Why is he able to turn Super Saiyan in Super? He was supposed to lose that ability when his potential got unlocked

Why is he able to turn Super Saiyan in Super? He was supposed to lose that ability when his potential got unlocked.

He never lost the ability, it just became irrelevant, at this point super saiyan for him is powering down.

In Super he was weaker initially, but he got back to the point where he doesn't need it anymore. So I assume now he cannot anymore.

DBZ(Ultimate)>Early Super(Below Ultimate)>Current Super(Ultimate+)

>He never lost the ability

When he tried to go Super Saiyan when Old Kai told him to, he went Ultimate instead. That blatantly showed that he couldn't go Super Saiyan.

I wish I was as cool as Gohan

wait what
shouldn't it be Current Super > DBZ (ultimate) >>> early Super

He was talking in terms of progression, not the levels themselves

oh, he meant '>' as in an arrow, not as in "greater than"

There's not a character with more wasted potential in all of anime.

It's a form now, consider it his own personal Super Saiyan 3.

Nah. That would be the Jinchuuriki from Naruto.

He basically 'lost' the unlocking. He had to train to reacquire that power, which he did.

Who needs Super Saiyan when he has something better

Like. LIKE. -LIKE.-
He said LIKE Super Saiyan. Not the same as Super Saiyan. Read the manga.

It's part of toriyama's plan user
It's all foreshadowing for when he becomes blanco

He said JUST like. Meaning no difference at all.

what is this?

Gohan Calvo

It's just another asspull of "Gohan's hidden powers". Guru did it, Super Saiyan 2 was originally supposed to be it (again), and then old kai did it.

It doesn't have to make sense because it was Toriyama running out of ideas.

Then he lost the ability to go Ultimate, so when he powers up he goes SS instead.
In Super he recovered the ability to go Ultimate through his training with Piccolo. I believe that right now, since he's got Ultimate again, he couldn't turn SS even if he wanted to. But if he stops training for a long while and loses Ultimate again then he could turn SS again.

Yeah, but he should've written it as an arrow: ->

This is getting more and more absurd. I love it.

Calvo means bald, for the non-spics here.