Any krauts want to share the reality of the German immigration situation?

Any krauts want to share the reality of the German immigration situation?

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its shit

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What do you wanna know?

The reality is that it works great.

I read about people getting stabbed or robbed by "man with knife" everyday. Can't find those news on state TV of course.
If you google "joggerin" (female doing cardio walks) you will get tons of news regarding those joggers getting murdered, raped, robbed etc.

Ask some questions then.

What are your honest opinions, Kraut?

Nice try, BND.

my opinion is that we need less foreigners, less acceptance and more pride
people either don't care that we are being replaced or embrace it, and everyone opposing it is calleda nazi and his oppinion is being discarded by most people

I live in very small town and we got one refugee assigned to our school. He really fulfills all the stereotypes; loud, unpolite, tried to hit on every girl in evening (unsuccessfully ofc) protected by upper cuckold school authorities. Sorry, if my english is bad.

My opinion is that we need to stop beeing that nice and go back to our roots. Start cooperating with all european countrys and get ride of this stupid immigration policy

netherlands isnt so good either. they generally stink up the aesthetics of the country. which bothers me the most. For the rest theres more crime and police are doing less. Thats mainly because the police is focussing on spying on its own citizens than cleaning up the streets. I dont recommend walking alone in the streets at night either.

Worked with them.

Mostly extremely low IQ women hating homophobic plebs.
One of them was very nice, sexually assaulted a woman and beat her into the hospital afterwards.
Workers there were all into playing the authorities and being the laws in every way possible.

They had lots of trouble with the law, got often into fights and there situation was so fucked up.
A lot of them molested children. There was one guy who had a profile pic with an underage girl in Whatsapp saying things like "oh my big love together forever"

Some of them were cool though, one had a very high IQ was extremely smart i liked him, but the whole environment fucked him up so he will probably become a smart criminal. (i hope not, i like him)

They have no future, are very dangerous and do a lot of harm to our society, the very few people who could be benefiting to our society will be corrupted by the fucked up environment.

Their low iq alone will prevent them from becoming ever anything better than ticking time bombs and rapists.

*bending the laws

Everything is very politicized, I was just curious from someone who lives there in a non-political way.

If it’s as bad as some say, why does the electorate not vote in new government? I’m not suggesting crazy right wing shit, but if current policy isn’t working, how has A M stayed in power?

Immigration policy isnt everything you know

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2 teenage girls murdered last week again. Knife attacks galore. Do I need to say more?

Extreme brainwashing and indoctrination.
Most people don´t get near those people and are even afraid to think racist stuff.
Also the media is a powerhouse of propaganda.

PC keeps an open discourse from happening and you can easily loose your job, be attacked by Antifa and get ostracised for saying the wrong things.

The conditioning is falling apart though.
There are just too many incredibly shocking incidents and the lies are too blatant to be believed any more for a lot of people.

Also with Muslims attacking women and Jews they basically commit a sacrelic in postmodern Germany, those are our two gods.

We need our own version of Donald Trump. Someone smarter who will stand up to the PC madness culture. Pakistaini Muslims have been operating grooming rings in England and only Tommy Robinson ever said anything. he was called a racist and laughed at for saying in back in 2014.

I'm cautiously hopeful Macron is Europe's answer he seems redpilled on some issues

I feel

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I live in a pretty small town in North Western Germany, so the situation isn't that bad in comparison at least. But still, one can clearly notice change.

I attend the 'highest' secondary school, basically the equivalent of a grammar school. In my year, there aren't that many students of immigrant descent but the younger the children, the more of them are foreigners. Particularly remarkable are the groups of girls with hijabs that can NEVER be seen with German girls. This only gets worse when you go to schools that offer lower levels of education.

On the streets you hear a shit ton of foreign languages, see a lot more blacks than there were like 3 years ago. Apparently, some districts here are even controlled by migrant gangs.

It's quite sad really, but I remain confident that there is still time left to save Germany.

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Agree, we have a pretty good option right now with the AFD something that would have been unthinkable a few years ago.

