Gypsy busts your door down

>gypsy busts your door down
>holds a knife and asks for your money
>shoot him
>get 5 years in prison for manslaughter

Burgers, tell me which midwest state I emigrate to.

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Depends on what you want, if you want to shoot more gypsies move to illinois though

No way that actually happens


Of course it does, only im America or a third world country you can get away with this

you cut him up and feed him to pigs retard

Fine breeding stock there

you must be memeing


Come to PA

That is what happens when you tolerate the gypsies.


Get away with? If someone enters my residence without permission, his life is forfeit. This isn't even a question.

I want a small quiet town woodland, mountains and no minorities.

This is now a Donald Duck boner meme thread. POST EM BOY!!

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Everybody but minorities wants no minorities.


Northern Minnesota, far from the Twin Cities and other Sand Molly refuges.

Colorado, Washington, Utah, Montana

Seriously, what do you mean by "get away with"? Would you try to discuss it with a violent home invader? Every fiber in my body knows the correct move is to end his life, painfully if possible.

a body like that should be illlegal

Montana or Wyoming are probably your best bets.

man's laughter

>everyone magically knows the burglar died by your hands

just stop being stupid maybe.

I´d say it happens in every western nation but USA

Thanks i'll start looking.

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who is this semen demon

get a better lawyer Borise
when did this happen

I understand some countries are cucked but are there are actually countries where if someone enters your home and intends to do you bodily harm, you shoot them in self defense, and then go to jail? Can you provide examples? I’m dumbstruck by how fucked the world is

Is Kentucky any good?


Ignoring ops post entirely I just came to say.

This bitch is thicc as fuck. My lord.

Southern Missouri. It's a happy boring beautiful white world.

Come to Wisconsin brother. No mountains but we got a few big hills.

That woman has very big hips.

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So apparently you can only use the same force as the attacker.
In the news report a woman was joking that she keeps a knife and an axe under her bed so she's prepared for both.

She looks like she fucks black guys

Any southern or midwestern state. Don’t let the media fool you, being around country boys and red necks is the most enlightening experience.

He is exaggerating to rack up some cheap sympathy.

>Gypsy robber with a criminal record brakes in to some dude's (that happen to be a doctor) garage.
>doc watches him going at it for several minutes from his flad window
>goes down armed (with unlicensed gun)
>unknown alteration occurs as of now (evidence is collected)
>shots are fired
>gypsos found dead on a hood of a parked car with a chest wound
>doc calls friends to help him tidy up the scene
>eventually arrested
>massive protests occur
>dock released for the duration of the investigation
>massive uproar to increase the span of self defense at present

Don't get me wrong, gypsies are utter scum worthy of being grind ed in to glue but a guy have to be honest when a story is being represented to serve an agenda, namely placating Sup Forums

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Colorado. We have castle doctrine so you can shoot people who break into your house.

I fucking knew it!

Gib me her name, nau!

It's pretty much the same here actually. If you shoot the burglar who had only knife you'll probably go to jail. I guess it's to make things fair, if someone busts in with a knife, you grab your own knife and engage in an honourable duel.

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sry but with the bulgarian "judicial" system you'll be running to hide the body too

They'd imprison you as if the gypsy is an actual human being.

Lol if only pathetic white boys weren't afraid of hot women

What if i use a dumbell handle and smack him on the head ?
Is that considered equal to a knife ?

Great so I have to worry about the well being of the criminal who just broke in to my house. I would have to be able to see what weapon he could have in his hands as well as consealed, possibly in dim light. I would then have to make the split second decision on the ammount of force appropriate to take him out without hurting him too much. Sounds way better than, *BANG* *BANG* problem solved and my family is safe.

Tennessee my friend. Lots of phat booty white girls, friendly people, good food, similar laws to Texas, good cost of living and plenty of open land to live freely on.

Thanx! I Will fap now

>get 5 years in prison for manslaughter
>he went after me with a gun, tripped, I took the gun and shot him
Sometimes, when the judges are mentally ill, you have to play along.


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Washington is lost, Colorado is next unless they get more red voters.

Come to Utah but stay out of Salt Lake City, it's a cesspool

Fuck off we're full. If you want to move here the admission is killing 3 Californians

We have the best economy in West Michigan

True. Best, most genuine people I’ve ever met. Plus they’re always getting into something fun.

It's better, actually. I used to everyday carry a hammer because it's considered a household tool and not a weapon.

Depends on your reason for moving. If you are needing a specific high-skilled job then you might get stuck in cucksville somewhere in one of the kike coastal states.

If you don't have a degree or any specific work requirements then just take a gander:

Kansas and Missouri are great states to pick, couple big cities with some good tech jobs and some smaller, very white towns and farms as well if you're looking to get away from the city.

