ITT: Europeans help out American politicians to ban guns the same way they did with us...

ITT: Europeans help out American politicians to ban guns the same way they did with us, share ideas on how to implement "gun control".

Like "cooking the frog", outright confiscation doesn't work, it needs to be a gradual process.
>issue a 24 months federal buyback at MSRP on all semi-automatic weapons, non compliers will be prosecuted and will become felons
>impose a upper limit on FFLs for ammuniton sale and register names/adresses of the buyer
>start registering all important parts of the weapons, not just the lower: serialize barrels, uppers, bolts and magazines. Write everything down in case of sale
>prevent the sale of high capacity magazines, grandfathered magazines are fine but require a proof of purchase with date and name
>restrict any caliber above .50
>all firearm purchase must be authorized by the local police
>concealed carry permits are revoked until further notice

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no, fuck off frog.

Not European, NEXT!

If people already ignore the murdering people ban, what makes you think they’ll follow the gun ban?

You are aware that mass murder and genocide precede the invention of guns right?

The only thing worse then a Jew is a Frog.

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You won't want to become a felon and lose all rights in the process. You need your work, your family and reputation.

Guns aren't being banned, only semi-automatic firearms.

Step 1: Elect. For a gun-free America, the first thing you'll need is two-thirds of Congress. So elect a minimum of 67 Senators and 290 Representatives who are on your side.

Step 2: Propose. Then, have them vote to propose an amendment to the Constitution which repeals Second Amendment gun rights for all Americans.

Step 3: Ratify. Then convince the legislators of 38 states to ratify that change.

At this point, the Second Amendment is history, but you've done nothing to decrease gun violence. All you've done is remove the barrier for Congress to act.

Step 4: Legislate. You need to enact "common sense" reform.

You can try to do what Australia did and...ban all guns? That's not at all what they did, but whatever, fuck it. Go big or go home, right?

It will have to be passed by Congress and signed by the president.

Great! The law is passed and guns are now illegal. The only thing left to do is...

Step 5: Enforce. Guns won't just disappear because you passed a law. You need to confiscate some 350 million guns scattered among 330 Million Americans.

Sure, you can try a buy-back program like Australia, but like Australia that will still leave behind anywhere from 60 percent to 80 percent of privately owned firearms.

The rest you have to take.

You'll need the police, the FBI, the ATF or the National Guard—all known for their nuanced approach to potentially dangerous situations—to go door-to-door, through 3.8 million square miles of this country and take guns, by force, from thousands, if not, millions of well-armed individuals. Many of whom would rather start a civil war than acquiesce.

So inevitably gun violence, which is currently at a historic low, will skyrocket. But that is how you get a gun-free America in five easy steps.

Not happening, Europoor faggot!

American God-Race locked and loaded.

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There's that word again... you'll sell your guns back willingly you fool.
You will NOT want to become a felon. You will comply.

>Sure, you can try a buy-back program like Australia, but like Australia that will still leave behind anywhere from 60 percent to 80 percent of privately owned firearms.

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you forgot the part where illegal weapons now flow like water through our southern border, it will be like the prohibition on alcohol all over again.

No, fuck off frog.
OPis a faguette

You can bury your ARs in the backyard, no one cares.
You'll stop maintaining them, you'll stop training with them, they'll start rusting up, they'll disappear forever.

magine you're a school shooter with the intent of killing as many people as possible. Do you go to the school where you know the staff are armed & will protect their students? Or do you go to the gun free zone where you will face no resistance?

Removing guns may reduce gun crime, but it wont reduce violent crime overall. We've seen that with Australia & their mandatory buy back. Violent crime rates were not affected. In that case; it makes most sense to allow people to keep their right to self preservation against both foreign and domestic threat given to them by the second ammendment, since there is no discernable benefit from doing the contrary - regardless of anyone's feelings on the matter.

Criminals do not listen to the law in the first place. A gun ban would simply disarm the law abiding citizens, and leave the criminals armed. Not exactly a recipe for succes.

The CDC estimates that anywhere between 500,000 and 3,000,000 lives are saved each year in the U.S from proper, legal use of a gun. Comparitively ~30,000 lives are lost through improper use of a gun. The second figure includes suicides by firearm - which accounts for around half of those lives lost.

