ITT: Europeans help out American politicians to ban guns the same way they did with us, share ideas on how to implement "gun control".
Like "cooking the frog", outright confiscation doesn't work, it needs to be a gradual process.
>issue a 24 months federal buyback at MSRP on all semi-automatic weapons, non compliers will be prosecuted and will become felons
>impose a upper limit on FFLs for ammuniton sale and register names/adresses of the buyer
>start registering all important parts of the weapons, not just the lower: serialize barrels, uppers, bolts and magazines. Write everything down in case of sale
>prevent the sale of high capacity magazines, grandfathered magazines are fine but require a proof of purchase with date and name
>restrict any caliber above .50
>all firearm purchase must be authorized by the local police
>concealed carry permits are revoked until further notice