You in Great Britain seem to have a tougher time with that, i am seriously shocked how much of an corrupted police state you seem to have already.

Locking up Sellner, or the Video of Tommy Robinsons companion getting attacked by antifa infront of police which decides to arrest Tommy and his friend instead of doing anything against the attacker.

This guy is pretty cool though, i really like him and his way of standing up to this evil.

Italy had a great election, Macron could be promising. I think it will be better, but what i am afraid of is that there has to be a complete escalation first before we uncuck ourselves.

Thats were Merkel really did us a favour, she escalated things quickly so instead of a decline we are heading for a collapse.

Germany always drags Europe in the wrong direction. Europe always has to choose suicide and chaos. WW1, WW2, Marxism, Protestantism all originated in Germany. Nothing wrong with innovation and progress but the opposite seems to occur in your country. It seems to be the opposite with France.

No. People don't vote more AfD, because they are an anti-European, climate change denying party full of amateurs who make tons of mistakes and do very stupid things. And then there is also that civic nationalist, zionist element. Has nothing to do with brainwashing.

I live in a pretty small town in North Western Germany, so the situation isn't that bad in comparison at least. But still, one can clearly notice change.

I attend the 'highest' secondary school, basically the equivalent of a grammar school. In my year, there aren't that many students of immigrant descent but the younger the children, the more of them are foreigners. Particularly remarkable are the groups of girls with hijabs that can never be seen with German girls. This only gets worse when you go to schools that offer lower levels of education.

On the streets you hear a shit ton of foreign languages, see a lot more blacks than there were like 3 years ago. Apparently, some districts here are even controlled by migrant gangs.

It's quite sad really, but I remain confident that there is still time left to save Germany.

The problem is not the savage shitskins running around killing and raping people. They are the good guys. They are red pilling the people.
The problem is the integrated Asians, poos and niggers that work in firms, hotels and airports. They are the real danger. They seduce the German into believing we can coexist we subhumans.

German iq is concentrated enough that even when diluted with sand niggers its still a more potent country than america

To be fair WW1 was not really our fault, Luther was a good thing, Marx was not an ethic German and the treaty of Versailles gave Germany the humiliation needed for Hitlers massive chimp-out.

I disagree, they would not see the AFD like the media is painting them if they would see through the propaganda and brainwashing.
The AFD does a great job so far.

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What do you think has to happen in the UK for an improvement?

Love this guy

Is there no semi-centrist party that wants to clean up immigration? Statistically most people land close to Center. Immigration is fine, but it needs to be managed well and immigrants must bring value to the country. Otherwise turn them away. It doesn’t need to be full left or full right.

the uk police are too busy dealing with serious crimes, such as using anto terror laws to quash anto reptilian sentiment.

i shit you not, thats not even a fucking joke

>le BASED centrist
Nobody NEEDS immigrants. The growth fetish is just to keep the greatest constituency group in absolute numbers happy, Boomers expecting to be paid 85% and more of their last pay check for 30 years doing nothing, thats why Niggers are Needed, to be able to take out more debt. Nobody cares what happens after this. kys centrist scum

>T H I S

based ösi

Some areas are worse than others. Everyone knows its a problem thats going to get worse.

We deserve it and maybe Europe will be better without us.

The reality is that I don’t care. I am an immigrant myself. What I hate in Germany is their autism, lousy food and no humor.

As to “the immigration issue”, it isn’t any worse than in London or New York, both places I lived before. Some immigrants integrate, some not. Generally most Germans dress lousy, including unemployed immigrants. The most striking feature about the immigrants is that they are so small and fragile next to tall or fat Germans. Sometimes it looks like two different species.

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this just demonstrates that all immigrants are scum because they either don't care about more migrants pouring in or actively support this process. exemptions are extremely rare.

Why should they care? You are stupid expecting gratitude. At least he is honest

yes it makes no sense that they care which is exactly the reason why you shouldn't even start bringing in any migrants at all in the first place.

regarding gratitude he sure as hell seems to enjoy the better economic opportunities or the Gibs or whatever he's here for.

what do i expect from a self-hating cuck anyway...

