Red Pill General

Post ‘em.

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Other urls found in this thread:

6 out of 7 women prefer un-cut men

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>Extreme trauma from male circumcision causes damage to areas of brain

Attached: Circumcision brain damages infants - censored.png (653x1024, 789K)

>Study: Homosexuality Linked with Childhood Trauma

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keep em cumming

>Ontario passes ‘totalitarian’ bill allowing gov’t to take kids from Christian homes

Attached: donttakemeaway.png (455x492, 491K)

oh u so funnyy

Attached: Rabbi Circumcision problem.png (1185x1325, 740K)

>self report studies
>doesn't say where women are from
>lives in a place where being cut is norm

Me thinks someone has a tiny anteater dick.

what's it like knowing only 1/7 women are willing having sex with you? That's like the population of thots that probably don't feel anything anyways

Study doesn't say they wouldn't have sex with a cut person, sweetie. I'd rather bang a big titty, fat assed, blonde. But I'd also still fuck your mother. Make sense?

The obvious brain damage is showing, might want to curtail that psychosis a bit

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Kek, you got absolutely btfo.

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no one wants your dick, rabbi

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Oh shit is it him? THE leaf? I can finally use this!

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>The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murder - by Ariel Toaff
>Understanding Blood Libel - Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited

Attached: Simon of Trent - Jewish Ritual Murder.jpg (2393x1086, 2.29M)

Haha it is the stormfag leaf!

Based /his/ frog strikes again.

The sun doesnt rise or set.

The earth rotates and orbits the sun giving the illusion.

1913 Federal Reserve Act created the Federal Reserve, a central bank that is not part of the government and not mandated by the constitution, in fact it's in direct opposition of it. It's also how Washington DC became a city state with the name incorporated name THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
The 16th Amendment - Income Tax is also unconstitutional and you don't have to pay it

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part 2

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Get comfy, this is the history of the Rothschild

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Ever wonder if "adrenochrome" exists?
It does, and the name for it was even patented

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actually I have only visited /his/ once - nothing interesting there at the time.

Wait so can anyone in the thread explain the leaf to me? Is he schizophrenic or just stupid?

clean water and organic/wild food will do more to improve your life than any ideology found here

most tap water is contaminated with pharmaceutical drugs (including estrogenic compounds from the pill), agricultural/industrial runoff, etc. it's not just in your drinking water, it's what you breathe in during a shower, it's what your food is cooked in, your coffee is brewed with, etc.

factory farming is also inhumane (morally compromising). the animals are zombies - genetically modified , hopped up on growth hormones, antibiotics and other chemicals, locked inside with no sunlight, etc. cruel and sick

you are what you eat (and drink).

how is an amendment to the constitution unconstitutional?

t. salty, cut amerimutt

This story got buried and forgotten, it's about the Rothschild Global Security slush fund for any type of project regardless of legality.

Attached: Illuminaty Slush Fund.png (1024x768, 42K)

it was never properly ratified

why are you so adamantly defensive of circumcision

I'm not? Idgaf. I'm cut but I'm not cutting my kid. Not like it actually matters to anyone but butthurt kekistan kids on here.

>elite joos don't have master plan endgame, they just wing it
Incorrect. Let me settle this popular, dangerous Sup Forums misconception once and for all. Everyone here should screencap this link's contents. In 1962, Israel's first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, laid out his forecast for the Jewish nation, less than 20 years after Israel was founded. This is notable because these views and aspirations were clearly inherent from modern Israel's birth.
>Jerusalem will be capital of the world
>Israel Supreme Court will dictate global law (court wasn't finished until 1980s, designed by Rothschilds, please google images if you have haven't)
>Israel controls global police force to abolish wars
>education is universally socialized
>health care and birth control are socialized
>America reduced to "socialist state of workers"
>Soviet Union reduced to isolated nation
It's all here boys. This link is proof. Save it, share it, make infographics, tweet it to Zionist Twitter MSM talking heads. Israel always, always saw itself becoming the last global power over America.


