What are we going to do about all these mischlings?
Jewish intermarriage rate at 71%
Have you heard of the Talmud? It's all a bunch of books from countless rabbis from thousands of years ago advising on day to day life - It just so happens to have a lot of anti-Gentile stuff.
Maybe they don't want to practice the shit religion they're born into?
it's the invvvvvvvvasion of the body snatchers.
they're called shapeshifters for a reason.
It's a pre-emptive move so they look as non-white as possible to avoid further persecution when shtf
Most of the intermarriage is with whites.
are they mixing with non whites or whites
bullshit statistics.
From my own data I gathered on social media can see that 99% of them raise their childs Jewish
they fell for the beauty of the white man (God)
Doesn't matter kids will seek out those identities. Its the case children are turning out more conservative than their parents. Some people despise their parents because they had it comfy and built a disgraceful society on that comfort
>tfw no shiksa gf
lol, it is genetic anyways
Honestly half jews are a danger but anything less than 1/4 jewish and the rest white can be aryanized, even Hitler thought so.
>Honestly half jews are a danger but anything less than 1/4 jewish and the rest white can be aryanized, even Hitler thought so.
They're wrong, My aunt turned out to have some of it in her DNA and and she Jewed us on the inheritance.
>more than you may have thought
>Every single tv show and movie features Jews
What a joke, Jews are the most overrepresented ethnicity out there
>Jewish intermarriage rate at 71%
Intermarriage is going to lead to the complete collapse of the non-Orthodox Jewish community over the next 100 years.
It's actually a tragedy.
Jews need to breed Asian hybrids to rule over the next superpowers undetected. Chaim Levin Shekelstein will soon transform in Cho Lao Shinao.
Jewish nepotism is a strange thing. It has limits, visibly. Pic related.
Please no
lol youre probably all faggots and shes ashamed of you
Visit Park Slope in Jew York. It’s all hapa-yids, bubby’s Bhan Mi
dont you understand that this is a good thing?
you are breeding the jews out of existence, a modern holocaust
But their genes still live on.
what youre saying is equivalent to white women should procreate with black men so that white genes are preserved
a fucking leaf