They are pimping out white children to Pakis for their Marxist masters. I want them fought. I want them hurt.
How do we damage the British police?
there are actually very few of them compared to the people. With enough spread out over the country you can over run them. Thats the only way
Gotta have a license for that.
How many people can be gathered in a huge protest?
Can you lads gather 50-100k people?
Like this
I understand why our MSM always told our police to take exemple on yours now.
Aren't you breaking the law right now?
Protesting does nothing, action must be taken.
It's infuriating
stop voting for the cuckservatives who keep trying to pander to the black vote and cut the police budget and their powers
It must suck being a pig officer in Britain. Literally no one likes you or trusts you.
>implying white boys can compete
>implying protesting has ever changed anything
Purely hypothetical disclaimer:
Just bomb a police station, m8. It's not that hard to make explosives if you look into it. No one will suspect a white guy, so you can pretty easily sneak it in. The OKC bomber used a van to hide the explosives, then just parked it outside.
It's laughably easy to be a terrorist if you're not retarded.
Fuck off Jeremy
Kek this wouldn't be so funny if it weren't likely true.
Protests and voting do literally nothing and you're both idiots if you still genuinely believe in the democratic process.
Theresa May literally just "lost" the sexual abuse reports for Parliament. The police literally were driving kids to be raped. You can't work with the government. The deep state in the UK is too thick to ever have real change.
Nice try MI6.
Our police are too busy harassing people who wrong think
yeah man i guess we just keep voting for the people who say they are gonna cut immigration and dont and put in legislation that put us in prison for saying shit on the internet fuck off boris
You think the police in this country follow 'their Marxist masters'?
The police support the traditionally Tory establishment. If they've been turning a blind eye to anything, it has been on the orders of them, not Labour.
The law means nothing if they can't catch you m8
I know what I want to say, but I don’t think I can. Yes, it’s that bad.
they have been in power for 8 years now the problems today are as a result of the conservative government yet these faggots will still blame the labour party
The Tory Party is full of Marxists
Haven't you seen the billboards and tweets? They WILL find you.
Start organizing now. You need something to fill the gaping void left by the collapse of UKIP, as the "conservatives" are just as bad as Labour and are complicit in the non-white invasion
to ever see them get what they deserve you have to make/join a party that goes against this but vote for more immigrants then when everything goes to shit you make a national socialist ethno state.
Litterally the only way to redpill everyone is to make them learn the hard way get like 30% non western immigrants into your country.
Or the normie whites just sit there and take it like they are in South Africa and you just invited in millions more non-whites for your "muh accelerationism" pipe dream
Civil war will be the only thing that can sort out Britain. You can rebut this.
I don't think you know what that word mean, faggot
elect Jeremy Corbyn
8 years isn't enough to cause this. You have to go back decades but it didn't get really bad until Blair came into power and immigration went through the roof. That's not to say the Tories haven't committed their own share of fuck ups.
We do better than most because of our eloquent vocabulary and sophisticated mannerisms but when they're not looking we sip lean, fuck hos, eat watermelon and nog around more to the point it's better than the muzzies do
Serious question how much do you value your freedom?
You would think a "conservative" government would want to cut back on immigration rates established by their opposition but they haven't done shit about it
im not saying that things havent been bad for ages but tony blair was just a red tory anyway went against 80 years of labour party policies just to win an election
Scare tactics. Plenty of crimes go unsolved far more serious than this, and I'm not stupid enough to give them anything on me. I post anonymously wherever I go and my name isn't on the bill. They'd have to interview at least a dozen people who use or have used this IP and I'm not owning up to shit.
>What is being an American and saying "Fuck the Crown"
You will never know this feel Mehmood, now bin that knife!
Just put on blackface and you're good to go
i have a plan wait for it
just tell me how many fucking people you can gather
These are the enemies of Britain
New grooming gang? Or did they do something else?
community support dont travel in meat wagons. fake news!
fucking west mercia police nigges
Contact IRA and request a training on how to stop being a cuck and fight the lizard queen
The people near the top are Labour activists like Vera Baird. List here:
for starters we could humiliate them by doing their own job far better than them and getting credit for it
let's unmask Tommy's attackers, get in here:
Hi GCHQ, see you in the office tomorrow.
>implying the IRA aren't the ones that support flooding Ireland with pakis and nigerians
>let's so something about injustice
>nice try, gov. agency x
I noticed this in prison. There was about 1000 cons there and 20 screws. It really wasn't a bad place and the cons just got on with things. Then the screws started to really abuse their power, the governor started to abuse her power, and then just one day they snapped and there was a huge riot. They were powerless to stop it because they were hopelessly outnumbered by people who had nothing to lose. In the end it was only calmed down when the cons had their conditions met.
