Jews have become superior after eliminating the weaker ones or precisely roasting them by sir Hitler
Jews are superior
He has a done a great deal of service to society and has been made into a devil.there are lot more sinister politician cucks who have blown
Nuclear bomb on the weaker cucks like Japan and yet are worshipped.
It's really a sad state to live in this generation.
No cucks will accept the truth especially white turds who only know how to hang by the balls of rabbi and get circumcised to glory.
I don't believe Indian scums have anything to do here.
I believe he should have made bigger concentration camp to eliminate human waste third world country cucks like you.Go worship your dunga dunga Mohammed and blow yourself away back to human crap you have come out of
There are threats to this world like white superamacist ,niggers, Muslims, Feminist and fucking dog lovers and pussy lovers.
Google jewtube they are everywhere
Yes they are... smoking gas has really filled some sanity in their thickhead.
Na if I were to have a concentration camp I would kill the stronger one's first as they possess more threats. I think the sly one's made alive by manipulation and the one's with morals/values were killed. So now we have them manipulate the world.
Sir hitler would never have killed the stronger ones for he is the strongest in life and death.
The way he fucked the polish,italian and russian shows how my much he hated human pile of crap.
There is no need to eliminate the strong if you are strongest.
you've clearly never met a kike
I still have the soft heart for Jews.its was never there fault to be genetically inferior.The cockroaches had to be trampled to make way for superior race as envisioned by the sir Hitler.
Genetic cleansing as done by hitler is lot more scientific and hold a special place.Unlike the niggers who are enslaved..if they had been naturally selected by bombing them,they would have been much smarter than their smarter counterpart-Apes.
Similarly Muslims too are fucked up pigs.Only thing is to ship them to Mars and then bomb it with nuclear bomb.
Man look closely how these cucks try to manipulate us subconsciously to their hidden agenda. Take jewtube what a fucking shit show what they are doing is turning kids into fucking click farms. Using cheap psychological tactics to hack the primitive brain and turn us into feminists nice guys with blue dyed hair and rimmed glasses balding hairline.
Nothing good about them chews.All they bear is burnt from the past.Cant even thank there benefactor shows how narrow-minded they are.
if righteous then they are part of the head. todays jew are rotten and spoiled. drunk off the fruits of others labor and shall be the ass where they shall reap the shit theyve sown and poisoned the wellspring of imagination by turning to baal..
Man a few of these races just need to go
The people give sympathies to these chews for being burnt badly and being inferior.The white supremacist also hang by the balls of inbred Jews who have gone retard by getting gassed over ages.
White cucks are no different.fucking Burger King school shooting cucks.
Unironically jews are superior. America became world leader in science post WW2 beacause of European Jewish immigration. They are so overrepresented in intellectual fields its absurd. Imagine an NBA team all the black guys are jewish scientists while the white guy is the odd European Caucasian
The niggers are no different than human apes.atleast apes can be trained but these niggers can't be trained.Same goes for Fucking Muslims who are pigs.
Latinos are next level machete weilding crap.All Latino whore are home to hepatitis ,herpes and AIDS.
China is lot better than this Western crap
Nothing ironic about Toasted Jews.The inbreds circumcised cucks rape the Muslim pigs,the Muslim pigs blow them back.I wish if Hitler was alive they all be out to their places once again
The white cuck are no genius.All they know is how to snort cocaine up their assholes and play rugby.
Their scientific heritage is due to the fact they lure best mind from the world to work for pork eating diabetic white cucks.
All they money and bombs