Why is CNN obsessed with this whore? Does anyone actually care if Trump fucked her?
Stormy Daniels
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Trump came on that face.
Does anyone actually care if Trump had 2 scoops of icecream? Does anyone actually care about the political implications of Trump's handshake? Does anyone actually care about a "source familiar with the situation"?
These are the questions you have to ask when watching CNN
Because sells OP
nah fugly
if anything this would help Trump, especially if there are pictures
why is CNN so retarded
They are trying to ruin his marriage so they can gloat about how "toxic masculinity" and "misogyny" is driving women away from men. They still think Western women are something Western men long for.
Seriously They should have elarned that after the pussy grab bullshit that nothing sticks to trump. Even cuck sanders is getting pissed off at this point.
She's seen God Emperor's schlong and Jake Tapper is jealous.
That's about it. They seriously think Bill Clinton was impeached for blowing a load on a fat jew's face and not perjury. So they think Trump getting laid years ago is the same thing.
>pictures get released
>it was a threesome
3D chess
I'm starting to think CNNs secret agenda is the make the left look like retarded ideologues to the people in airports where they play CNN
i care about who my president bangs on the side ten years ago... wait no i don't.
pic related.
This happened before he was elected so who the fuck cares, not to mention he was never elected to be a saint.
Bill Clinton did worse. Whether he fucked her or not doesn't matter because it would have been before he got in. Impeach Bill Clinton!!! lol
Trump is an adulterous sinner and will burn in hell
meanwhile fox news shit itself when obama wanted mustard or wore a tan suit.
Please send. We would torture
get banned proxy fag
Cliniton got a blow job and put a cigar in an interns pussy. nothing came of it. And that just the stuff they reported that he did.
They give her "fee" for appearing on the program. Part of that fee includes stopping by exec offices on the way out of the building.
based kim
They're trying to use their Rules For Radicals tactics on him as if he was elected for being pure and not a blue collar billionaire. They can't relate to anyone they're attacking and that's why none of this shit sticks. They've out-puritaned everyone with their bullshit.
The difference being that Fox News and conservatives were never expected to do anything but panic and rage, and 'conservative' was used as a pejorative by the left to mean "backwards-thinking" for decades. Then we make history and elect the first Tangerine-American into office and the left completely falls apart.
Yeah, this really doesn't bug normal people, and a lot of us can't say we blame trump. Most people with access to money would probably pay a big tittied whore for a fuck or bj and whatnot.
CNN just making molehills into mountains like they usually do because stupid far left weirdos (1% of the population) need something to watch.
Thank you Kim for being the adult. I hope you make Drumpf look like a fool.
They want to hold primaries in 2020 and have a republican run against Trump. They know no one gives a shit what Trump says, but they hope to peel away some of the Christian vote to the other guy. It’s the only reason they keep this story up.
They think he's a family values politician elected by people who give a shit about morals. I don't even know how this is possible at this point because all he talks about is jobs and loving America. You can like all that stuff and not give a fuck where he blows his load.
She has connections to Jews, that's why.
>Why is CNN obsessed with this whore?
because what remains of their audience is obsessed with that whore
Sleeping with a porn star is literally just a companion piece to the "grab em by the pussy" so-called controversy
Christians don’t care about this stuff. They should have gotten DACA passed instead. This would have harmed trump.
Exactly. We all knew he was a douchebag.
Because children's dead bodies got boring. Gotta bring in some sex to break up the violence.
Grab em by the pussy already happened. They are trying the same move again.
she reminds me of marla maples
>yfw she got Kennedy'd twice
>Christians don't like sex
When will this meme end?
>You can like all that stuff and not give a fuck where he blows his load.
The ironic thing is he was elected by the "family values" Republican party.
Republicans love to use religion and talk about morals when arguing against abortion or against gay marriage.
Hypocritical when the GOP elects a president that is the antithesis of these values
> cheater
> multiple marriages
> fucks hookers
because they are nigger lovers who are hateful to anyone who has same race sex its not because shes a whore
CNN team
True, but it won't work. Our society has told everyone you have to be a systems thinker so no one will care about the moral integrity of the candidate so much as the implications of their candidacy
You do know Christianity preaches forgiveness right?
>Tan suit
I would imagine Melania cares.
shit if she did not look like trump i would bust a nut
she reminds me of trump. i thought it before reading your post. globalists are all about symbology
Nah. That catalogue whore knows her place.
>thinks an illegal $130,000 campaign donation a week before the election is nothing
I bet she has cheated on him a lot. Get real!
>tangerine american
Top kek
>Trump goes up on stage
>I'm no angel
>I've done bad things made mistakes
>Looking for your forgiveness and the forgiveness of god
>Gets baptized on stage at a rally
>American flags
>Church choir cranking it up to 11
Nigga don't set yourself up like this.
