Why the fuck is the jq being talked about everywhere?

Why the fuck is the jq being talked about everywhere?
pic was front page of reddit
fucking REDDIT
Seriously is it all in my mind or is it now the cool thing to be talking about?

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The goyim are waking up. Tick tock schlomo.

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Reddit is propaganda and the voting system is rigged for certain articles.

This can't be spontaneous. The goyim might be waking up, but reddit is like Kike HQ.
You see yid shills naming their own kind on here all the time so I'm 100% positive this is part of some Jewish trick. Everything is.

Q named the J so boomers heads are spinning


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Because Israel is an enemy.




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Apparently Israel tried really hard to keep that documentary from coming out.

How the fuck can you look at certain countries like America and not question the influence Jews have on it? There's very few if any politicians in Congress that aren't completely bought out by them. I understand why conservatives don't do it since they're brainwashed by their pastors to believe the Jews are our greatest Ally, but what about everyone else?

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wtf i love reddit now

You know why, dumb fuck. We're not some seekrit internet hate club, we have been the mainstream they've desperately been trying to downplay for over 6 years now

and today I was brought to the unfortunate realization that Reddit unironically idly jokes about getting cucked

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Take note of all the politicians that don't dare say the word Jew without quaking with a pitiful awe. Jews are the Masters of the world. Therefore, any person of any political persuasion needs to take their complaints to any and all Jewish Centers if they want big issues solved. The Jew fears discovery above all else. His power depends on deception. Make you local politicians squirm by mentioning how powerful the Jews are in their presence. They are not prepared for people who act like Jews are deserving Masters who have the compassion to listen to their slaves. That LARP will unhinge the whole charade of Jews just being pitiful nerds who dindunuffin.

Take your complaints to the real Masters. Take them to the Jews. If we concern troll Jewish Centers IRL, they will go crazy.

good fuck kikes

ur mum gai

Well the goyim knows.
Next stop: Shut it down

>TIFU by busting my clit open
You missed the top story, user.

That's not what that line is about in this case. It's a 'funny' bit from the movie they mentioned.