I am here just for a few years. I am Austrian. I’ll leave in a year or two. With or without immigrants, Germans aren’t nice people. You lads don’t care about your architecture, you don’t clean up your streets or dress well. And your restaurants are awful and most of your supermarkets look like Eastern commie block shit. And what’s up with these stupid products Germans come up like “mymuesli”, for God’s sake I can put oats and fresh strawberries and some whole grain in my freaking yoghurt myself. And where is the stichfestes Joghurt anyway, it is always just shitty cremiges Joghurt. And outside of Bavaria there is no good Leberkaese anywhere. Fuck this gay country.

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which bundesland? regional disparities are huge. but in the end compared to other european or even 3rd world shitholes germany is still paradise. i agree that austria is better though.

And I hate that you lads don’t even defend your freaking country when someone shits on it like I did right now. Why? You just autistically ask which state instead of getting riled up about my criticism!?

racist asshole all of you

Because you're right.
Everything about Germany sucks and Europe will be better in a few generations when we are gone.

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because i'm bavarian and saupreißn-regions are shit compared to us anyway.

but i defended the rest nontheless:
>but in the end compared to other european or even 3rd world shitholes germany is still paradise

wie auch immer, bist wahrscheinlich sowieso nur zum granteln hier.

i can't even tell at this point if fags like you are baiting or serious about all this

I am not

not baiting or not serious about your self-hatred?

>wie auch immer, bist wahrscheinlich sowieso nur zum granteln hier.

Dude, this is why we Austrians even call Bavarians Saupreiss these days. You don’t understand us, but you think you do. My guess is too many Northern Saupreiss mixed with you.

not baiting

Germany will never be Deutschland again

As Jewish Israeli's say, integration is a form of dilution of the population and is the highest threat to the people.

REMINDER: culture clash and crime rates are irrelevant. Even if they had good jobs and perfect behavior they would still threaten the genetic lineage of the host population and on that basis alone should be removed or legally barred from miscegenation.

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Is anyone keeping track and adding all these cases to the #120dB posters?

Germans are just historically ahead of the curve RE: the inevitable clashes between groups that will come regardless of their interference on the matter

I'm moving to Frankfurt April 1st. Will I get snackbarred? Surely can't be worse than London

frankfurt is one of the most enriched cities but don't know if worth than London

How are the current attitudes towards civic pride not a reflection of the dominant ideology at this moment in history?

I agree they aren't nice people, but still you fail to take this into account

honest opinion?

it got worse but still way above the US, France, Italy or Greece.

Don't want to be enriched. I just want a pretzel.

I cross the Bavarian / Austrian border almost every day. There is almost no noticeable difference.

frankfurt is a business-city. to experience culture you're better advised to seek smaller cities. if you stay in the right parts of frankfurt you can avoid enrichment but i don't know any details about that.

Lived 5 years in muslim ghetto in germany
yes i am a degenerate and should neck myself

most moslems stupid or retarded
don´t work
hostile to almost every group
never seen so much hate on woman germans whites niggers asian they shit on everey group
can not acomplish anything but stealing and shiting up the neighbourhood
the one with work leave the bottom stays
muslims doing buisness with woman like gang rape and prostitution
some are ok but don´t bring any progress to guest country
knife attacks robbings for old cellphone
clashes between differnt groups
cull them all

what parties do people vote who have to live as closely to these animals as you did?

Most people are like fed up with politics

and tend to don´t got to the elections. Former SPD clientel.

AFD like 5%

This is what we need.

>AfD like 5%
>This is what we need

rather not

It is like the bottom of german people is staying in the area. Living without work on welfare using alcohol or drugs and are dependent.

The have lost the thought and power to act on i can have power over my life or i can change anything. Rather they are in the thinking the powerful people should change this and that for me.

Its a double edged sword desu.
One one hand our nation gets flooded with shitskins but on the other we finally have a "true" right-wing party with over 10% in our government. (Currently around 15% in polls)

Not even 10 years ago this shit would have been unimaginable.


