Welcome to Communist Britain 2021

Fucking KEK. The party who is favourite to win the next General Election in the UK.

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Oh dear

Why do people keep propagating this falsehood? It just makes them seem ignorant and uninformed to the mainstream.

Communism never killed anyone intentionally (outside of normal death sentences in the criminal justice system for murderers and traitors and such of course).

well atleast you will understand why Eastern europe is so backward economically its will take it will take century to recover if you fail into deep shit

Oh dear is right, George!
Why didn't you help the Finns defeat the Soviets!?

It doesn't matter. Labour has virtually the same ideology as the Conservative party. Only the tone and rhetoric differs.

At least we get to use you guys as proof of slippery slope when our left wants to expand government more


We will win in the end.
>muh 60 gorrilions
I wonder how many people were killed under "muh monarchy" or "muh democracy" through history.

Get this, the crusades killed only 1 million

Yeah, the Holodomor was just a big misunderstanding

>The party who is favourite to win the next General Election in the UK.

According to whom? To rise are STILL ahead of Labour in the polls.


The few polls I have seen have them equal or slightly Labour. Can't remember which ones now.

El Salvador
Indonesia et al 60 million dead
Plus 20 million die per year because muh capitalism is unwilling to meet their needs.
Get your facts house in order.

I can say that if there is one thing Britain will never be, it is communist.
If only because so much of (((their))) financial power is concentrated here, second only to the US.

Actually it's just Ukrainian hoax. Famine happened, but it wasn't exclusively for Ukrainian territory, and it certainly wasn't deliberate or as devastating as they paint it. In fact, population growth was only slightly affected, unlike what happened with them after they became independent and especially after 2014 coup.

the holodomor never happened though

2/10 bait

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So China and Russia had over 100m murderous and criminals? Take a peak at the Gulag Archipelago. Tbf though, even though there is miles upon miles of evidence, commies like you don't give a fuck because it was not their personal type of communism. Evil, sick fucks.

So what if Labour wins the next General election with a majority, hypothetically?

>momentum will be rounding you up for the gulags

Canada honestly deserves communism


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Poll today was Labour 44 Tories 37

Popular austrian IB spokesperson Martin Sellner was arrested for being right-wing, WTF is wrong with you?

>The party who is favourite to win the next General Election in the UK.


>half of country votes Commies
>empty supermarkets

I can't wait to read about Gulags full of UKIP supporters run by Pakis

I'm pretty sure Labour has a large party membership.

John McDonnell says hes a Marxist

John McDonnell quotes Mao in Parliment

Corbyn says hes a Marxist

black transgender model who said all white people were born racist is made into the head of the Labour Parties LGBT section

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>one poll

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>I wonder how many people were killed under "muh monarchy" or "muh democracy" through history.
there he is....there he goes again...

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>when there's no food

The Left can't meme

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>Take a peak at the retarded horror fantasy book.
There's even translated and reworded stuff from Nazi propaganda pamphlets.

>On one side, millions of starving peasants, their bodies often swollen from lack of food; on the other, soldiers, members of the GPU carrying out the instructions of the dictatorship of the proletariat. They had gone over the country like a swarm of locusts and taken away everything edible; they had shot or exiled thousands of peasants, sometimes whole villages; they had reduced some of the most fertile land in the world to a melancholy desert

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I visited Stalybridge once.
It was closed.

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yes, just like the 6 million criminals executed after the fair and just working of the German courts.

and neither did the holocaust, what's your point?

>" I saw ravages of the famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine - hordes of families in rags begging at the railway stations, the women lifting up to the compartment windows their starving brats, which, with drumstick limbs, big cadaverous heads and puffed bellies, looked like embryos out of alcohol bottles."

>Imagine the Titanic sinking every day for thirteen years! Such were the losses from the 1933 Famine Genocide in Soviet Ukraine." [based on the minimum seven million.]

OY VEY GOY, i mean friend, thank you for defending your greatest ally

Why didn't you?
That second nuke should have gone to Moscow, not Nagasaki.

What about the people the US kills?

