You guys literally took an American Citizen prisoner. For speech she MAY have said. For thought crimes. For Islam's feelings.
An American Citizen.
One of your "Allies"
Fucking wot??
You guys literally took an American Citizen prisoner. For speech she MAY have said. For thought crimes. For Islam's feelings.
An American Citizen.
One of your "Allies"
Fucking wot??
Americans are not the allies of Islamic State, what are you talking about?
One of the best things about living in the United Kingdom is that most of the right-wing rhetoric you hear in America is very much against the law here. Calling Islam "uncivilised" or saying that gay marriage isn't really marriage would get you charged with inciting hatred. Suggesting that people should buy guns "for self-defence" would be considered inciting violence, which carries serious penalties as well. We're also finally starting to seriously crack down on climate change deniers and anti-vaxxers and all three of our legal systems have laws that prohibit insulting or offending people in general. Scotland has a law against disparaging the memory of deceased persons, so the crude "ding dong, the witch is dead" rhetoric coming from the US when a celebrity dies would be very much illegal. Childish name-calling and lying about people is not allowed here either, as a woman in Suffolk was recently given defamation charges for commenting "she's a liar" on a YouTube video of a politician giving a speech.
Is our freedom of expression limited? Not in the least. We are guaranteed freedom of expression through European law. Rather than restricting freedom of expression, these laws simply ensure that it's used responsibly and for the purposes of good. Unlike Americans, we understand that human rights and human dignity also need to be respected. Americans stubbornly cling to their outdated interpretation of their archaic Constitution while the rest of the world forges ahead. You Americans look very uncivilised to the rest of us when you allow bigots to speak out openly. By allowing hate speech, you are sending the message to the rest of the world that your government approves of hatred and intolerance. Is that really what you want, Americans?
Doubleplusgood blackwhite, comrade!
>JIDF Flaggot detected
How's the weather there in Tel Aviv, Jew Nigger?
You're going down so fucking hard.
Thanks for raising this issue user.
I'd like to contribute the following to further illuminate the issue at hand:
Wrong video,my bad:
>plebbit copypasta
go back
That is a reddit pasta.
>b-but Brexit!!!!
this, sadly this
who care about a tradthot whore roastie with NO JOB getting caught at the border with her delinquent boyfriend? they aren't even married. she should be arrested just for traveling with a man who is not her husband.
I know it's a pasta but goddamn it pisses me off with its assumption their government needs to be an active participant or tolerator of its citizens
Citizens tolerate their governments who gives a shit what the government thinks it approves of
I know this copiedpasted but I hate you Europeans so much.
If I ever get the opportunity to grind your whole continent underfeet, I will take it without a second of hesitation.
Yeah, but this isnt new. They have been locking britts up for tweets and shit for a while now. Thats why its retarded the anglos get so much shit, boomers fucked them and now they are under such magnifying glass that they cant do much to fight against it. Its kind of the same shit here but our government doesnt have as much power legally, theyll still frame you for cp or kill you if you're a threat though.
>One of your "Allies"
Haha no.
Perfidious Albion strikes at us yet again.
Its not a choice
I wonder what Brittany's maternal haplogroup is
Wow, Europe sounds awesome for open minded people like myself. I can't stand ignorant right wingers here thinking they can say whatever they want without regard for anyone's feelings. I wish they would all get locked up! Toss that bigot bitch in prison and throw away the key. When Drumpf begs for her release tell him to fuck off!
Honestly we've started World Wars for less than that.
Seriously. We out to beat the shit out of any Brit we meet stateside in retaliation. You fuckers created this mess, it's the least you deserve.
may is the worst PM we've had in a very, very long time. she's just bloody awful and we're pretty fucked right now
The UK is faggot.
At first I thought that you said you should beat up Brittany when she returns
You have my absolute agreement.
Black Pigeon isn't wrong apart from the "turning into a censored shithole lately" part. Orwell wrote 1984 in a broom cupboard at the BBC in 1949. If anything, the 60s and 70s were anomalous in their outspokeness, and Power soon moved to stamp that stuff out.
Both Saud and Qatar now own London, literally with the bricks and mortar and figuratively as White Flight occured in such large numbers between 2006 and 2012 that from even a casual anaylsis our capital city is now muslim majority. I should point out that the conditions that sparked the White Flight began in earnest in the early 1990s.
So, yeah, but none of this is new. Our capital city has fallen six times in history, to six "unstoppable" arrogant asshole groups who thought that meant they'd won the country. Each time they were proved wrong within a generation. Britain remained then and will remain now 80% White Anglo heritage. We'll do what we always do, move away from the invaders and pretend that they simply don't exist until they either kill each other off or crash and burn without our input. Never underestimate the power of Weaponized British Indifference directed towards a group of shitheads running amok along the Thames. It fucked the Romans, it fucked the Normans, it fucked the Vikings, and it will fuck the muslims.
