Why are Germanic languages so fucking hideous?
Why are Germanic languages so fucking hideous?
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They're not? Swedish sounds like singing.
Dutch is gross, though. German is fine if you compare it to the slavic crap or french.
>Swedish sounds like singing.
correct, it sounds gay and goofy
English isn't really comparable to the other ones, since it is the 56% of languages
I find them quite beautiful desu. I unironically love the way Dutch sounds too.
>sounds gay and goofy
Thats kind of a meme considering every language borrows from others. The overwhelming majority of normal words are still germanic. Write a few sentences and look at where the words come from and you'll see what i mean.
french sounds like german but nasal
dutch sounds like english if it didnt become a creole
what kinda slavic languages are you talking about? western slavic sounds as different from eastern as romanian and portuguese
its more about the fact that english partially creolised with french
Swizz german is fucking cancerous
It's composed of the best parts of every relevant European language how about that? :^)
whats the best german dialect?
whats the worst?
Säger finnen
Cause Germanic languages are like 1/3 from a language that isn't related to PIE. Likely come from whatever the hunter gatherers spoke before the aryan invasion of europe.
Finska låter mycket bättre än Svenska din förbannade cuck
They aren't, except for abominations like Danish and Dutch.
>MIMIMIMIMI i have a vagene and i need it pounded
-the thread-
A significant portion of the English vocabulary comes from Romance and Latinate sources. Estimates of native words (derived from Old English) range from 20%–33%, with the rest made up of outside borrowings. A portion of these borrowings come directly from Latin, or through one of the Romance languages, particularly Anglo-Norman and French, but some also from Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish; or from other languages (such as Gothic, Frankish or Greek) into Latin and then into English.
wasnt aryan an indo-iranic invention?
They seem so, cause you are too stupid to learn them, Muhammed
Maybe because they arent?
Op is angry that hes inferior bc he has no german blood in him...
Its ok op. Its not the end of the world.
Theres lots of people like you, who dont have any deutsche blood.
Dont cry sweetie. Your mommy and daddy still love you...
I learned the rheinlandish dialect, the bavarian dialect of Austria and Bavaria sounded like they were speaking very fast when I first came to Austria. I don't know about the other dialects
thats with every language thats surrounded by foreigners or gets rekt by them
native germanic words make up a much larger percentage of the most commonly used ones
>wanting to be a snownigger
>implying finnish wont be world language by 2020
Sounds kinda like Klingon to me
Finnish will always be a world language in my heart, Pekka
English is only Germanic is the sense that it has a Germanic grammatical structure
slavic crap? More like language of gods, ancestor of sanskrit, latin and greek. I know it is too hard for subhumans who can't say "ś".
i actually want to learn finnish someday
best uralic language after mari
>lowland scots
oh no you didn't
Apologize! We have a great LANGUAGE unlike you german dialectfags
Fuck you, German is a great language.
It contributed to the fact that so many of the significant philosophers were Germans, a complex but precise language greatly improves a peoples ability to do science, philosophy and law. Not to mention literature.
It's basically Broken English.
russian and german are actually my two favorite languages behind maybe japanese, they just sound nice to me
I thought Dutch was from denmark
user... i...
>so many of the significant philosophers were Germans
I like that you made the distinction between a "significant philosopher" and a "good philosopher"
No you have a groot language.
thanks mate
this isnt english
Dutch is the old Frankish Germanic language.. They assimilated most of the frisians
thats odd choice, care to elaborate?
Your 'language' sounds like wet farts.
Monkey speak
The indo European is a misnomer. IE stsrted in the lower steppes of ukraine or russia
I don’t know if we’re talking linguistically or ethnically. Either way, we should be included.
We know that you guys have problems with us and Denmark. When there is a sport event, our athletes and the Danish learn both anthems because you always switch them.
But English is the greatest language ever created and sounds great?
Self-hating Sven?
Don't like them, you can fuck off Ahmed.