How was is prior to 2013/14/15 when immigration rates spiked?

then kill yourself you fucking cucked faggot

do it right now before i come over there and drop you off in an arab neighbourhood to be beheaded while i fuck your sister


Pretty nice, actually.
Biggest problems were some railway station (Stuttgart21) and Greece.
Felt safe goint out. Nowadays afraid of knife attacks etc.
Life was rather carefree.

German women love all the ficki ficki
The get all wet when Mustafa talks to them

I would make out the year 2010 with the book "Deutschland schafft sich ab" from Thilo Sarrazin where he named the problems with migrants like

poverty crime migration from stupid low quality people analphabets failed integration decline of soceity

So in the time before the problems where present but not named. You could read about shootings poverty stabbings some times but not like today on a daily basis.
So the book of sarazin started the debate about the migration from muslims.

In the time around 2010 it was like he is a nazi. But now the public opinion on that topic changed. Now it is consens in wide parts of the people that you can not let those people in. That they cause problems. Migration has to stop. The focus in the years before was more like guestworker they work and do their job.

It´s like people are making racist jokes everywhere around me. And you can say things more open.

facts don't care about your feelings

es ist alles im Arsch Kanada user. Alles im Arsch :'(

Ich habe mich selbst aus Deutschland abgeschafft und ne Amerikanerin geheiratet. Meine Probleme sind geloest. :)

Not a kraut, but fuck germany.

And fuck EU.


jokes aside, if you aren't living in a predominantly white area in the US it's even worse than here in Germany, isn't it?

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>complaining about multiculturism and shit skins
>moves to the most multicultural le 56% face country

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>germanys fault
That's the fault of pic related. What do y'all think of this dude, anyway?

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It was already bad before the migrant crisis. Now you have even more niggers but they don't riot since they get everything they want from the state. You can't go everywhere anymore, if you go to the wrong parts of the city I live, apes come to spit on you and flee on their bike etc.

I wonder what happens when Germany can't pay them anymore.

a ww between the major european powers would have happened anyway sooner or later. but yeah it wasn't (entirely) our fault. they all thirstet for a war.

Fuck Germany! If they enjoy being raped by refugees, let them.

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To speak of a "Germany" post-1945 is in itself a fallacy. We should not associate a mere shadow to a fully living being.

Both America and the USSR destroyed everything that was germanic about Germany.

and we are still superior compared Portugal

let's see for how long. basically he is right anyway. if the allies wouldn't have broken our spirit we wouldn't be in this situation now. we are but a shadow of our former self. merely obedient worker drones

Superior in what sense? I am not even discussing that here but we surely can.

Are you superior in a spiritual sense or are you superior in the sense that you are america´s lapdog so you succeed at capitalism, thus granting you the illusion of greatness?

the later one

germany did pretty well compared to the rest of Europe since WWII. Even compared to the rest of the world.

excellent post. it's like comparing rome and italy or byzantium and greece

again you're only speaking in regards to the economy. it doesn't change the fact that most germans have lost their pride and no longer feel the need to continue as a people.

With that mentality you are indeed inferior. You put your well-being over your freedom, and you dare call it superiority.

Your ancestors lived in houses made of simple design. They endured hunger, pestilence and war. Yet they were superior to you in every way.

The greatest german loss wasnt its dead citizens or bombed cities. It was the loss of its spiritual prowess. The "blonde beast of prey" is down. Nietzsche was right.

>it doesn't change the fact that most germans have lost their pride
>keeps shitting on his own country

how about you start to get some pride again?

We're talking past tense here. It has long been dead before either of us has been born so there is nothing of value left that is worth salvaging.

Germany has the same amount of freedom as in any other European country

and yes, if you are poor then you lost the game since there isn't any other metric anymore in any country.

Times have changed dude... being able to "endured hunger, pestilence and war" doenst cut it anymore.

>that most germans have lost their pride

no u

also there is a difference between justified criticism and "shitting on" someone/-thing.

Its clear that you suffer from Schadenfreude.
No more proof is needed that there are no more germans. You are the living proof.
Nice conversation. Lebewohl.