>what is the holodomor
>what is the great leap forward
>what is cambodian genocide

Mostly Muslims so only about 600,000 died

Might be an opportunity. The tories would probably collapse. Maybe they could then be usurped by genx and millenial right wingers


At the conclusion of the conference, a tribute to Comrade Stalin was called for. Of course, everyone stood up (just as everyone had leaped to his feet during the conference at every mention of his name). ... For three minutes, four minutes, five minutes, the stormy applause, rising to an ovation, continued. But palms were getting sore and raised arms were already aching. And the older people were panting from exhaustion. It was becoming insufferably silly even to those who really adored Stalin.

However, who would dare to be the first to stop? … After all, NKVD men were standing in the hall applauding and watching to see who would quit first! And in the obscure, small hall, unknown to the leader, the applause went on – six, seven, eight minutes! They were done for! Their goose was cooked! They couldn’t stop now till they collapsed with heart attacks! At the rear of the hall, which was crowded, they could of course cheat a bit, clap less frequently, less vigorously, not so eagerly – but up there with the presidium where everyone could see them?

Will they send the pakis to gulags like the good soviets did?

The director of the local paper factory, an independent and strong-minded man, stood with the presidium. Aware of all the falsity and all the impossibility of the situation, he still kept on applauding! Nine minutes! Ten! In anguish he watched the secretary of the District Party Committee, but the latter dared not stop. Insanity! To the last man! With make-believe enthusiasm on their faces, looking at each other with faint hope, the district leaders were just going to go on and on applauding till they fell where they stood, till they were carried out of the hall on stretchers! And even then those who were left would not falter…

Then, after eleven minutes, the director of the paper factory assumed a businesslike expression and sat down in his seat. And, oh, a miracle took place! Where had the universal, uninhibited, indescribable enthusiasm gone? To a man, everyone else stopped dead and sat down. They had been saved!

The squirrel had been smart enough to jump off his revolving wheel. That, however, was how they discovered who the independent people were. And that was how they went about eliminating them. That same night the factory director was arrested. They easily pasted ten years on him on the pretext of something quite different. But after he had signed Form 206, the final document of the interrogation, his interrogator reminded him:

“Don’t ever be the first to stop applauding.”

I realize most leafs just bait people for shits and giggles, but it's really getting tiresome.

He won a Nobel prize for the book you absolute fuckwit.

>here, see those grossly inflated numbers not backed by anything?! that's how how much your ideology is awful!
>whataboutism! y-you can't c-compare numbers under different ideologies!
Every time.

What about them?

>a Russian supporting communism
Not enough slavs died to get it through your malnourished misshapen skulls apparently

All of the "victims" of Communism deserved worse, and even if the numbers weren't exaggerated, they would still be too low. Victims of capitalism (liberal or fascist) and monarchy are mostly innocents.

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>Two wrongs make a right
You know you're still evil pieces of shit, right?

That does not happen when full blown Marxists are in power and thinking like that is what gets them in power.

>which has killed at least 60 million people
>it kills people therefore it's bad
Anti-communists are such soyboys

John McDonnell named Lenin and Trotsky as his biggest influences

Corbyn actually praised Venezuela

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How can anyone not laugh along to this? A fcking leaf that's who.

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Most "victims" of Capitalism are shitskins in their own shitskin countries so we couldn't give a flying fuck
Communism just happens to kill it's own people instead of it's enemies and then cucks like you post stupid shit like this

everytime lol

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t. future victim of Communism

It's OK though, as we get to talk about and prove how dangerous communism is.

>Anti-communists are such soyboys
>says the literal harmone taking estronaut

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And, you are a liar.


No, they deserved worse is what i said. That includes Poland. USA should've been nuked too.

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t. larpfag

>What about what about what about
>Two wrongs make a right
You people are such nasty faggots.

Looking at a few Momentum pages to try and find the Tommy Robinson attackers, it blows my mind how scummy they are.

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? What does it even mean anymore? Are you saying my opinions are not genuine?

Ya larpfag confirmed

>communism in a country full of armed citizens

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Well then your other option is to be fucked by the tories until enough old people die and then the marxists take over anyway.

What other option do you have?

Over my dead fucking body.

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Holy fuck Stalybridge is really near to me.
Its basically a white enclave surrounded by sandnigger towns

It means youre a wormy little faggot trying to act scary on the internet with your edgy and inconsistent belief systems

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That's the exact same logic you've been applying to different ideologies, though.

