Defend this, drumpftards.

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That's not the job of the federal government.

Damn, looks like all the starving veterans will just have to die in the streets.

Why didn't liberals feed them when king nigger was in charge then?
+ He was inspired by the Bastille Day parade, not the Victory Day parade, that russian illustration is fake news.


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>feed veterans

Ok, it's been 8 hours, they're hungry again so what now?

what if we just redistributed welfare away from drug-addicted, violent niggers and gave it to homeless veterans?

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Its almost as if giving all your foodstamps and welfare to nignogs and illegals who won't do anything but leech off the country effects those who have actually served under it. I know this is bait but stuff like this is so retarded, I can't fathom how normies can't pick up on this bullshit.

ah yes feed them so they become dependent on you and never learn on their own. There are plenty of homeless shelters that already do this anyway.

NPR was sure to mention that they wouldn't be using tanks in the parade so as not to damage the roads, and that this would save money.

How much to house every homeless veteran?
That seems like a more important part of life that they are lacking.

>litteral b8

For how long?

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the veterans can just hunt and eat each other, problem solved

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One whole day

The military parade will be for returning South Korean soldiers when North Korea denuclearizes.
Screenshot this

must not be a lot of homeless veterans.
1. military is already being paid, so no matter how many people are marching the only cost is transport
2. fuel is the biggest expenditure that's will be required
3. military parades happen all the time, its not a big deal
4. huge amount of military around the DC area, wouldn't require anyone from outside the area.
5. whats the big deal

How small is his and his supporters dicks if they need a fucking military parade in this day and age? What a fucking pathetic bunch of manletts. Insecure, racist, ignorant, bunch of morons.

Neither is putting on cold war era doomsday parades

80% of homeless vets are actually just lost lts on a land nav course.

What a convenient time for libs to be pro-veteran

Soros could feed every homeless person in the world for the cost of his funding Antifa and other far-left organizations.



>i am so dumb and worthless that the goobernment needs to feed me i learned nothing in the army i am retarded

fucking cowboy vets buy the ticket take the ride guys HATE our vets.

Yeah I bet that by "feed" they mean buy them a single shitty meal in the morning and have them starving again by the late afternoon.

Great, so proportionality is not a thing, and the myth of "black mass incarceration" dies.

Look at the amount of mental gymnastics it takes to be a Trump supporter.

You could make this argument about every single thing the government does.

Also, the Democrats literally spend millions of dollars on wasteful pork like tranny bathrooms and bridges for turtles; and the (((media))) never criticizes them for it.

You leftists are all hypocritical niggers, and you need to shut the fuck up.

homeless veterans should be able to feed themselves.
>Trained to literally kill shitskins
>Literally too dumb to kill an animal

This. And feeding people isn't a good thing, it creates dependence.

Locking up blacks for crimes they committed. RASISM

Says who? I only hate them when they sit outside of stores and ring deafening bells near Christmas.

>no archive
kys faggot

You could do that, fix the roads and schools if you cut funding for foodstamps and medicaid.


You could also do that if you started executing everyone with a life sentence.


The entire world is defined by race. Do you honestly think American politics would be the same if it was 80% spics and 20% niggers?

Why has South Africa's Marxist government failed to "end racism" even when niggers are 90% of the population and control every level of government? Why is South Africa still a shithole?

There's a simple answer for this: Niggers are born with lower intelligence, and more tendency towards aggression and anti-social behavior.

I've always wondered this.
Why don't more veterans turn to banditry as well?

>it creates dependence.

Now you see why the left like it so much.

What's funny is when you try to explain that to lefties, they look at you in horror as if nobody could possibly have a criminal mind like that.

And then in the next breath it's conspiracy theories about how wildly criminal everybody who doesn't agree with them is.

The cost of running a single aircraft carrier for a day could probably feed them all

yeah.. for 1 day
then what?

i'd challenge you to say that to my face, but i'll spare you from the indignity of needing a step ladder and a change of skivvies.

This, they calculate 10-30M somehow. Trump also said himself he'd cut the costs if it was too expensive back in february, why mad now?
In Spain there's a military parade every year. Pretty sure it's similar in other countries.

Also, how many homeless people could a Pride Parade feed?

"feed" is very vague though? Feed them indefinitely? Feed them once? Buy each one a sandwich or a hot-dog?
This may or may not be answered in the article but I'm sure as hell not visiting newsweek cancer.

I forget the stats but some staggering portion the US population is already getting free government food via food stamps (EBT cards). Don't tell the lying fake Jewish media that, though. It would ruin the narrative.


If you read comments in the articles you can tell people don't care. They're fed cheap slogans and they digest them like ice cream.

> percentages don't exist

No wonder so many leftists can't grasp the Flat Tax.