They keep cryign about muh Evangelicals, but they don't realize literally anyone is better than a democrat to them. It is irrelevant what Trump does so long as he has Republican ideal (2A,1A), which is more important than his sex partners.
I care that my president is a degenerate, not enough to vote Democrat though.
I don't know anyone personally who cares, and beyond CNN/MSNBC bullshit, no real pursuit outside of that.
This. I didn't give a shit that Bill got head or cigar'd an intern, but perjury is in fact what got him in the end (and even then was pardoned). So, it's even more of a waste of time in Trump's case.
The calm before the Stormy.
It's because of the hush money. They don't care about the affair, they care about how much money Trump's lawyer gave her in a legal non-disclosure agreement a few weeks before the election.
They're trying to spin it as illegal campaign financial spending or something.
Let me repeat: CNN doesn't care about the affair part at all
doesn't mean she isn't hurt by it.. think of Barron. people who pimp this story need to gas themselves.
>Muh hush money
>Muh illegal campaign contributions
>Muh Muh Muh Muh
You're not going to convince anyone to throw their country into the gutter over an accounting error.
>dems tell themselves they are the party of the working class american
>prop up candidates that want to import millions of illegals who will put said working class americans out of a job just to increase their vote share
I've noticed they don't bother with the affair part, but given it was Trump's lawyer who paid for the NDA, which is technically legal. She broke the NDA, think I heard she's being sued.
There's no legal avenue to pursue Trump on this from what I can tell.
>Kennedy > Trump
except that would be the equivalent of Trump banging someone like Emma Watson.
I bet she loves it in the ass
apparently trump cared enough to pay her to be quiet
Is he right?
trumps lawyer, trump is keeping his hands off this.
They think if they push this shit, evangelicals will stop supporting him
link thread on reddit
gonna upvote him!
>They're trying to spin it as illegal campaign financial spending or something
do they really want to open up this can of worms? how many illegal donations did Clinton get?
literally no evangelical watches CNN
Lol since this whole story about trump and her Stormy made news, she's risen to the top of the pornhub charts. The comments are hilarious
i fucking hate that nigger so much
Stormy's actually sueing Trump now. He never signed the non-disclosure agreement, apparently. And it's another murky situation in that you have to question how much Trump knew about the hush money. Is it believable that he's so ignorant that he wouldn't know about his personal lawyer hundreds of thousands of dollars to not say they had an affair together?
I agree that it's probably a non-issue that'll go nowhere but CNN keeps pressing the legal fogginess of the payment. They'll keep pushing it as long as they can.
>fox news
huh? who gives a shit about fox?
It wasn't about him receiving a donation for a favor, it's the possibility of him paying her an illegally large amount of money to keep people quiet instead of on the campaign itself, while still claiming it as a campaign expense.
It's likely Clinton did the same thing a million times but this particular situation with the porn star was sloppy and they're putting a magnifying glass on it.
This too.
Trump isn't being judged on his past morality, but his current morality.
It's not like Trump is fucking pornstars in the president's room.
Id spunk my man mayonnaise all over those titties
>this is what liberals still believe
I hated Republicans too back when this was still a halfway accurate portrayal of the GOP
Republicans are becoming increasingly pragmatic and consequentialist, while Democrats are becoming increasingly dogmatic and fanatical.
Well that's going to happen when you're rounding out a solid 60 years of losing every moral issue you've stood for. Eventually you lose them all and just have to start over with what's left.
Abortion and gay "marriage" actually have what we call a 'knock-on-effect' though. Whether Trump cheats is irrelevant, if he was married 6 million times is irrelevant, if he fucks hookers, which leftists vehemently defend anyway, is irrelevant. These things are irrelevant because they only affect him, President Donald J Trump, and not you, the people.
>Why is CNN obsessed with this whore? Does anyone actually care if Trump fucked her?
Because he paid for the abortion
They'd only be pissed if it was taxpayer funded.
I could not give a shit who paid for it desu. They used campaign finance money to silence her about the subject. I guess that is a good way to spend that money. Wonder if my Mormon Dad who voted for him will feel the same way.
He never was and never claimed to be a social conservative. You're a moron.
There is no way a porn star wouldn't use protection
Is his dick gonna fall off?
Its known that Donnie small hands loves to ride bare back. Just wait for the 60 Minutes interview.
Who coulda seen that coming?
Nah man, who gives a shit. Cheating on your wife while she's recovering from giving birth to your son is totes okay because morals don't exist in 2018.
Whatcha doin Grizzly?
>But you don't see them raping kids
Nah. This is interdimensional communication Desu
Because it gives Anderson cooper another reason to talk about a penis.
Welp, better impeach then and replace with Saint Hillary. I guess it was (((her turn))) after all.
She's a hyperthot. She's playing the media to amplify her to household status - ultimate attention.
>CNN getting played by the eternal roastie
Weeeeew lad