Asians of Sup Forums how should we deal with Asian underrepresentation in the media?

Asians of Sup Forums how should we deal with Asian underrepresentation in the media?

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In what media? Don't be surprised that most people in the media are white, that's because America is a MAJORITY WHITE country.
I don't see White people bitching about not enough representation in Asian countries.

Another epic combo ruined by retarded amerisharts.

suck my penis and I'll tell you how


Watch the movies of filmmakers in your native country stop begging for a race change in a film that will actually never be you

Write Sup Forums on it.

you don't white country

White films should be full of Asians, Asian films should be full of Africans, African films should be full of whites. This is diversity you bigot.

Hollywood rests in Los, Angeles California. I can guarantee you California is not majority white, in fact very multicultural and growing.

>dive into media crossfire
>no reward
Sounds like a bad idea.


>taking an image from another place
the drill or you dont exist, chink

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That doesn't explain the overrepresentation of Jews in Holywood though, does it? In any case, it's not like you can only become an actor if you're from California.

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You again ? Fuck off. We all know you just want white betas to give your 32 A’s some attention.

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All the asian males in western media are represented by either creepy nerds or asexual kung fu ninjas. Even the most respected, pasttime Asian American actors like Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Bruce Lee had few (if any) legitimate love interests in any of their western movies. There's a stark contrast between the American movies they star in and the movies they show back in China.

All the asian women in western media is the love interest of an non-asian man. Commonly, the prize of a sexual conquest by a beta, nerdy ass white guy. A good example is The Social Network. In one scene, faggot Zuckerberg and his bro pick up two random asian sluts to fuck in the bathroom all the while the movie suggests his true love interest is some pretty white girl... even though now that faggot boy is married to an asian girl in real life. So basically asian girls are good cum depositories for white men.

It's not about underrepresentation, it's about misrepresentation.

I rather have zero representation than some ugly ass faggot

fuck talmudvision

Nah I hate Asian women.

Stop being ugly and beta

fuck you attention seeking chinko

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Wait, what's that I hear? Is that sound of your woman getting butt pounded by some big bulk Tyrone?

Asian here.

Answer is nothing.

Asians generally don't branch out, integrate poorly with existing communities in a foreign country (i.e. China towns) have closed off communities among themselves, behave awkwardly with no distinguishable personalities and most men are too beta to compete in the industry.

Put a shirt on, douchebag

It’s actually the sound of your gook gf fantasizing how much money and social upgrade you can give her

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Then stop ripping off Asian inspired movies and turning them into western shit.

I'm pretty sure polack asians done give a fuck about being underrepresented in western media.

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Just let white people represent the Asians as model minorities in America. Win/win situation in any case.

Sup Forums it's already 70% asian.

What we should do is make the argument that niggers are over represented in the media, and that they're taking roles that should go to Asian people. This is obviously not true diversity.

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And LA s the capital of the country's film industry so aspiring actors and creators from all over the country move there to work. It would be strange if Hollywood was more reflective of California than the US as a whole. It's the centre of a national industry, not just a local employer like a supermarket.

Which once again, will never happen.

Because Asians don't whine and bitch and play the victim card like blacks do with MUH REPARATIONS.

Right now it's literally survival of whoever manages to self-victimize the most successfully.

Zuckerberg is Jewish.

According to Asian women white penis is pink suckable.

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You mean like japan starting anime based off of animations from the United states. Or maybe you meant all the bollywood movies that are direct rip offs.

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All Asians (from Japanese to Persian) in general have to make their way into the movie/music/media industry & just put in work where we don't have to be misrepresented by cracker Shylocks.

If it was the other way around in misrepresentation where whypipo were all typecasted as low IQ, non-sexual aliens then they'd be throwing up their mash potatoes in protest in some we wuz Romans n shit.

You go to Asia...

I want to breed you, marry me for muh greencard

Are there even any fresh new Asian actors recently?

Sure the 2000's had Jackie Chan, Lucy Liu and others, but I can't remember any true stars lately of Asian decent.

Hollywood is full of leftist jews, if you want to ruffle some feathers you have to come at this from a tumblr perspective. Maybe get them to do it for us cause I don't care enough.

Don't blow yourself up just yet mohammed

...then Asia go to Asia where white are represented as goofy long nosed weirdos.

Women like this are insufferable.

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Make the Asian population 0%, then representation can be no less than 100%. Problem solved.

Lmao what movie is that gif from

Why do you guys call her asian? If op is really her, just stop beating around the bush and call her what she really is, an amerimutt.

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Two Asian actors had to end their contracts with CBS because they were reportedly being paid 10-15% less than what their white costars were making. There is blatant discrimination against Asians in Hollywood and no one is talking about it.

>According to Asian women white penis is pink suckable.

Just replace big WHITE cock with big BLACK cock and you'd have the exact equivalent of a coalburner that /pol hates so much

Women who exclusively date men based on trivial reasons are trash whores who commonly enjoy being racially degraded.

/pol doesn't mind because now they can finally get their 3.14 cutie asian gf who's a "innocent" "virgin"

OK I'll level with you if you want representation you have to become a hated minority.
To unlock this achievement you need to.
Become dumber than Blacks.
Lazier than Blacks.
Less moral than Blacks
Stream across the border in droves to pick avocados and garden.
Hang out in front of home depot catcalling white women.
Celebrate Asian holidays by drinking and shooting shit up.
Gripe about lack of representation on MSM.
Rehash how unfairly whites treated you during the railroad construction era and interred you in camps in WW2.
Spray Asian symbols on every fucking fence in impoverished neighborhoods.
I can go on forever but I'm sure you get the gist of this since your Asian, I don't have the need to dumb it down for you.
Good Luck

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Representation in media boils down to what the public wants to see, which is not the same thing as the actual demographics of a country .