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30-40 million

gee, only that much to feed veterans? So Celebrities would only have to skip the oscars one night to solve hunger? wow

What if we confiscated all the hollywood persona's money, and used it to feed the poor?

but what counts is how it looks and not feelings or needs of anyone.
trump is like a child, he saw the parade in france and then he wanted one too, god damn this guy is so simple minded. SAD!

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>t. homo pride parade attender every year

>Using the most conservative estimates available from federal agencies and non-profit organizations, Newsweek found Trump could completely eliminate hunger among homeless veterans, serving them three meals a day, for at least 14 days.
>14 days

I get the authors point but Trump isn't holding one of these every 14 days so it's irrelevant, we have already have the money to feed the homeless vets with or without the parade kek. We just don't do it.

i can't take it anymore bros

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Fuck the Homeless

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Instead, he's helping feed current serving military personnel...What a devil!



>Also, how many homeless people could a Pride Parade feed?

great question for normies. i'd bet one in NYC or San Francisco could easily feed the homeless in those degenerate hellholes

jokes on them, i sleep on my side

liberals whining about money....


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It is any citizens job to care for any other impoverished citizen. Not the governments.

There is an unbelievable amount of resources dedicated to the homeless and especially homeless veterans.

Anybody who is living on the street wants to be there for one reason for another.

>t. former homeless veteran

Tell me why there is veteran housing in skid row, Los Angeles at the russ hotel.

These people don't give a fuck about veterans.

Not to dox myself but the District of Columbia has an annual pride parade which is paid for with city dollars (and thus federal subsidies). Between the event proper and all the OT for Fire and the multiple police agencies it is in the tens of millions just to let some fags get day drunk in the streets.

>t. leo

How would you get it to them tho

They need to work and feed themselves. Sorry but there is plenty of help avaliable for vets.

is that forever or just once because homeless people ruin cities so propagating that isn't exactly a good idea

Active duty Navy guy here

> A $10 million military parade—Mulvaney's lowest estimate, granted it included tanks—could provide $249.65 for all 40,056 homeless veterans. That could provide each of those veterans 44.5 meals priced at $5.61 per meal—the highest national cost estimate, according to Feeding America—enough for three meals a day for 14.8 days.

Oh boy. And then what?

A homeless "veteran" has basically no real reason to be fucking homeless. The VA will not let you be homeless.
The military pays for your college and helps get you a job.
If you've been in for 20 years, you get a nice pension.
You get free medical coverage for the rest of your entire life.

If you are a "homeless veteran", odds are you probably got Dishonorably discharged, are drug dependent and won't seek help, or choose to live homeless. There are obviously exceptions, but 95% need to fuck off.

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flagrant government spending is fine as long as i straw man against issues i disagree with

I don't really care what Jewish Shillmag has to say about the matter.

Build a man a fire, he is warm for the night. Set a man on fire, keep him warm for the rest of his life.

>implying the homeless veterans wouldn't be happy about seeing the military they fought in be given a major celebratory parade on Live TV

how many people could have been fed with the costs of obamacare, or the iraq war, or countless drone-based recon and assassination missions.

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Soldiers are already paid. Only thing it will cost is fuel

FAKE opinion


Guess he saves money by flying in those Russian guys? Would honestly be hilarious if he had a military parade in Washington with all Russian troops. Would be a huge FU to all calling him a Russian agent

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military parade are cool.

Defend what? Why is this my problem?

You know what was cool was when Macron invited Trump back over to try again at having nice relations and had the military marching band play Daft Punk.

The absolute madman. It makes me wonder what exactly Trump is going to do with this parade and if it'll be neat or a laughing stock.

Californians are fucking cucks.

You can't just redistribute budgets

Being fed isnt their problem either its mental health a drugs and that will cost a million parades to “fix”

Why can't they dead themselves? I can.

The government claims mexicans are white to hide disparities in criminality. Nobody in their right minds thinks these people are white in the U.S.A.

And only you can say that because it us non-vets say that we are accused of being heartless assholes

Parade's stupid. If you wanna honor them give them a paid week off.

I'm going to do what Hilldogs do and say this: Let us be very clear, Obama never cared about or even attempted to help starving veterans.

*Feed them each exactly one tootsie roll and that's only if you got a discount for buying in bulk.

Reminder that this is thanks to Macron that you will get a military parade like every relevant military power in the world.

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I bet you'd like that, you chi-com scumbag..... jesus christ, give the whole military a week off.

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Will they be wearing heels?

Actually is until we privatize the military, buddy bud bud.

Edit: Captcha was roads

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How is the commiefornian train coming up?

Criminally unchecked.

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Except America's parade will be full of niggers and spics to seem inclusive for 2020.

Safraz Khan has that pedo look to him