The TRUE STORY of Christianity:
>Jehovah = volcano god (see Exodus)
>El (Elohim, El shaddiah, The heavenly Father) = SATURN, father of the heavens and god of time.
These two versions (Moses' Jehovah being a nomadic oral tradition {"Hebrews": means nomad}, and El being a local Canaanite tradition) would fight it out for the "true god of Israel" status.
- Issac
>Just cut his dic, an Egyptian mark of slavery
- Father/Saturn
- Jesus
>"FUCK YOURSELF. Do it for all our benefit"
- Saturn/Father
Jesus's was from Bethlehem, a town dominated by the group called Zealots (Zionists). Christianity was created by Paul.
>Consider Paul, properly called Schaul, who was a rabbinical student. As a Jew, Paul certainly knew that of all the peoples of the world the Jews, first and foremost, needed their souls saved. 'Go not … to the Gentiles, … But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel,' demanded Christ (Matthew 10:56).
Christianity is a slave cult and the (((Elite))) of the Roman Church were gay pedophile occultists. This has not changed. And Gnostics are no exception.
Juda-ism was invented after Christianity. Before that it wasn't called Judah-ism, but there were many groups who worshiped El (saturn) and YHWH (volcano-fire). This included Moloch worship, Essenes, Pharasies, Sadducees, Zealots… It became Juda-ism after Rome was Christian and killing all the traditional philosophers, religions, and pagans. Somehow the Juda-ism survived within Christian Rome and became a main source of loans (usury),including the Templar order and Rothschilds later on which now dominate our spiritual lives and culture.