The Scots dialect is closer to Old English than Standard British English is. Look up the Great Vowel Shift.
cute name
also their language split because their lands were divided between the golden horde and moscow
then they were under russia
then under russia but red
then under russia but smaller
dunno just feel bad for them
not even romania got fucked that hard
Þa Germanisc spræca nearon unfæger: þu bist an bastard.
You have to go back achmed.
The PIE tree split between the aryan languages (Indic iranian) and European languages long time ago. The people who originally spoke them are still aryans. If you want to split hairs you can but it's just semantics
Swedish and english are pretty good. Others are horrible.
You completely ignored what i said.
>The overwhelming majority of normal words are still germanic
Swedish is gay. It sounds like downy people speaking, I hate it so much.
Scots is germanic too nigger
No it isn't, dutch is one of the couple languages that frankish developed into after almost an entire millenium
Opkankeren Mohammed, you don't have to experience our languages back in Syria
Our language may be a close to krautspeak, but we don't have the shitty gender rules.
The contrary
German sounds like French
>The people who originally spoke them are still aryans.
thats what i was referring to
i thought the term only popped up in indo-iranic not in the original PIE
Say "SCHeveningen" vuile kanker mof! Oh wait you can't with that speaking disorder you labeled as a language
Swedish is the cutest language
You realize Germanic languages were influenced by Latin, and vice versa (thus creating modern Romance languages), right? How stupid do you have to be to think that every language is exactly as King Arminius or Tiberius Sextus spoke it?
I think Finnish is cute. CUTE!
This will be the language of the ethnostate.
i stand corrected
>dutchies accusing others of having a speaking disorder
I like how Dutch sounds and German too. I don't like Turkish though. It is like a beast language.
Is south african English de facto another language?
It's barely spoken by anyone and is just a bastardised version of an older dialect of English
>a race of cowards that is eternally cucked by invaders unless they manage to pay them to leave them alone
cough cough cough
jk I kind of like Dutch too, for some strange reason.
it and estonian sound the best to me
all others got rus'd or turk'd
True. Especially swearing.
Totally thought Dutch was denmarks language. But no Dutch is from Netherlands and DANish is from Denmark. Duh. Makes sense. This whole time I thought I was from Denmark hahahahah
op is a kike
English is a hodgepodge of evwry language on earth. It is the mystery Babylon world language, and the Anglosphere is the end times evil empire. Bow down to your Albion overlords.
Nordic languages are cancerous, German sounds beautiful, Dutch sounds like somebody with a cold trying to cough up phlegm, Icelandic is cool as fuck and English is the language of the masterrace.
So why do Finland have to stockpile medicine against homosexuality? You got an epidemic over there?
Christian Anglo-Saxons were cucks because Christianity is a cuck's religion.
Despite being Christ cucks they still managed to fight off the Vikings at the Battle of the Stamford bridge in 1066.
The pagan Anglo-Saxons are who conquered Britain, only after Christianization did everything fall apart on them, just like the Romans.
>literally invaders themselves
France has been invaded just as much as we have. Oh, you're probably a chink though.
>american education
memes aside, where you never curious enough to google denmark?
From wikipedia:
"It was believed in the 19th century that Aryan was also a self-designation used by all Proto-Indo-Europeans, a theory that has now been (((abandoned)))."
Take that how you will
Hwær earon þa Dene hæþenan in Englalonde nu? Hie earon nu dead, þancas to cyning Ælfræd þe Great.
nowhere near to the same degree though, Italian is overwhelmingly derived from vulgar Latin+Greek words acquired already in antiquity, and I'm fairly sure German doesn't have that many Latin+Greek derived words outside cultural/scientific speak
it's obvious if you learn both English and German that the Romance element in the first is much stronger despite being more geographically separated
standard English is super mutt in that regard
The steppe was Indo-European in the past.
Of course. But the map says lowlanders aren't Germanic, didn't speak a Germanic language.
It also includes Ticino as Germanic, but that's neither er here nor there
Aryan is a linguistic term though, used ethnically to describe pretty blond Germanics and Nordics.
>Pennsylvania Dutch
No they're just that uninformed