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Not your personal army.
Also. Fucking sage larping cicada fag
66 6e 34 62 6e 66 38 34 66 34 6e 6f 34 33 30 66 38 39 34 6d
Go fuck yourself you dime store intelligence agency.
Maybe you should find US, assuming that you can get past mossads control of our communications systems, huh?
Prove that YOU are intelligent, eh?
Fuck bois open with notepad
Wait, I thought they were known as "3301"
guess they are scraping the bottom of the barrle
Can confirm, is legit. 3302 the new power
Nice try, CIA.
They want people to crack the puzzles in the antarctic temples
chill dude
hey guys fbi here
we needing some new recruuts and u niggas seem perfect
stare at this pic here long enough and youll find a secret message bro
Hi i m smartest guy in Canada. I will help solve puzzles for you as long as I get paid 100 dollars per puzzle.
Solve puzzle of why science lies, because pee is stored in balls but science say "no"
Could it be Jews or should I say "ballspee-deniers"?
Q predicted this
-Insert generic boomer hate comment in this space-
>chill dude
I am chillin.
Good luck differentiating the individual intelligent people who want to join your stupid ass organization from the intelligence agents that want to infiltrate it.
Problem is their efforts are driving away the autists so they're going nowhere.