So episode 3 is out I think.
What's the verdict with the voice?
So episode 3 is out I think.
What's the verdict with the voice?
Naruto RIP off
Thank god they only managed to say it 500 times in 3 episodes.
Hopefully it gets better now with them facing different people as they travel, MC still a screaming idiot.
mc might be retarded
seems like noone cares about the series anymore. Dead BC thread like the old days
MC's VA is going to destroy his voice by the end of the first cour.
Good, I hope it's fucking gone forever.
BC MC > Capshit MC
Deku would be in tears at this moment.
Why the fuck are the newer episodes filler? They have more than enough material to reach up to the third arc.
>Studio Pierrot
>51 episodes
You bet this isn't just the episodes that will be filler.
It better fucking not be, unless they want this show to bomb fucking hard. it's like someone's purposely sabotaging this shit or something.
It will be. Did you really think it won't?
>it's like someone's purposely sabotaging this shit or something.
Kodansha is pushing Black Clover as the "next Naruto" straight from their mouths. The fact that they gave it to Pierrot as well means that they know this was bound to happen.
3 episodes in and they are already putting in foddder ? WOW.
Aside from AAASTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, last episode and this episode had so much wasted time. The conversation between lily father and the tower keeper was ultra repetetive and couldve been cut short 2 minutes and still have been fine. Plus a long ass travel montage which couldve been mostly cut and then given space to at least show yuno and asta in the stadium with everyone which would've caused more hype for next episode than just saying the exam is gonna start.
We got the /ourguy/ Nero today
I loved Lilly's potato dinner
A drinking game for this anim would be fun.
Literal Naruto rip-off.
Why are they delaying the action?
It feels like they have no budget.
The voice is still annoying but they toned it down from how bad it was in the first ep. The real problem now is the filler. Who adds filler in the first few episodes of a new series? Especially when it's being pushed as the next Naruto.
God his voice is fucking cringe lol
Fuck off back to BNHA threads please.
>A drinking game for this anim would be fun.
You need to drink heavily just to get through one episode of this shit.
Why would they show Noelle in competition when she didn’t even appear until after the exam?
Episode was So Boring and short
she was supposed to be part of the exam since she joined the knights the same time as Asta but she never showed up in the exam so I guess they wanna add filler of her in the exam
Why is Pierrot so hit or miss with their shows?
Problems with the episode:
-Asta's voice was surprisely good in episode 2 and tame but much worse in episode 3
-If they are going to include filler than why not include the authorities wondering how the chain magic user was taken down and do an investigation.
-They are really taking their time and devoted an episode just to get to the city
-Does it really take that many days to walk to the capital? Shouldn't Yuno fly a broom or something?
>-They are really taking their time and devoted an episode just to get to the city
>-Does it really take that many days to walk to the capital? Shouldn't Yuno fly a broom or something?
Those are both the same point. Yea, Yuno can fly a broom but that would mean ditching Asta.
>-Asta's voice was surprisingly good in episode 2 and tame but much worse in episode 3
The only reason it was good was because it was a flashback to his childhood. It reined in his teenager voice.
>people itt mad as fuck BC is primetime and raking in millions
You can't make this shit up
Apparently you can make shit up.
You just did.
No one cares about the millions anyway. They are talking about the show itself. Judging by the fight that they showed in the intro of this episode, it looks like Pierrot doesn't want to put any money and time into it.
Would it be incredibly insulting if they fired a va and introduced a new one? Because honest to god I am really trying to give this guy a chance but he just doesn't seem to adjust at all. God fucking dammit. Yes he is new and yes he is giving it his all but but the low gurgling noise after every few words after he screams it out is infuriating.
Doesn't Japanese studios get consumer feedback reports? I am sure someone in Japan--who are bigger weabs than us, wrote down a complaint. It is ruining the series.
Don't know where you got this pasta.
It's not his fault. It's actually the voice director. Who would actually want to do that kind of voice for a 51-episode series. At most he might get surgery for it. I feel bad for him really.
Still screams too much, but the screams aren't pure ear rape like it was in the first ep.
I don't think I'm ever going to get used to it. Just stop screaming and punctuate sentences by being loud instead of screaming. Save the screaming for when real shit. That's what I hope they do.
If not the guy is going to end up like that one woman who shredded her voice box doing the dubs for that one anime.