The only difference is that this time you are being displaced by an alien group. Prior to the 20th century mass migration was not possible.
>Britain remained then and will remain now 80% White Anglo heritage.
This is called "normalcy bias". It's why you and yours are letting your country be taken over and it's why you STILL don't realize how fucked you are.
You're a goddamn retard.
>fucked the Romans, the Normans, the Vikings
All of these groups had an ENORMOUS influence on British people. They dominated the destiny of Britain for centuries. Your capital city is literally a former Roman colony.
Your optimism is refreshing. Good luck.
I'm glad we have no stupid hate speech laws here and our Police aren't cucks.
Kill the anglos, race war now!
>Still salty about getting 1776ed
If you post a pic it negates the sage dummy
I’m going back there in June, am I going to get arrested if I have 1000s of images like pic related on my laptop?
I just leave sage in the options fields at all times now, all threads on Sup Forums have been shit for a while
The UK is quintessentially Orwellian, but their libtards will rationalize everything and stay in denial.
>We'll do what we always do, move away from the invaders and pretend that they simply don't exist until they either kill each other off or crash and burn without our input.
that might have worked in centuries past, but when the laws and the immigration all stem from London, and they continue unabated, how long can you ignore it?
Probably not, but a cavity inspection (for printed images) will probably be in order.
Yup she is shockingly shit
This pasta better not become a fucking meme
Just tell them you're a holocaust enthusiast
Doesn't canada have the same type of hate speech laws?
nuke the UK now, this is an act of war
Yes, but they didn't leave a genetic impact, is the point you're missing. And when they fell, we kept the stuff that worked - if that, even, look at how rejected Roman technology was after the collapse - and then it was as if they were never here at all.
Ah, the inpatient son. Listen to your old man. We have a document in this country called the Doomsday Book. It was written after that upstart Norman William wrecked us and then wrecked us again by introducing the Jews of Rowan into the country to assert legal ownership of the land. White Anglo British made up 82% of the population following all that extremely lethal fighting and conquering. Roll forward past the Harrying of The North - essentially Elite infighting and the King demanding the removal of the Northern Baron's ability to levy armies by murdering all the British men - and White Anglo British still made up 80% of the nation. This figure has remained static for centuries since and a lot of shit has gone down in that time.
London has never been British outside of cultural appeals to such mainly in the 1960s and 1970s. It has always acted as powerbase for whoever decided to invade us in that era. It is the quintessential City State, and indeed quintessentially a metropolitan international trading hub. We don't "want the city back" it has never been regarded as ours in the first place. The rest of us have to steel ourselves to even visit the damn place. With any luck the Canaries will collapse into the ocean and the tidal wave will swarm up the river to cleanse us of this two thousand year blight on our nation. Nothing of value to the British will be lost when this inevitably occurs. Time is on our side, as history has proven over and over.
Most countries that had many muslims and were relatively successful were very oppressive like Ghafafi, Saddam, Mubarak, and still Saudi's,Assad. Countries with area's highly populated with muslims will become more oppressive and intrusive. It's just the way diversity works, people will be begging the country to take away their freedoms for the greater ''good'' and a sense of control/safety.
Remember: high ground attacks on ecelebs and others is ALWAYS leftist shilling.
Who is responsible for detaining Pettybone and Sellner? What institutions are there in the UK to prosecute this individual for this crime?
One of the things that Americans need to understand about people who live in Britain and other countries who don't allow their citizens to have freedom is that these people really have been slaves to their governments for hundreds of years. They don't understand the basic tenets of liberty and freedom because they've never fought for it.
It's why it's so confusing to them and why Americans look "uncivilized" despite the fact that America is the most powerful country on earth. Logic evades their tiny slave minds. It's not their fault, they're victims of their own stupidity.
I admire your optimism, even in the face of your own impending destruction.
You remind me of the citizens of Pompeii who sat around and watched the pretty volcanic eruption for hours, not realizing they were sealing their own fate through inaction and they were about to be buried in a 25-foot wall of molten lava and ash. Good luck
>Eight sided star of Ishtar, to go with her star-and-crescent-moon symbol
Islam worships the cunt meteor
At least our Orwellian police sate will be put under the spot light for the world to see
Old Bill, once respected, is now a fucking disgrace. They're morphing into the Stasi: putting the enforcement of PC ideology before keeping us citizens safe from crime and actual(not imagined)terrorism.
The state.
The state.
Mummy May had to protect our muslamic friends else they may riot again. Our police have no means to stop them since all the available guns are constantly in use to apologise support when arresting twitter trolls.
>declares all cities in the north Sharia law zones.
I'm convinced most Europeans never really threw off monarchy. Physically maybe, mentally not.
