Are stripes the best kind of pantsu?
Best Pantsu Thread
I agree, if he had a Gouf he wouldn't have to deal with such blatant abuse
best Mobile Suit imo
Thongs are the best kind of pantsu. Stripes and plain have been done to death its boring.
Like this.
Stripes are very good, but my weakness are the frilly pantsu
Instant boner for me
the best pantsu is the pantsu your waifu is wearing
she's nopan
Thongs are disgusting.
Smart man with good taste.
Say what?
Japs' obsession with "pantsu" is pathetic.
Doritos best pantsu
I see her pussy.
Every guy has wanted to see a girl panties. Even in Elementary.
Stripes are boring. Pinstripes is where it's at.
what makes you think wanting to see panties is a japan only thing?
White + Bow + Under pantyhose a best
I miss non-DEEN log horizon.
It's the cutest thing in the world when a girl who tries so hard to be all dark and serious wears such incredibly erotic and sexual underwear. Under all that chunni babbling is a horny girl begging so hard for a pounding it hurts me more than it does her.
Exactly. Every "straight" non retarded man likes seeing panties.
She actually does want to fuck the Male MC. It's heavily implied she lives in his room.
She also snuck into his shower too.
Not that original guy, but the idea of "Here's panties, be aroused" is shit
You have to frame it well. Set it up. Tease and then show.
That I agree with.
Pure white.
Please, thongs are the most plebeian panties. They're the Mountain Dew of panties. They don't accent the ass at all, they're so nonexistent as to be pointless, they're just the most blatant, least subtle, absolutely brain dead attempt at erotica. They're for people with no taste or imagination. They're just mindless instant gratification. There's no romance to them, it's just, "there it is! There's the pussy! That's an anus!" People who like thongs don't deserve panties.
Half visible.
I bet they have stains on the inside
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