Guys, when is my coal job coming back?

Guys, when is my coal job coming back?

Attached: Coal.jpg (550x235, 139K)

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When is your dad coming back

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Your benefits are probably better at the cock sucking factory you currently work at

>being such a soyboy pleb that he thinks the inspector is mining coal and stays in that position all day

The long wall mining operator would like to have a word with you from his comfy seat. Not a bad gig for 90k a year and a real pension.

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Not enough coal burners anymore goyim..

People in West Virginia have it so shitty. I wouldn't be surprised if the revolution comes from there. I hate how communists try to high jack the whole union war thing and the red bandana. They also try to co opt folk music from actual genuine people when they are just bourgeoisie fucks.

The only coal that's necessary is coking coal.

And lung cancer...

Okay, when are the steel mills coming back?

>And lung cancer...
I'm always surprised at how the guys working in those mines don't feel the need to wear a respirator. I'm equally surprised MSHA lets them get away with not wearing one.

Well, demand is rising.

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I could never work in such a confined space, it would drive me crazy

Honestly working around a machine like that long wall miner is using I would want a forced air suit. I'm thinking they don't get those, though.

Soon when its used to generate green energy

innovation creates new jobs.

Don't coal miners wear facemasks?

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That looks preferable to wearing a McUniform and getting fries for Jamal at the drive through in every possible way.

Don't they use solar more? Why were they virtue signaling about the Paris accord?

Once women stop doing it

clean coal to BTFO solar farms

A suit would be really bulky for working in a mine but they could probably use the hoods without much trouble.

>And lung cancer...

Yeah, they all get cancer. That explains the tens of thousands of retirees living and collecting pensions. Not everyone is of Generation Soy and dies from 3 mold spores getting in their lungs.

Right after the wall that Mexico paid for gets built.

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Never, coal is obsolete.


we cant make steel without coal
coal power plants should be switched to natural gas though

They never where coming back. But of course with pol being grade A cock suckers they would belive anything Trump says.

I hope never

>Coal is theunhealtiest source of energy
>Has only shit jobs nobody to do anymore
>Bad for the enviroment
>It pollutes the air and the water
>People working inside mines get cancer