Shiki thread

Since it’s the spookiest time of the year can we have a Shiki thread?

Megumi did nothing wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sunako did nothing wrong.
>She was just trying to do what she think is right for the survival of their kind.
>She was a victims of circumstances like everyone else.
>She is not to be blamed.

>Sunako did nothing wrong.

Well, she died.

Post Doctor Didnothingwrong

Hated how this anime tired to pull the cliche "humans are the true bad guys" when they decided that it was time to purge the vampires that had been terrorizing them and killing their loved ones the entire show?

>retarded question mark after a statement
>thinks it pulled a "humans are the bad guys"

Everything about your post is retarded.

Of course he didn't do anything wrong. Him BTFOing the vampires was the best part of the whole show.

>She was just trying to do what she think is right for the survival of their kind.
Well, she was pretty fucking stupid about it.
It would be so simple to just bite every single villager to bring them into submission and circle through them so they won't die form it.
She would have her own slave village, a very good and save place if she decide to go on with her plan and turn people anyway.

>we have to kill humans to survive
>it's not wrong because it's our nature
>humans are wrong for killing us though even though they are doing it to survive

>Sunako and the Doctor never came face to face.
Biggest disappointment in the entire thing.

Was, Ozaki even "human". The guy lacked any form of compassion even to his wife and "best friend" then went full on sociopath and fucked both humans and Shiki up, then just had a cigarette about without a care in the world.

Honestly, Ozaki was the true monster of the series. If he had turned into a Shiki everyone would be fucked.

Just because he was pragmatic and thinking about the bigger picture instead of acting on pure emotions doesn't mean he wasn't human.
Doctor treating a patient can't be squeamish even if he has to cause some pain or discomfort.
I agree with the last sentence though.

The part where the villagers and the old lady go to the mansion was the most retarded part of the anime

>Lol my alien looking wife and daughter have some skin condition so they can't go out of the sun so don't check their pulse ha ha.
>everyone goes along with it
> Old lady dies soon after
> Nobody questions it

It should have ended right there.

someone needs to post 'that' thread

The hypnosis effect wears off after a few days and they were only 2 Shiki at the start.
No she didn't.

Episode 20.5 was best episode. Shit was brutal.

One could argue that neither party did anything wrong, given that both were just trying to survive; one feeds on the other, the other defends itself.

Seishin, however, went full retard and stabbed his kind in the back because someone read his essays.

Some of them have fucking spirals for hair. They wanted to believe the old bint was crazy. It all built up to the tunnel scene anyway, which was great.

Except the other party creates more of themselves by turning some of Party A, rather than breeding.

It's not like when humans breed and then need more food. Especially when they started making promises of resurrection.

It's almost 2018 and we still don't have doujins of her being raped while pinned under the tractor.

I shouldn't have said "bad guys." But it did try to pull the "humans are ruthless, cruel, heartless, brutal monsters! More brutal than those vampires! Look at how they slaughtered those poor vampires that just wanted a place to live boohoohoo. They didn't do NUFFIN! JUS' WERE TRYIN TO SURVIVE. BOTH SIDES ARE FLAWED. THIS IS A DEEP ANIME!!!"

>defending exploitation of the masses so that a privileged few may thrive.

Priest pls

I legit popped a boner at this scene. Justice boner.


Didn't feel like that at all user.

As did I. It subverted my expectations of most horror where only at the last moment do the humans/victims get wise.

It was so cathartic.

While she was trying to get way, I was like "Please make it though! Please!" but then they ganged up on her and butchered and then crushed her with a tractor. All I could say was "What have you done you filthy bastard. Cursed you all!". I was enlightened when saw the animosity of humanity. We are a disgusting race. All she wanted was to get out of town and fulfill her dream. If she was a mindless zombie, I would not care but she was no different than when she was still alive, except being a vampire.

Yeah, except now when she ends up in a JAV the dude would get more than expected.

I know what it's like to want to dress slightly upmarket in a small village but she was a bit contentious.

The only thing Sunako did wrong was not making thalls stand guard in the day

Fuck faggot doctor and all his fans.
Sunako a good girl

Alright, tell me how the vampires killing to survive are in the right, but the humans killing the vampires to survive are not. Also tell me what right someone who has lived hundreds of years and killed thousands of people has to act like a scared victim when she's about to get some of her own medicine.

I think the shiki are just a symbolism of the outsiders like what Megumi said.
Those villagers just don't like change so they literally killed everyone who does not conform to their standard.
Because of their repulsiveness, they lost their town and even all their love ones that survived as a shiki.
The villagers that were left are not to be pitted because they got deserve.
It goes both ways but the humans are more vicious and barbaric than the shiki.
It think, the author deliberately make it appear that the humans are the bad guys to make a point.

Yeah, I do see that authorial intent. My logic, though, tells me that you can't invade somewhere, murder people, make cattle of them, then get uppity when they fight back.

I'm not saying that in even in the slightest, I'm just a guy who likes Goth Loli Gothic-Lolita.

But since you brought it up did Sunako ever kill anyone?
Sure she attacked a few maids but unless they were locked in a room with her they would have survived because Shiki follows the Dracula rules of 3 days

Pretty sure she mentions in her backstory that she killed lots of people.

>My logic, though, tells me that you can't invade somewhere, murder people, make cattle of them, then get uppity when they fight back.
That is on the eyes of the prey. Does human think about that when they slaughter cattle? I don't think so. If I were a chicken and say to the humans all those things that you said, will the human spare me? Everything is the same. It just so happen that the prey & predator in this case are both sentient and conscious. That is why we are all in conflict who is right and who is wrong. If the shiki were invading a town of chickens, all of us will say that it is OK for them to do it.

But they aren't? They also turned some of those chickens into them and made false promises. Chickens can't fight back.

Humans can, and display an ability to do so throughout history. That;s why the food analogy is a dumb one because I've never seen a storied history of chickens laying waste to opposition.

At least Nao got some action before she died in both holes by that sawed off lead pipe.

You are a monster! Watch it again and put yourself on her situation.

Anyone up for a marathon on Halloween?

Shouldn't have trusted vampires. Get piped!

Everyone should read this panel, that's the point of the show. For the humans and the Shiki, for the vicious and kind of both species, death is the same incomprehensible fear.

What a waste. Guess she'd feel like an onahole anyways at since her body temperature's so low.

Never forget People's Glorious October Revolution! Is of greatest importance!

Hmmm... this scenario sounds familiar.

>If I were a chicken and say to the humans all those things that you said, will the human spare me?
Probably, think of the money a talking chicken would make you.
In all seriousness, if a chicken were to display intelligence on a level of a human, then yes, I think most people would in fact opt to spare it.

>Muh revenge boner when watching this

Is this dumb nigga comparing a human to a fucking chicken? I hope you are thinking about the poor bacteria we consume everyday too.

So I'm just asking on the off chance anyone knows what I'm talking about
But have any of you shiki fans ever read the novels it was based on or seen them translated anywhere?
I almost bought them last year