The argument "A good guy with a gun will stop a bad guy with a gun" is a perfectly reasonable argument. Given you supposedly trust the police to stop bad guys with guns. I think "A good guy with a gun" is a fair description of police. However; citizens who carry will have a much shorter response time to a crime than police would after a call to their station and the travel time to the destination.


>You'll stop maintaining them, you'll stop training with them, they'll start rusting up, they'll disappear forever.
I'll take "Things that will never happen" for $500, Alex

Because america has a long history of complying with Europeans whining and bitching. You're retarded.

Why don’t you all come over here and take them?

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Fuck you're dumb and must not know shit about americans. Gun buybacks have been tried here and all it does is get people money for new guns. Americans won't give up their guns willingly even if you threaten them

>You won't want to become a felon and lose all rights in the process. You need your work, your family and reputation.
No, I wouldn’t. I’m not a criminal.

But knowing all that, PEOPLE STILL MURDER OTHER PEOPLE...Why would you think that criminals would decide that, all of a sudden, the gun ban is the law they’ll finally follow??? You didn’t answer the question.

And banning any type of gun or all of them is unleveling the playing field and giving criminals the advantage. Why do that??

Your diatribe is useless, I don't care about guns being allowed or banned. I'm just stating the obvious on what's going to happen.

The government will never come take your guns, they'll give you and ultimatum to turn them in and then call them illegal. You're fucked.

>The government will never come take your guns, they'll give you and ultimatum to turn them in and then call them illegal.
they're undocumented, actually. there's a difference. also,
>The government will never come take your guns
what is katrina?
>you're fucked
nah, lost my guns in a boating accident, sorry officer

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Nah. That will kick off Civil War 2.0

Its never gonna happen.

You clearly have no idea about Americans, and exactly how many guns exist here.

what's the point of calling them illegal and then never coming to take them?

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I think the govt would struggle to amend the constitution isi such a substantial way in the first place given their 3 houses of government, and then on top of that trying to remove ~300,000,000 guns from circulation without substantial resistance.

they can't do that you retard we have a Constitution and a court case saying we can keep and bear arms. How bout we talk about french gun control where haiji and Ahmed get full auto ak's and fuck your whole world up

The CDC estimates that anywhere between 500,000 and 3,000,000

curious where they got these numbers. theres only around ~600 defensive homicides by police and citizens combined per year. Those numbers seem a bit unrealistic.

> Comparitively ~30,000 lives are lost through improper use of a gun. The second figure includes suicides by firearm - which accounts for around half of those lives lost.

this number is definitely not accurate. theres ~60k deaths every year in America from guns including suicide (66% of gun deaths).

Not arguing anypoints, just trying to correct the numbers.

You’ll spend the rest of your days a prisoner either way. Also nra members outnumber law enforcement and military by about 6:1. It is the rule in war, if our forces are ten to the enemy's one, to surround him; if five to one, to attack him; if twice as numerous, to divide our army into two. If equally matched, we can offer battle; if slightly inferior in numbers, we can avoid the enemy; if quite unequal in every way, we can flee from him.
-Sun Tzu

Can you frogs get Surefire 556 or 762 suppressors? How much do they cost?
I know you can get cans legally.

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>theres ~60k deaths every year in America from guns including suicide
post a source for that you fucking faggot, we've never hit 60k in our entire history as a nation

You don't seem to understand that Americans don't give a fuck what the government says. They'll give us an ultimatum (lol) and be laughed at. Second Amendment trumps anything they say or do.
The only way they'll achieve gun control is by making the country 90% non-white, and even then, there will be a war before Americans are disarmed.

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Yeah total Gun Ban in Sweden, now the Rape capital of the world.

Do NOT do the same mistake as Europe.

Mexico total gun ban for the population, over 60k death the last few years, do not make the same mistake.

Also in US, 500,000+ die each year from cardiovascular diseases, seems you have a bigger problem with french fries and fried foods creating clogged arteries (atheriosclerosis) and heart attack, than gun violence.
Ban those Assault French Fries!!!!!

Secondary infections caught in hospitals due to bad cleaing routines + 250,000 deaths each year. Get sanitizers in hospitals.