Link is to the JTA, the Jewish Telegraph Agency, equivalent of Reuters and AP. It's a pro-Jewish link, so it can't be discredited as hate speech or fabrication.

oh. didn't know that

Adnan Sakli was the official owner of the Bank of International Settlements ledger up until 2014 when he died in Spain. The issue with his death is the time changed to a month later and his body was kept in an American embassy. Years before that he was kidnapped and held for ransom by unknown assailants.
His prime directive was to reverse fraudulent bonds from charities being signed with his name. He uncovered one of the largest ponzi schemes and tried to reverse it with his letter. It was never enacted.
>Adnan Sakli 2013 VS the powers that want to enslave the people

Attached: Adnan Sakli Prime Directive.jpg (492x631, 67K)

>USA dragging everyone into the abyss ---> Middle-Tier

>Friday, 07/02/10 10:57:37 PM
>Re: Deano361 post# 164801

>Post # of 168995

>As i have stated before is that i find it interesting that it states in the court records from November 7th, page 37 of the transcripts that the bond is “potentially fraudulent”. There is obvious documentation of the agreement between the Humanitarian Foundation and RPH as of the 8k. It would seem to me that if the bond is fraudulent, the issuer of the bond committed fraud. Give Adnan Sakli (FED i.d. #8216 and? 8217) a call and ask him if the bond is fraudulent.
>Better yet, why don’t The SEC subpoena Mr. Sakli, (apparently one of the largest bond issuer in the world), and have him explain it to a judge????


>Time will tell!!!!
http: //

The 9/11 narrative can only be dispelled with specifics. Avoid prolonged deadend debates about how the towers fell. Concentrate on WHO was involved, using names. Then investigate the names. Would you rather know how your loved one was killed, or how exactly your house was robbed, or WHO was guilty of the crimes?

These are the Israelis who were involved in 9/11. Memorize their names, save them, share them.

Daniel Lewin (team leader) (Sayeret Matkal captain)
Edmund Glazer (Lewin's seat mate)

Omer Marmari (arrested)
Oded Ellner (arrested)
Yaron Shmuel (arrested)
Paul Kurzberg (arrested)
Sivan Kurzberg (arrested)
Dominik Suter (fled to Israel w Jewish wife, abandoned his NJ business after FBI questioning, related to his above employees' arrests on 9/11)

Dov Zakheim (Zionist rabbi in charge of Pentagon)
Michael Chertoff (ordered arrested Israelis deported to Israel from FBI custody; ushered in lucrative surveillance/security state)
Larry Silverstein (not in on operation, simply looked the other way, complied with orders, a billionaire "sayanim")

>implying the corporaaaations man wouldn't profit from using hemp themselves

i hope to god this is real

Rizvi Traverse Management was the company that was able to charter a plane for the Bin Laden family out of America the day after

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Needle dick bug fucker.

DOW petrochemicals and DuPont want to keep it this way because funny enough hemp was actually constitutionally mandated hence why they couldn't make it illegal so they used the sister plant to demonize the industry.
Check out the patent:

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Jan Karski:

Rudolf Vrba:

Alfred Wetzler and Vrba:


Gerstein: (Page 371)

There's no bigger Redpill than learning about the History of Rhodiesia. Once the most prosperous nation in all of Africa it was stabbed in the back by the liberal (((Globalists))) of the UN who disliked the Rhodesian Government because it was "white". The country then became ruled by Robert Mugabe who ran the country into the ground,and turned the place into a literal shithole.

If we dont stop the changes in demographics, all the West may go the way of mighty Rhodiesia.

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>complains about Jews being the top with their higher than white IQs
>then complains that people won't acknowledge racial differences and accept it's why some races are better


My first photo just shows that jews make up a disportionate amount of the Economic Elite. No where does it state its because of their "higher than white IQs"

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You obviously do give a fuck and you should sue your parents for mutilating your genitals. Fuck them and fuck the Jew doctor that did it. Take them to the whipping post, user. Maybe then you'll have a ton of money and it'll make having a sub-standard cock a little easier on you.

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They have the best jobs and the most money, correct? They also have the highest IQ. 1+1=2. They're smarter so they do better. You're gonna make something up to justify it, but I think it's funny you fucked up like that.

What is with you anteater dicks and "muh inadequate cock" cry? Never had an issue and never had a girl complain. Even when I was in Europe. What is your obsession with dicks?...

If only Jontron could have cited this

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>They have the best jobs and the most money, correct? They also have the highest IQ. 1+1=2.

Many of those High Paying Jobs were given to them by other Jews through connections and nepotism. For example its very difficult to get started in Hollywood without knowing the right people, however if you're Jewish and have a Jewish relative who's a big hollywood producer this makes it much more simpler to get your foot in the door.

