This is what I hate about the Alt-Right/Lite

Instead of supporting potential allies all you do is tear down people, we're in a life and death struggle with SJWs and (((the Globalists))) but you'd rather complain someone on the right is a Jew or not white or a woman.

Say what you will about the Left but at least they stick together.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Say what you will about the Left but at least they stick together.
they dont they eat yourself

Actually the left often tries to cannibalize itself

shove your "influencers" up your ass kike

The alt right and alt lite are not allies and don't have the same goals.

You cannot be allies with someone who has a different Ideology than you in a Ideological war.

I was criticising Cernovich and Roosh, not Lauren. She has every right to be upset, she did a Periscope to tell everyone her best friend was being detained and Cernovich criticises her for it.

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>Say what you will about the Left but at least they stick together.
I blame Anglin being a closeted homosexual for a lot of it.

This is an e-celeb issues. The rank and file of the alt right are in it for pragmatism. E-celebrity stars might have a genuine belief in the ideology but they're also in it for the money and fame. Only so many of them can be stars and the barrier to entry is low so expect more of this type of infighting among the e-celebs.

Alt right dont attack lauren its the alt lite also cernovich is weak faggot jew

You are contributing nothing by posting this nonsense.You whine and criticize like a semite.

Tits or gtfo!

No, we just shouldn’t tolerate faggots like Cernovich. Fuck him.

Best post. Alt-lite are to the left of Trump normies on most issues, esp. demographics. They're worse than useless.

the fact that Kikeovich can't even bring himself to support the cuckiest of alt light cucks like Southern and Pettibone only speaks to how worthless the guy is

Doesn’t Pettibone outwardly call for a white ethnostate? She isn’t like Southern

Have you seen what Anglin does?

All the pro-white women are sluts that should be hunted down relentlessly.

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Thernobitch is the one picking fights with the alt right, not the other way around.

Cernovich isn't alt-right/light. Cernovich is "the new right" with Jack Posbiec and Laura Loomer.

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Why do ask for that, given that you are a woman hating faggot?

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Haven’t seen a thread about this coalburner in awhile. Thought we were past this

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Why do you care if she burn coal before she got redpilled, as you are obviously not pro-white?

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Both Cernovich and Southern are jews.
Oh yea, don't forget every other alt-leddit e-celeb too.

>Lauren ((((((Simossen))))))

He is a drama queen that is becoming irrelevant, is married to a mud woman, and have an ugly child to show for it, so he is probably jelly.

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>Southern are jews.
She is not. Her family name is Danish.

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Simonsen, at least get it right.

>She is not.

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Thernovich has done nothing but attack us. He is in no way a "potential ally". In fact, we're better off without him having any relevance.

What's Cernovich's problem with Lauren? Too pro-white?

Cerno is trash. Fuck him.

Some truth about what your saying though. I saw on The Daily Stormer today Anglin was calling Pettibone a slut and saying she was in Europe to ride the cock carousal.

I don't know anything about her personal life other than her dating Martin Sellner but it was just totally unnecessary.

>it's another electronic celebrity bread

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Her family is Christian fundamentalists, not jews.

Don't you have enough niggers in Italy, so you need to thot patrol like you are one of Anglin's fanbois?

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disregard cernovich

Everyone in the alt-right/alt-light hates eachother more than they hate anyone on the left.

No she presents as between alt-right and alt-lite. Some kind of identitarianism thing.

She said on MillennialWoes's channel that she agrees with us on literally everything but she wants to present in a way that is more normie palatable.

>Instead of supporting potential allies all you do is tear down people
I don't. Even if Lauren might be a Jew, as long as she's doing good work, I appreciate her.

>What's Cernovich's problem with Lauren?
He is growing irrelevant and desperate, while Lauren is becoming ever more popular after her South Africa trip.

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The infighting is paradoxically one of the Alt-Right's biggest strengths. Fact is, nobody here gives a fuck, and if you say something retarded you're outed as a retard. Good ideas naturally grow and expand, whereas bad ideas are weeded out.

>christian fundamentalists
>sleeps with transgenders
Much fundamentalism.

I don't know who the fuck that even is.
Whatever makes you sleep at night, just don't cry later.

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Do you really expect me to show sympathy for someone retarded enough to visit the hellhole known as Britain.
I don't think so.
I hope the cops execute them both.

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New Right serves a purpose of gently converting noobs to right wing politics. Alt Right needs New Right.

friendly reminder to report low quality e-celeb threads

>Jews are destroying white people
>"Why do you complain when jews infiltrate your movements?!"

jut fuck off.

Further, I can tell you Cernovich is well aware of Alt Right and mostly agrees. I've seen him on stream snicker when alt right calls in and says "the jews did 9/11". He's one of us, he's just running game on everyone to fulfill his duty.

cerno is a slimey moneygrabbing alt-light jew. a remnant from the milo era. fuck him.