30,000+ die each year from drowning in their own pool. Ban those Assault Pools!

literally all the cops I know are diehard 2ndfags, I have doubts that police would actually enforce this to be honest.

But they are not banned.
>Be Austrian
>go to gun store
>get rifle and take it home right after filling out the background check and registration form
>but I want a semi auto
>shall issue license, takes one to two weeks

Thanks for the "help". Actually, you can go fucking die. I'd knock your teeth out if you presented an idea like this to me in person.

>Who wants to go door-to-door asking for people to turn over their weapons?
i wonder why

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you have enough problems at home? you have to go looking? fuck off back to algeria, faggot

around half-way down i believe it lists that 36,252 account for all firearm deaths.
here it says that 22,018 deaths are suicide by firearm.

>As to defensives uses of guns, the CDC report said, "Studies that directly assessed the effect of actual defensive uses of guns (i.e., incidents in which a gun was 'used' by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective strategies. ... Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year, in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008."

you're right, looks like 36k from cdc in 2015.

I strongly remember the 60k figure, perhaps I misread or am confusing it with something else.

Maybe would. When they're shot at for being traitors they'll shit themselves and not hit anything.

good like kike, all my guns disappeared in a boating accident

*some would

>be french
>draw a picture of muhammad
>get shot

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Nice divide and conquer thread.

>Concealed carry permits a revoked until further notice

Good thing I don't need a permit to carry legally because I live in a constitutional carry state.

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So many euros have been conditioned for subjugation; not all but most.

Don't bother, we are aware of your tactics and have had enough. Civil war begins this year.

We aren’t interested in you, your meme country, or your opinion.

You are welcome to not visit us if you don’t like our freedoms.

I want Americans to help Europeans to get second amendment here tho

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Good thing I don't need a permit because I have the 2nd Amendment and the willingness to kill any tyrant that tries to violate me

Your post is so full of contradictions it sounds like a child wrote it, but seriously, come on over and try it.
You might actually have a face to face discussion and you’ll get past the one-liners about why we Americans value guns so much.

Oh my naive frog, metal and books do not disappear overnight. There's going to be guns no matter what the law says, they're just going to get smaller and quieter.

If they're too afraid to come and take them, why would we be fucked? We would still kill anyone who tries to take them from us in the streets. Do you think a designation such as illegal will fucking stop us? Cops will be ambushed in the streets. It's a war of attrition they can't win.

Ruger SR22 with silencer. Two in the head.

IOW, ain’t happening. But libtards being libtards...

>issue a 24 months federal buyback at MSRP on all semi-automatic weapons, non compliers will be prosecuted and will become felons
No one will comply, you will have to come to our houses and take them by force, and you will be shot. Firearm owners far outnumber the police, and the police aren't crazy enough to try to take them anyways.

This isn't Europe, we will shoot back.

>impose a upper limit on FFLs for ammuniton sale and register names/adresses of the buyer
And suddenly hand-reloading becomes popular.

>start registering all important parts of the weapons, not just the lower: serialize barrels, uppers, bolts and magazines. Write everything down in case of sale
It's not just the lower receiver that we can make incomplete and trivial to complete.

>prevent the sale of high capacity magazines, grandfathered magazines are fine but require a proof of purchase with date and name
We can 3D print magazines already, you dumbass.

>restrict any caliber above .50
I wasn't aware there were any bullets in current use more powerful than .50 BMG

>all firearm purchase must be authorized by the local police
Firearms will be purchased in rural counties where the police don't give a fuck.

>concealed carry permits are revoked until further notice
Then we'll just carry without permits.

Moron, almost all pistols are semi-automatic

Libtards think they can reduce crime by turning the most law abiding (and tax paying) citizens into criminals. And they wonder why we refer to them as libtards.



redpills for second american civil war ^^

Gun is only for soldier and government. It is only safe way. Like my home.

>You won't want to become a felon and lose all rights in the process. You need your work, your family and reputation.
I don't think you understand. Our country was founded by men who believed that if they could not be given liberty, they would prefer death. We will have our guns, or we will shoot each and every person who attempts to take them from us. We won't give them up willingly, even if you threaten us with becoming felons.