Regardless, The Jews have their own Nation. I don't see why Americans should let Nonwhites like them rule over our Nations

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The "Jews control Hollywood" thing hasn't been legit for a long time. They controlled the market when it was new since they made it, but now there's plenty of non-Jews in powerful spots. Sure the old names are around and recognizable: (((SPIELBERG!!!!))), but it's not "controlled" by them anymore. Yet they're still successful.

Obviously your mind is made up and I don't feel like arguing with you, but you're wrong, just an fyi. Don't use Hollywood anymore for your argument if you want to "redpill" some impressionable 16 year old on here.

All the major Hollywood producers are literally Jewish look it up. The directors might now longer be jewish, but the execs and producers who run things behind the scenes definitely are.

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>the guys who founded the companies are still around
No shit, sherlock....

I did look it up, hence why I called bs.

But the people doing the work at all levels are not in any way disproportionately Jewish and the control of the companies will also decrease in Jewish control as companies get sold and absorbed. There's not 1 exec per company, these things are huge. Why do you need to lie to spread your views, man. You've got decent arguments to spread to the 16 year olds that can't be dismissed with a google search.

>That obviously modified german list which font change at random and has obvious missing pixels while others letters are extremely clear
>That ''translated'' letter
Why the fuck would anyone send that kind of intel to a fucking British writer?
>''evacuation'' in quotation mark
>There are sound recording!!!1 (implying whoever did that pic isn't well aware that the intended readership DO NOT SPEAK german thus it wouldn't prove or disprove anything if they did listen to is)
>Talking of Aryan as if it was ''muh ubermench'' meme, when in fact Hitler was only referencing to the possible link between the Aryan tribe that invaded proto-india and is pretty much the base for the Mahabharata (aka Hindu equivalent of old testament) and you can find it for yourself by simply looking into Hindu mythology, in fact most of South east Asia and India consider themselves direct descendant of the Aryans (Indo-aryan). Mostly due to reason I won't bother to go into in this post.
>Proof are letters written in english for some reason
>''Josef Hell'', can't find anything about the guy even existing, one source say he was a journalist during the Weimar era and others say he was a major
>Implying Hitler would have been already planning his ''masterplan'' when he only had started politics 3 year prior and sure didn't have any of the influence required to pull such a stunt, especially during the Weimar era

Jesus Fucking christ, this is supposed to be in favor of the holocaust?

yep, it is the attempt to debunk the denial by "proving" an extermination program existed

Attached: Correcting The Record.png (874x650, 710K)

Since you were too lazy to look it up I'll name you some of the biggest producers in Hollywood right now:

Havey Weinstein
Steven Spielburg
Woody Allen
Aaron Sorkin
Jerry Bruckheimer
Menahem Golan
Ram Bergman ( Israeli producer of the last Jedi)
Avi Arad (Isreali who's the CEO of Marvel Studios)
Arnon Milchan (this guy is a literal former Mossad Agent)
Avir Nevo ( Israeli who's the largest stockholder in Time Warner)

Guess what they "coincidentally" all have in common?

>not even close to all
>if I look closer at several there's at least a 50% chance you're misrepresenting someone

K I looked up your time Warner claim: Majority shareholder is 2%-2.2% from a investment banking firm. What a surprise....

Yes. I know how you work. It's not hard to cherrypick and throw in a few lies to hope you don't get called out. Pretty sure I showed that I understand how you do your thing already. Like I said, don't lie when I can just look it up.

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>Share owner = producer hurr durr behold my reading comprehension (or lack thereof)

You ain't really clever, are you?

Paramount Execs:
Hiram Abrams
Jesse L. Lasky
Samuel Goldwyn
Emanuel Cohen
Ernst Lubitsch
B. P. Schulberg
George Weltner
William LeBaron
Walter Wanger
Y. Frank Freeman
Jacob Karp
Charles Bluhdorn
Robert Evans
David Picker
Michael D. Eisner
Martin S. Davis
Ned Tanen
Barry London
John Goldwyn
Sumner Redstone
A. J. Mayers

A lot of Jews in that list of just in one studio

Lol, go read a bit harder.

List of non-Jews now, please.

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You don't find it strange at all that a Billionaire Hollywood producer is a former Mossad agent?

Also I forgot to list Michael Bay, Kevin Feige( President of Marvel Studios), Joel Silver, and Brett Ratner and Megan Ellison

You don't find it strange that you lied to me to make a false point and are now trying to change the subject?