There's no difference between the outside and inside except the absence of bars. For all intents and purposes, it's the same thing as what you say, but it was on a smaller scale and had less goys.
Fucking hell those names on the Labour list are a who's who of anti-white racists.
Realistically, things can only be done if people take the law into their own hands.
Both the police and the local authorities (councils) in these areas are corrupt and have been bought by the gangs. Therefore it's stupid to think that the police would ever actually do anything about this problem.
is the media downplaying it or even mentioning it?
Marxist Labour is 100x worse you dumb commie
What do you think
>You think the police in this country follow 'their Marxist masters'?
Exactly. It is obvious the problem in the UK is aristocracy, not some weird marxist influence.
(((Marxist))) masters.. start by naming the Jew faggot.
The entire establishment is compromised.
Don't do anything stupid right now because you don't have the numbers. No point ending in jail for no good reason.
Just train and recruit, and bide your time. When the time comes, every single one of those motherfuckers will hang, and the worst traitors will be hanged, drawn and quartered.
The time is now.
>How do we damage the British police
you have to leave the UK and organize a rebellion as an ex-pat. Things have gone to far to make any progress inside the UK. You'll be jailed for publicly criticizing the government and organizing a political movement to protect real englishmen.
You should move to the US and start working from there. Organize a political movement and propagandize the UK from abroad.
you should be killing reporters and politicians, high ranking officials. Dont know how you'll do that with your guns grabbed and your knives binned.
yeah i guess we just keep supporting the fucking jew party fucking kike
I don't think so. You will still be targeted by police if you commit any violence.
You need to wait until it gets completely rotten. When cops get so demoralized they won't even bother with you. Give it a few more years.
Labour, conservatives, they're all the same m8. They pretend to be adversaries in public to keep up the facade of democracy. They all party and rape children together behind closed doors. Only a blue pilled fool thinks otherwise.
Nope. I plan to start this year. The cops won't even be an issue. The only interaction you should have with cops is at 800m
Nobody in their right mind is going to put Dianne fucking Abbott in charge of our borders and John Marxist McDonnell in charge of our economy so you can save the sales pitch
This is correct. It either needs to degrade much more, or shtf in some other manner (big economic collapse, meteor impact, civil war in europe /merica etc). At the moment brits have just got to sit there and take it. It's fucking depressing but its better to be able to do something later than get arrested for unlicensed cutlery based riots now.
Glowing this hard.
we were demoralised by the facts, demoralise everyone else
For fucks sake, I've had it with this fucking shit hole of a country...
>Theresa May literally just "lost" the sexual abuse reports for Parliament.
source. what is this? i havent of this?
STFU nigger.
You niggers whine and cry, but are too cowardly to do anything. You deserve what you get.
yeah dude they claimed the files were literally "lost"
Minority in his own "white" country says what? Your demographics are even more fucked than ours. Trump might scrape a win next election, maybe. But after that? True blue baby. Enjoy having your guns while you can.
At least here our muslims are semi house trained, not those animals mainland europes getting, and at least they can't buy plastic cutlery without ID either.
Thanks Satan
> nobody will suspect a white guy
They will jump on the opportunity to say "See? white guys are a danger too, not just 3rd Worlders/Muslims" as soon as they have a scrap of evidence.
You won't do shit by yourself. So no one will join you and there's nothing to join.
Go ahead and LARP ya'll are powerless
Like I said. Civil war starts this year. The midterm elections will be a literal bloodbath.
"hurr durr I swear it's gonna happen!"
LMAO keep pretending
It's obviously the state falseflagging, brainlet
This, the only benefit to protesting nowadays, or maybe ever, is to force the problem into the spotlight and rile up the normies. The state doesn't listen to you because muh democracy, they listen because if they let the plebs get too rowdy they could end up deciding to solve their problem with short ropes and tall trees. With the media being fully controlled by (((them))) there's no hope of anyone hearing about it, or if they do hear about it it'll be heavily edited. I can see the headlines now, "racist Hitlers gather to protest minorities existing"
beware of marxist shills
just choke on that big blue dick mummy may keep ramming down your throat you kike loving fag
>tfw you lost your empire and the only thing you can take pride in is the fact your Paks haven’t raped you all yet
America isn’t a white country.
I truly hope you're right based cia nigger, I truly do. Would be hilarious to see. But I doubt it. I've seen too many "civil war" predictions. I don't think a mere midterms will be the trigger.
This never gets old. If the nigger had a gun these cops would have ran off entirely.