It's also 100% legal (once you are a U.S. citizen) in both these states to walk down the street carrying an AR-15 with a 100 round drum mag, whilst also carrying concealed several handguns and decked out in body armor. Then if a negroid assaults you on the street, you can gun them down in self-defense instead of having to retreat.

Also both states have passed laws that specifically ban cities and towns from passing any local gun laws or ordinances that are more restrictive than the ones at the state level (which are basically nothing, so really just the Federal laws).

Land and property are also relatively cheap here, a 3 bedroom 2 bath house with a reasonably sized yard is going to run between 150-250k USD depending on how old it is.

Wisconsin. Love it here.

It's time we all start playing by the rules lads, there is no other way.

No. You have to kill 5 people from Illinois and 7 Californians currently living here. Then you can move in.

The google fags are flooding into Boulder now.

Colorado is the California of the Rockies

>no one mentioning the greatest state in the midwest
good, stay out Sup Forumstards, you and your degeneracy are not welcome here.

Utah sucks. Liberals and fags all over the cities.

West of the divide is pretty based. You won’t find many hippies around Craig.

Montana. Minnesota if you stay out of the big cities. North Dakota, South Dakota, Idaho...

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I am a law consultant and although I deal with administrative punishments, not criminal ones. Doing stuff to cover your tracks, messing up evidence and generally acting like a guilty person would will incriminate you in spite of your ethnicity or creed. Yes, we need clearer definitions as to what is considered an actual defense but we are not making things easier. You CAN shoot an unarmed man attacking you and get of scot free. The law do not mentioned you have to use the SAME method of defense as the attacker. It states it have to be of equal force. The problem with that is every court have it's own understanding what that entails. For example - a dude being larger than you is attacking you. You could shoot him and claim there was no other way to stop him but if the court dose not agrees you are fucked.

Stand your ground rules should apply in my opinion. Other places have nailed it down better.

Move to either, Kentucky, West Virginia, Maine, New Hampshire, or Vermont.
Unless you want to live around niggers and spics.

Boulder was always a lost cause though. It won't do much to change demographics

>Be in Army for over 12 years
>Go to Romania as part of NATO drills last year
>Go to part of Romania filled with Gypsies
>mfw they're worst in person than the stories I heard from Euros on Sup Forums
>Incredibly selfish, demanding, dirty, greedy, scammy, deviant, disgusting

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No sir, you don’t wanna move here. Here we have “African Americans” aka coastal west African niggers that hunt in packs and typically with weapons ranging from guns and knives to bricks
Way scarier, and plus killing them would probably get you 20 for first degree murder

wait this is in the US?

Vermont is a total leftist shithole. It was ruined by all the jewyork fags moving there.

Found the feminist

Daily reminder that south carolina is the only state that has gotten more white.

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Yeah. It's the mall of America.

Unless you purposely live in a 'urban' environment your chances of being nigged are slim. Just don't live around niggers.

All I'm saying is that it's white.


it's a major red pill even for the most leftist person to observe those creatures

Do this, OP. You can disappear into relative obscurity in the agricultural part of the state and live a wonderfully benign life.
When the Gypsy Itch needs scratching, just drive a few hours north to Chi or two hours west to SL and TCB. You can be back home innocently milking the cows before sunrise.

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Sure, but 30 years ago it wasn’t this bad. It’s gone full retard and us beyond saving. Hearing all the Boulder fags complain about the new tax laws, and how they can’t deduct their property taxes has been sweet.

Queit/Country you can get in most states, for gun rights / self defense you want to stay out of the west coast or north east, or illinois.

For mountains any state along the rockies.

might as well live in wyo if routt county



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It's awesome, but only if you don't talk to the people who live there.

That’s true. Maine is super white, except for those disgusting Somalis that migrated there.

Basically, 30 minutes from any major city in most midwest states will have no shitskins. You have a lot of options.

Yeah they are in Lewingston and Portland though.

>ywn have that brap on your face

Nige I want you to listen to me when I re you that's honesty pretty fuckin depressing m8

Any State with a Stand Your Ground law will suffice. Steer clear of Liberal Shitholes like New York, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Illinois, California, Maryland, New Jersey, Wash DC, Hawaii. any Blue State. They want the browns & Illegals to have the ability to Rape and Murder you and your family and you to not be able to defend yourself.

is it manslaughter just because I pound that ass rather than make babies with her? I dont want to waste my seed but oh my, that looks comfy.

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I hunt up around there. If Wyoming wasn’t so windy I’d head up that way. Around Savery is nice.

dont know that im afraid

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Here its not same force but expectation of harm and reasonable (as judged by jury if need be) fear for life. If someone breaks into your house at night its reasonable to expect they will hurt you since they knew chances are people are at home at night, for example.

Even during the day though, someone breaks in, you see a knife, you can shoot them in the head it dont matter, why should you have to play fair? The police dont, why should you? This aint a fucking duel, its life.

LOL holy fuck obama seeded somalis fucking everywhere