I mean who the fuck even likes Cernovich? What is his role? He is not an intellectual, he doesn’t have a hard ideological stance other than basic bitch stuff like “free speech,” he doesn’t do debates or IBS, he just takes jabs at the media. That’s all i see him do.

Also, why the fuck does Molyneux love him so much? I’ve honestly started thinking that Cernovich is just one of his biggest patrons, idk what use Stefan would have of him other than the fact he’s loaded.

>he doesn’t do debates or IBS
you're so damn sad.


>christian fundamentalists
Her family, not her, as she quit.

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I don't give a fuck about e-celebs and if you do you're probably underage and overweight.


>he's just running game on everyone to fulfill his duty
He married a mud, and have an ugly hobgoblin to show for it.

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I’ve never complained about Lauren Southern. She’s a little young but she’s fighting the good fight. Yeah it’s a source of income for her too but I don’t care. She’s not a jew and anybody arguing about it is just trying to get people to ignore her (same with weev when they claim he’s a jew, it’s fucking absurd). She tried to sink a boat of invasive migrants which is more than anybody here has ever done.

Do you mean his Persian hottie you fucking no tooth?

She’s trolling, but I really wish it was true so all the memeceleb worshippers collectively kill themselves.

>willingly shilling for a degenerate
Seeing as you like using that memeflag, you're also accepting like a good cuck the fact that she laughs at you when the camera is off.

>everyone who doesn't like jewesses is a mgtow
Truly makes me tinkle anyway.

But you cared enough to post as an user, just to tell us that?

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>I trust these people to save the white race because they debate one another on YouTube

alt-right/lite = cucks than can never be redeemed...need to be exterminated just like nazis

Considering how she was exposed here: They could as well start ordering those exit bags now.

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I don't care what Lauren Southern does, she dated and fucked a non-white guy. The ONE thing a white woman has to do is not date or fuck non-white guys. She's nothing but a dirty as fuck race traitor coal burner. When push comes to shove, her lips are around non-white dick. All that tells me is that she's not really serious about this, no white woman ever is.

Why don't you go beta orbit your eceleb on reddit? Also the alt-right isn't real

When did I say anything like that you fucking moron.

She is not hot, and his kid is ugly as fuck.

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>same with weev when they claim he’s a jew
I thought that was confirmed.

Alt-Lite VS. Alt-Right

Laura Joomer VS lil' Dicky Spinster


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Not that you say it, you probably are MGTOW or incel.

Men that get pussy don't bother to thot patrol, as you like to call it.

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Fuck kike cernobitch.

Alt-Lite VS. Alt-Right

Laura Joomer VS lil' Dicky Spinster


Who wins?!
Which should YOU follow into battle?

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thats because the alt right is fuckin gay

stop conforming to labels you faggots

Who wins?

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You're a piece of shit and so is you soul if you think Persians aren't hot and call normal looking babies "ugly as fuck".

>I don't care what Lauren Southern does,

Yes you do, as you post in this thread.

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Well, that's Cernovich completely done for me.

Are you not pro-white, as that is a label?

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>thot patrol
How much of a beta orbiter can you be to worship a degenerate and serial liar just because she's blonde? get real, cuck.

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Daily reminder: research shows that 89% of memeflag posters have Israeli ips.

>im alt right!
>im a republican!
>i vote this way because i was told to lol!!

The only people who bitch about racial purity are jews and ugly malnourished Nazi larpers. Sometimes it's difficult telling the two apart.

I can see why though, they got the short end of the genetic stick. (unless you have khazar milkers of course)

t.German/Irish white

Good little alt right paypigs. Make sure you donate to her PayPal. She'll need that for hotel rooms where she fucks Tyrone. But if you donate maybe someday she'll give you some pussy too right.

Fucking pathetic. No wonder whites are getting BTFO constantly. You let fucking cryptofeminist COSPLAYERS co-opt your movement for shekels then defend them like loyal dogs.

It's not your kid or wife, so why do you care?

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I support all pro-whites that do good work.

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This guy right here is a Jew trying to create infighting and make everyone on the right less effective .

Fight #2

Laura Joomer VS Lauren Simonsen


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Laura Joomer VS Lauren Simonsen


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>I can see why though, they got the short end of the genetic stick.

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Which is doing more to save our People? Who wins?

Cmon Alt-Right play with me

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>listening to an e-celeb
>at any point

This is why no one takes the alt-right seriously. Your cults of personalities shows how utterly brain dead you all are.

Exactly. It's liberal tier retardation.

What's the point of the alt right if their just the same old faggots in a new package.

She called you "racist misogynist" and she laughed at you, this is the EPITOME of cuckoldry.
Next, you're gonna tell me you don't mind licking her bull's sperm as long as she keeps making more videos where she lies to fool cucks like you, like she always does?

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This is the truth. Alt lite basically rides the coat tails of the true alt right and nationalists.

t. cernovich the kike.