Carl Benjamin aka Sargon of Akkad, is he jewish ethnically? Religiously?Is he a Zionist?

Carl Benjamin aka Sargon of Akkad, is he jewish ethnically? Religiously?Is he a Zionist?

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He is black on his fathers side . Ever why he hates the alt right and the ethnostate? because he is part nig nog.

If he was a Jew he'd argue like a Jew but instead he argues like a nigger because he's a nigger.

Fedoras are worse than Jews. At least kikes have a modicum of truth in their religion

he is ethnically a gay cuck

Don't like the idea of an ethnostate myself. And I'm white as fuck. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. The whole white boy criteria.

I mean you do realise that all other white people are just impure whites while blue eye blondes are pure whites. The arguement is to not have any non whites to allow for the survival of white genes

>white boy

No real white man would call himself a white boy. Clearly either a feminine low t cuckold or a nigger

he mean well but he is also naive but credit to him that he at least trying do something

Not an argument


well, I live in one, feel just fine.

also sage.

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Manlet confirmed

He's a double kike nigger quadroon.

Worse than a Zionist, he's an intellectually bankrupt "Individualist" trying to form a collective movement which is as asinine as anarchist running for office

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he alleges to being a quadroon, but his father is very white presenting
He is also a fedora tipping atheist

accurate pic

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hes a retard fench sitter whos happy to see races of people go extinct, not to mention hes a fat manlet cuckold who raises his wifes son to be a tranny

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>t. manlet who's jealous that Sargoy is taller than him
If you're going to fudge numbers don't make it so obvious.

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here are the real calculations with steps shown, download and check for yourself

having met it I can say that it is most definitely a fat fucking faggot, regardless of religious inclination/ethnicity

and what would that be then? this modicum of truth?

Come on now. At least call him his real name
Henry the 1/8th

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He's Jewish.


Also, you retard, germanic tribes aren't and weren't as ethnically homogeneous as romans. Why are you giving heed to "the argument"? You sir, are new here, and it shows.

hurr durr muh gawd mah jaysoos

hes just all pissy because hes part nigger and will never be allowed in any ethno state.
but yeah he probably works for the jews.