I mean some European states gained their freedom as late as the late 19th century.
Slavery was abolished here in 1335, mutt. You don't know shit.
Truth is what Jews and their Good Goys fear above all else. That is why the disarm populations and remove free speech from them. That is why they deplatform everything they don't want discussed. Being a minority sucks and when poor white men figure that out, the game is over.
Anons, take your complaints to your Jewish masters. They actually have the control that everyone thinks whites have. Revelation of Jewish Power Levels is what Jews fear most of all.
Do you have anything corresponding to JO? (Ombudsman of Justice, an institution for fighting corruption with the right to prosecute)
I think he means mental slavery and obedience to the government aka authority. I mean he has a point, you had Germans literally waiting dutifully for those wonder weapons right up until the end.
Jefferson had to help Lafayette write the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, which was based on his own.
Dyke muslims are going to shank her.
Nice trolling! I can tell you're a real Brit cause you spell defense with a c
I don't even think we should have been the britcucks ally in ww2 .
Literal Jewish cuckolds
That guy was working overtime yesterday in another petria one thread. It's an inbred Jew who works for gchq. Go check the other threads he is in them all
Thank you. Keep watching us, especially past 2022 when the law the Tories past to try a last second flip of Breixt kicks in: ALL foreigners will have to earn £35k a year or lose their visas. That will clean out 90% of all of this annoyance.
As for London's current problem? 50% of all muslim men and 75% of all muslim ninjas are utterly dependent on State Welfare for their pathetic income and shithole commieblock housing. That's 2/3 of the problem contained economically, right there. The third generation muslims who arrived in the 60s have already rejected their religion en masse. There will be a neutered Mosque Of England with Charles at the head within out lifetime, utterly diffusing the fundies and keeping them away from this island thereafter. Our Elite know how to fuck the little people over; Islam in England doesn't stand a chance in the long term, it never did. We took Saud's money and gave them nothing in return. Like we always do, and why we are called Perfidious Albion.
Yes, the rape gangs are horrendous, yet they represent a shift of the Saville Network supplying kids for rich people to fuck that has plagued this nation since the Normans. That is to type they are being lead on and let off by Power Incarnate, and as such cannot be considered entirely organic. This is an issue we have to address, but we're not nearly in the postion to start a national debate on it yet while Charles lives.
Britain is no longer a serious country.
>Remember: high ground attacks on ecelebs and others is ALWAYS leftist shilling.
So what is Anglin's Daily Stormers excuse?
He tells his fanbois to post attack pro-white women and the men that stands up for them.
Not us Yank, ((them))
Beautiful Picture btw BUT not if you dont show them, I would advise some discretion, we have a man in scotland going to court over a pug doing a roman salute. 1488
I wonder whose turn it is to fuck Martin's ass tonight? Tyrone or DaShawn?
They're on their way back to Austria and Tommy is at the airport waiting for them
>One of your "Allies"
Pretty sure we said that also every time we've dealt with you over the past one hundred years
>inb4 hurr this meens u support dis
Brittany Pettibone said that immigration deported her because she was going to interview Tommy Robinson.
Doesn't that violate the human rights act/freedom of expression.
Yes and also if that was the case why didn't the human rights lawyers do anything about that.
Were almost an Islamic State who currently bend over for Ahmed and wouldn't dare question Islam (who hate the west and America). It's even worse than Sup Forums thinks, when walking to uni i noticed i was a minority for the first time, there were barley any whites.
>uni i noticed i was a minority for the first time, there were barley any whites.
Unis are overran with foreign students
FP...sad P
No, i'm talking about the journey to uni in my car and walk. Every street i passed whites were a minority.
What city?
It's nearing the same where I live.
islamic societies don't tend to allow criticism of islam
Because they would lose their job if they stood up for the rights of whites to protest our own genocide?
London. I was in Glasgow the other day and it's almost the same, not there yet like London but almost.
Absolutely. Fuck your feelings.
good place to get interest free loans
Lads. I'm ashamed of me flag. :(
tfw this destroys diplomatic ties with UK and an uncucked future America ends up going to war to liberate them from pedophiles and jews
lol she has been lockedup for wrongthink, meanwhile in telford another 50 little white girls have been gang raped today.
Welcome to bongland. Wouldnt be surprised if the police are assisting the rapists in telford as they did in Rotherham.
anglin is an informer/plant. but the alphabetniggers that prop up some of these ecelebs didn't foresee their redpilling effect on the masses. kek, jokes on them.
>Americans are not the allies of Islamic State
But they are
BPS can get fucked. Deflecting anti-German piece of shit and kike shill.
weird. i was just looking at stats of Glasgow from a couple years ago, and iirc is was upper 80s white percentage.
north london was insane tho. Waltham Forest was only like 30 something percent white