In Latin American countries the media is full of white people because hispanics find whites desirable and see them as the upper caste versions of themselves. This is why hispanics are super underrepresented in American media - they like to watch whites. The problem for Asians in the US is that they are seen as alien not just to white people but also to blacks, hispanics, and jews. Blacks are overrepresented in American media for similar reasons, it's not just because black people like to watch blacks, but also because white liberals and jews like to see blacks shoehorned into everything too.

If you want more roles for Asians then you have to change the demographics or values of the country to want to consume entertainment with Asians in it. However since the US is constantly becoming browner that makes it very unlikely, since hispanics uphold white supremacy.

Hey retard, get off this board unless you want to show us those little chink tits of yours.

What's the % of asians in media?
What's the % of asians in the us population?
Is this number similar? The answer is probably yes

No one ever said it needs to be a fair competition.

All pussy belongs to white men and every other race should be enslaved. Get it?

show more pls

show Asian milkies or get out.

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The % of Asian actors in Hollywood is only 5.3%. The % of Asians residing in Los angels California (where Hollywood is located) is 11.4%. Now you do the rest of the math.

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There is no need to, the time is nigh

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The magic word when dealing with Jews is racism.

Also u r a solid 6/10 from the lip up. Good luck becoming a homemaker for a nice asian family.

Turns out asians are less charismatic and entertaining than black or white people, and the entertainment market is acting accordingly
Big fucking news OP, you're a faggot

You should be happy that the jew pretty much ignores you.

Which is why I said right from the start that it isn't an issue that could be helped.

Only way is if you could get Asians to collectively bitch and moan like the blacks do with MUH MINORITY STATUS and shamelessly demand representation.

Because the things that Asians traditionally value are things like being hard working, being polite, and acting reserved. None of which are the things that American media celebrate. Instead they want loud, edgy, and the obscene, because those are the traits conducive to entertainment.

Asians won't have an actual or deserving representation until the Western degeneracy blows over, that is, if it ever does.

I'm barely surrounded by Asians. Everyone around me is either white or hispanic.

eh yeah but does having a few asian actresses help anything really?

Only reason I'd care is to piss of leftists for some lols personally.

Nah. I'd argue it helps more if there's no representation at all.

I'd rather Asians have no representation instead of being misrepresented.

Chink cinema is big already. Chinks should stick to making the kind of kino which chink actors are suited for playing characters in: Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Zhang Yimou kino, kung fu flicks, Bruce Lee, etc. The better quality chink-kino they make, the more chink actors will be hired to play similar roles in Hollywood, ie Jackie Chan and Jet Li.

I picked up a chinese newspaper today and it was full of Asian faces. I downloaded a Korean drama and every single actor was Asian, no white people, no black people and no Hispanics.

What de fuk?

You look like the girl from "The Ring".

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I'm sorry but your ethnostate propaganda shouldn't be getting in the way of my yellow fever.

what is this even supposed to mean you stupid spic?

very simple. help make the west conservative (k-selected).

We (east asians) are a k-selected race. the liberalisation of the west have made people in the west more r-selected.

Asians are only 5.6% of the US population. Can you provide proof that they're less than 5.6% of the media?

Also, it's possible that Asians just don't gravitate towards the media. They're overrepresented in other fields such as programming and engineering.

AHHH. Here we go:
>According to USC's latest study on diversity in entertainment, released in February, Asians represented just 5.1 percent of speaking or named characters across film, television and digital series in 2014

5.1% is just about in line with their population share so they're not really underrepresented at all.

Bro that time stamp is fake i saw this shit yesterday

Nobody cares about their "representation" because by and large Asians aren't scum. The left dislikes talking about them because they're an actually succesful minority and that shits in the face of their privilege checking bullshit, therefore your representation is not a concern. They would prefer you live in poverty or not exist at all.

Every living mammal is k-selected you stupid piece of shit, stop believing Sup Forums memes and open up a biology book



How about fuck off, you've got your own in chink land.

you know my answer's quite effective when it makes shitheads like this guy sperg in response

Yeah, but I'm the same person

why is proportional representation in the (((media))) even fucking important to you? also, open bob

Now what would happen if they did a study on over representation...

>Bro that time stamp is fake i saw this shit yesterday
OP is a shill faggot
>in all fields


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shifty cunt

Wooow. you're pretty cute:3 Do you wanna be my girlfriend?

I don't care because we're a minority here, this country is made by whites.

Go back to Asia where you'll find a lot of slanted-eye people representation in the media.

When whites are all gone, do you really foresee a future for yourself and Asian people in a world of angry, violent, vengeful blacks and mulattos and muslims?

Places like Japan and Taiwan are already being demographically bombed so would you enjoy Asians being underrepresented in your own countries? Because it's coming your way, promptly.

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Skip the tits and just GTFO.

It's actually me desu

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The basis of it is that one group has a shit ton of kids and doesn't put much effort into it and the other group has a small amount of children and puts a lot of effort into it. Comparing mammals with say insects isn't what people are talking about. The video goes into so I am not wasting more time

Wooow... I like wery much... Do you want to be my maid? i will pay you

literal 6.5/10 in my city. There are tens of thousands of better looking asians walking the streets.

this ones face isnt full of make up and she would make a cute little gf...... i would like wery much to have her with me...