone has broken into your house
>tfw trapped
>tfw in bathroom
>door kicked in
>tfw fapping
>"um..can I finish first?"
>"ye uh ok i-ill jus waet outside"

especially the fucking part

I take aikido so I wouldn’t need any of those things. I’d be smart enough to plan out an ambush and disarm the robber where I would hold him until police arrive. It’s not hard
Gun owners are just to retarded and lazy to invest the mental and physical work into planning a successful defense

My country is fucking safe and I live in the safest province of Spain, so yeah, I'm pretty sure I don't need it.

And I'm sure there are plenty of places in the USA where you don't have to live in constant fear.

the whole premise of this thread is so retarded. I live in a dangerous neighborhood where people can barge into my house because all my doors, both outside and inside are shit, cops take forever to arrive, etc. I could make up a retarded scenario where your wife and kids will be gangraped to death by hyenas if you don't accept Jose from Mexico as your compatriot and claim imaginary victory.

Gun. I can fire through the door

I bet you're waiting for the day when you actually get broken into, so you can finally use all that knowledge. hope you don't die desu

>guy thinks i'm unarmed because on toilet
>I reach into bowl, pull out a meaty 1ft log
>throw open door

>hurr I'm safe! People will protect me! My bubble is impenetrable!

If this were a movie you'd be that nobody faggot side character that gets his throat cut

yfw its Reva...
hello Oscar.

>tfw alternate universe
>two hands on my throbbing cock, turn towards him
>one final stroke
>blow away with massive load

Im going to vacay to spain just to kick peoples doors down and rape them

Oh and one more thing
>doesn't lock his door when he's driving

Fucking ridiculous complacency of some of you people

Attached: 1520791135526.png (540x540, 393K)

>People will protect me! My bubble is impenetrable!
no, I'm not saying someone will protect me, I'm saying I don't have any niggers around so I don't have to worry about it. There's almost no crime over here. We literally leave our doors open.


I'll see you soon, my sweet

For my sake please just lie and tell me you're trolling me.

You need a time out edge master

>grease up the floor
>nog slips
>rape him to teach him a lesson

Not even your God will protect you.

Attached: 1440740586170.webm (400x272, 1.92M)

A gun, of course. I'm liberal and pro-guns.

I live alone in a nice part of town and I do. Maybe I’m paranoid but if someone breaks into my house I want to make sure I have that extra few seconds to grab my gun. No way I’m letting someone sneak in on me like a pussy

I keep a few weapons strategically placed around my house and my room, but out of site where only I know where they are.

This basically happened at Stalingrad. Soviets were wiping out 6th army remnants in the kessel and one squad knew it would be massacred next as ivan was running out of patience and kvass.

Their lieutenant comes up with the bright idea of surrendering with their pants around their ankles. The soviets are met with a line of weiners and awkwardly take them prisoner.

I hope you have one in the bathroom, a lot of people don't because they take all their clothes off before they go in.

Life without niggers is truly divine.

t. south east asia

Hello my misunderstood negro. I know you wish to do me harm because my great great great great ancestors may or may not have had slaves, I’m sure you’re just misunderstood and your lack of good education has led you on this life of crime.

I’m going to call the police and while we wait for them to arrive maybe we can talk about feelings and how oppressed you are because of my white privilege.

But.. you're the niggers of Asia...

no one believe this

>Be Spanish user naked in his house

>woman opens the door

>go to jail for rape

I have 3 bathrooms and I have knives in all of them. I’d put guns in there but since guests use them I don’t want them finding them while they are snooping around or taking a shit.


in order to live without niggers... we must BECOME THE NIGGER

>t. retard
Go knock on all your interior doors. That hollow, empty sound represents a hollow, empty space. One or two boots will break through most. It is well known that American police take forever to show up when called. You can pretend these scenarios are made up but there are thousands of home invasions and robberies every year.

>apologize to jamal to letting him break into your house right now!

If i would live in a city i'd probably do the same, i guess it depends on location, i doubt people in rural Vermont or Montana lock their bedroom doors.

lol ok don't believe it, I don't live in a big city (yet a city, 120.000 pop). It's not atractive for niggers nor south americans. Who's going to come and steal? My octogenarian neighbours?

>Be Spanish user naked in his house
>woman opens the door
wut, why?

his wife coming home for a siesta

Gun to shoot the nigger dead

I guess I take the gun. I mean, I already had one in my nightstand but who doesn't want a free gun.

WTF is wrong with you all I only need a fuckin door and I feel safe where do you people live ?

a gun of course

It's literally true. I don't lock my doors unless I'm going to bed for the night.

This kills the pig.

Incidentally, locking your doors is only a deterrent to opportunist attackers. You also have to be able to herd them into a killing zone once they're inside. This is not hard. I'd rather capture a nig and enslave or kill it than call the police frankly.

This is a trick question, Libtard Commies don't believe in God exist so they're fucked.