>Guns aren't being banned, only semi-automatic firearms.
Semi-automatic firearms have been around since 1885, and it is now the default and expected means for which a firearm should chamber a new round. Bolt actions, lever actions, and the like are obsolete and have been for over a century. We're not going back to those old pieces of junk.

You forgot gun collection of Dear Leader, Gulag with you.

The reason we have a right to keep and bear arms is so that we can shoot at the government when the country becomes too much like your home.

If government says you must work hard until death, for glory of country, it is high honor. I will gladly comply

>Gun is only for soldier and government.

I am sure Hitler, Hugo Chavez, Mao Zedong, Japanese empire and Brittish settlers killing Native Americans would agree.

I don’t like this thinking. This is dangerous

Yes. Also good leaders. Thank you for your gratitude.

I've got a better idea! Why don't we examine what is going on in Mexico - where citizens have no gun rights, or Honduras, the world murder capital, where citizens have no gun rights, or El Salvador, where citizens have no gun rights.

After all, these are the people who are streaming across our borders. Have you heard of MS 13?

I see you know a lot about weapons, senor frog.

No we won't

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Because of faggots like you, men like me have been building machinery and equipment to self manufacture.

suck on my hairy balls muhammad

Of course it's dangerous. But you can't get what you want if you aren't willing to take a little bit of risk. There is a saying in our country. The tree of liberty must, from time to time, be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants. A life without liberty is not a life worth living, so some brave souls will have to take one for the team. You understand the value in dying for your country. For us, it is principles which we would gladly die for.

VERY easy combat this:
1) Deport Jews
2) Deport Jews
3) Deport Jews
6,000,000) Deport Jews

I'm poor so I just plan to hit the armories

Well said.

>Me and my blunderbuss vs the military industrial complex
>being this delusional

>countries are a giant shithole due to rape and robberies
>lets make americans give up their defense so they can be a shit hole like us diversity is great accept islam a satanist cult where we can kill people for being gay and abuse women

why is europe so fucking faggy

>concealed carry permits revoked
Some states allow for constitutional carry, others require a certified training course. I had to pass both a written, and a range test in order to qualify for a ccw. I took mine through a private instructor, for experienced shooters only. Day 1 was the classroom and written test. Day 2 was the range test, it included firing from draw, 1 handed firing, jam clearing, field stripping, and reloading. Memes aside, not everyone in America is a diabetic mutt, and those who concealed carry often put in plenty of range time to stay sharp. Carrying a weapon in public is a serious responsibility, not to be taken lightly. Many people (not all) who do carry are proficient shooters, and would not take kindly to being disarmed.

If by deport you mean gas, then OK. We can't allow them to live any longer.

I do not enjoy your think. In my home you would be sent to work until death for glory of our Leader. This is great honor.

There are more guns than people in the US and they aren't going anywhere.

Neither is your oligarchy police state

You're wrong about that. Civil war is coming this year.

It would be an AR-15 against police officers. The government isn't dumb enough to drone strike an American apartment complex, because they'd end up killing neighbors who don't have guns.

lol ok

Damn you're are a tough guy aren't you?

In my home, if you sent police officers after people for thinking the wrong way, the police officers might be shot at.

Actually it'd be a guy with a high powered rifle sitting 800m out from the address of that anonymous domestic disturbance he just reported waiting for the cop car to show up with 1 or 2 cops in. Then they die and he disappears. Rinse and repeat.

Gun buybacks are great. You can make pic related and sell it to the government for hundreds of $. People make these by the dozens and bring home thousands of bucks from buy back programs.

It is a funcrional firearm. So you can go fuck yourself.

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The power, internet and com towers will be destroyed first. Let's see how effective the police are then.

It doesn't take a tough person to wield an AR-15. Even a limp-wristed liberal could use one with reasonable effectiveness. And if each person defending his right to bear arms kills at least one police officer before being taken out, there will not be enough police officers to confiscate all of the arms in the US.

>cooking the frog
I'm very okay with this bit.

Gather round folks, France is giving disarming and surrendering lessons

hon hon hon

>Like "cooking the frog", outright confiscation doesn't work
How about "gassing the frog"

Done this at a /k/ meet up lol then we bought more guns.