In Hinduism, there is the creator god Brahma and his wife Sarasvati and in the Abrahamic religions, there is Abraham and his wife Sarah. Although Abraham is not a creator god in the Abrahamic religions, he is still considered to be the main patriarch of the Abrahamic religions and since Brahma created this universe, he is also kind of a patriarchal figure too, so there seems to be a definite connection there which I think is NOT a (((coincidence))). I believe that there might be some type of link between the Indo-European people and the Afro-Asiatic people (including the Semitic people). There is even a hypothesised language family known as the 'Indo-Semitic language family' (although I call it the 'Indo-European—Afro-Asiatic language family'):
If Indo-Europeans and Afro-Asiatics were originally one people, that's most of the entire caucasoid race covered - except for Basques (who still belong to Haplogroup R1A/R1B, if I remember correctly), Georgians, Hungarians, Finns and Estonians, if I remember correctly. Although there IS a hypothesised language family known as the 'Indo-Uralic language family' (which you can read more about here: