It was only after we landed that we force evolved native Neanderthals into Germans to serve as slaves who then rebelled and escaped into the wild.
Slavs came from the stars
Id believe. Dated a ukrainian girl for a while pretty sure she had magic powers
It was unreal
that or we never wrote anything down to preserve history
then again, the greek did lie a lot in theirs
>Slavs taking wewuz to new levels
Fuck off
And their king was called Serbon and the Queen was called Kroata. They had 3 children Ruslav, Polak and Czechi
Still more believable than the "Kangz" maymay
t.dinarc, i knew my blue eyes were from outta dis world
>getting betrayed by your own golem
Slavs are Jews confirmed
Slavs (named so due to their history and status as slaves) were taken by the romans because they were hardy fuckers that lived in swamps, singing, happy as fuck, could go days without food, never get sick, top dollar. The slavs then asked the white pirates (nordics) to be their kings. They did. Those are white russians. The rest are from that old neander human stock.
Q predicted this
you mean gods gerting castrated by threir sons has nothing to do with them?
sad, it would explain alot
tfw Turboslav thread
This is epic :D
Actually we didn't need to write anything due to our enhanced psyonic abilities to transfer knowledge telepathically.
We need slav nationalism
There is tons of lost archaeological stuff in Slavland.
This has future.
You will not tell us what our ethnic name means.. you arab rape baby wannabe roman.
>Slava = Glory
reason why slavs didn't left almost nothing behind because in that time slavs lived in forrests and swamps, so everything rotted away.
This, hyperboreans were ancient slavs
wrong, SlavA is the root word and it means GLORY
hello Satan!
No. There are books to read on this subject, you know.
And the three children raped horses and cows, thus creating the Southern European peoples.
Hitler considered you Slavs to be inferior.
So just shut the fuck up.