>posting old propaganda
Go watch your mandatory BBC and read Guardian.

So is Obama and many other (((people))). Even some scientific awards is questionable, everything else is pure undistilled politic, especially economic, literature, and peace.

Not an argument.

Is that Ernesto "I shoot 11-year-old kids and rape girls on tables" Guevera?

>42% of the people identify with neither side corporate-owned one ruling party that LARPs as two parties
>wildcat state-wide general strike is West Virginia
>implying USA has no commie revolution potential

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State wide strike of fat middle class hillary supporting teachers. Yea real revolution material there

>act scary

>middle class
You're a fucking cretin.

Prison Camp S21 (Cambodia)
Gherla prison (Romania)
Soviet Purges
Katyn Massacre
Hỏa Lò Re-education camp (Hanoi Hilton)
Belene labor camp (Bulgaria)
Camp Boiro (Guinea)
Hoeryong concentration camp (N Korea)
Laogai prison camps (China)
Four Pests Campaign (China)
Hundred Flowers Campaign (China)
Great Leap Forward famine (China)
Kolyma gulag (Russia)
Mongolian Stalinist Purge
South Yemen Socialist Economic collapse
Ethiopian Famine
Ukrainian famine (Holodomor)
Socialist Somalia Red Beret Terror Campaign
Socialist Tanzania economic collapse
Socialist Burundi Hutu Genocide
Socialist Eritrea purges
Cuban MUAP concentration camps
Socialist Angola Halloween Massacre
Socialist Congo purges
Basmachi Massacre
Houphanh Samana (re-education) Camps (Laos)
Pul-e-Charkhi Prison (Afghanistan)
Isaaq Genocide in Somalia (they literally refereed to it as "the final solution to the Isaaq problem")
The Kazakh Famines
The Kengir Uprising
NKVD Order 00485 (elimination of Polish minorities)
NKVD Order 00447 (elimination of kulaks and others deemed to be enemies of the state)

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>everybody are equally evil but some evils are less evil than others thus except of any criticism or comparison

Hey don't knock them, if they could actually bake they might start with a bake sale to fund their revolution.

>communist never killed anyone!
>yeah we killed them and they all deserved it! xD
stop being retarded.

>cant get fired for being a shitty propagandist and get paid 50K a year
Too bad charter schools are ripping apart shitty public schools, huh?
Funny how the actual coal miners fucking HATE you bougie LARPing classist.

I wasnt attempting to make an argument
An argument would mean I think I'm capable of swaying your opinion to possibly think on your ideas so maybe you might understand how shitty communism is. Fact of the matter is Russian slavs are so fucking stupid that they can watch their government kill millions upon millions of their own people and still agree with communism. There's no hope for you degenerates and all I can do is pray for you and hope that maybe you'll be the first slav to take off your track pants and undo the last hundred years or more of slavic stupidity

You don't. Most of communist support in the US comes from morbidly obese bluehairs and twiggy soyboys whose arms would snap from the recoil of a .22. That, and none of you have the balls to try it. You're literally the Beta Uprising and you don't even know it.
>On Sup Forums: "You're all getting the gulag, future victims of communism, liberals get the bullet too!"
>In public: "All those murderous regimes weren't REAL communism!"
Who hurt you?

Not on minimum wage, too dumb to be a high earner - middle class.

You have got to be shitting me this ideology has killed millions of my people you fucking commie leaf faggot

This. No innocent would be killed off for no reason in socialist state.

>not being a working poor = middle class
I guess the term doesn't even mean anything anymore.

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There is literally no proof.

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>Whataboutisms are perfectly fine, but offering counter points makes you a doodoo head
The topic is communism. Not monarchies, not capitalism, but communism. Every single time a discussion about the evils of communism comes up, cocksuckers like you crawl out of the woodwork to deflect and divert. It's an old trick I've observed many, many times.

Rule of thumb: If it's that hard to offer a legitimate defense of an ideology, odds are you support a fucking awful ideology.

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>hurr durr you're stupid, stuuupid!
Go back to your kindergarten for special children, i.e. murican high school.