But I like this anime.
It's fun simple unpretentious and ultimately rewarding.
It's not the VA's fault but rather the Sound Director.
Doesn't make any sense. You can't tell someone to scream and then adjust it so to 'punctuate sentences by being loud". Wtf does that even mean?
>You can't tell someone to scream and then adjust it so to 'punctuate sentences by being loud"
But you can if the VA is new and guillible.
There's a difference between being louder when you talk and doing that loud scream where his voice has that kind of gurgle shakeyness to it.
It's the difference between simply raising your voice slightly and screaming loudly into the distance and how your voice changes.
The former is simply punctuating what is said by raising your voice at the end, it shows energy and enthusiasm the latter is screaming so loudly your voice breaks and shakes a bit and is annoying for how artificial and unpleasing it is.
The former was kind of what was done in the second ep it even had his voice break when he tried to fight that drunk, That what I mean.
The latter was what was done in the first and a bit too much in the third. He does it too much and instead of becoming something that punctuates big action scenes and something we as the audience could come to identify with the MC getting serious or trying hard.
It's just this annoying thing we have to put up with.
What do you cunts want from the poor guy? He is given a new va role at a very big anime of the season, he is told the character is constantly loud, he gives us that and you have memes all over the internet.
How does one convey a constantly loud shouting character without being annoying? In the manga damn near all his quotes have exclaimation marks.
I'm trying to defend the VA, jackass.
Goddammit, you motherfuckers talk more about bnha here than their own threads do.
Damn, this MC does scream a lot.
Could tolerate the voice if there was even a shred of creativity in this trash anime.
>corpse of the great demon that the magic emperor killed
>no name village with nothing but peasants
Why? Wouldn't the kingdom actually make that place a place of big significance to cash in on the biggest legend ever told in the history of that world?
I would like the idea that no one could actually recognize or even see it
I guess another add on for Noelle’s humiliation before her brother.
Is Asta just for face fucking?
Great body, huge mouth. Just fill it and he can't scream. I hope.
I like how they gave more personality to people of orphanage, especially Nash. Tsundere shotas are always great.
here u go
>screamfags finally fucked off
We can finally have small and comfy BC threads.
Delete this you fujoshit.
Succumb to the greatness of bl.
If he's screaming while you're throat fucking, that might make it even better, the vibration.
Dammit senpai, it stopped being a game midway
I didn't think about it that way.
>how to die of alcohol poisoning in 30 seconds.png
Is Zekke /ourguy/?
>doesn't have any magic
>clearly has a flying book and big black knife
delet this
Not his (anti) magic.
Eyes not sparkly enough. I can't fap to this.
user, it clearly says you shouldn't drink alcoholic beverages while doing this
Do not commit suicide through Black Clover
I don't know how, but I read it as it's advised to drink strong alcohol beverage instead of not advised. Still, unless you're drinking water you will get some poisoning and with water you will get hyponatremia. The game is a sudoku game.
nigger you would probably throw up if you drank water to this
I'm just waiting for Noelle.
They probably have bigger shit and ruins lying all over the place with how much magic fights they have.
>Noelle wears side tie panties
Supreme taste by the mangaka.
Is she lewd?
She's tsun.
Nah, Sally is though.
Sister Lily is Cute.
Different user, Shueisha, but his point stands. The new editor in chief iirc literally said it, they want it to be next Naruto. Now of course, does that sentence mean they want it to get as popular as Naruto was or they want it to take Naruto’s place as the (long-running) fantasy-battle-shonen is up for debate
I thought she didn’t wear any...
>6 hours ago
>70 posts
damn this is sad
She's tsundere as fuck. But design wise she's pretty lewd.
What's sad about it? Not every series has to be a fast moving general. The shitposters got bored and fucked off after two episodes. In my experience small threads are always better.
It won’t end, the guy’s screams all the way through the manga. Someone’s doing something? He responds by screaming. Some mundane-everyday-life thing happening? Screams. Something is cool or cool thing is happening? More screams. Battle? AaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
The anime is sad
She's tsun, but not irritating tsun. She's so mellow sometimes that I forget she's one.
The anime is a bag of shit. But don't worry, 13 year-olds will be eating this crap up and will ensure it 'll be plaguing us for quite a while.
Just like said.
I'm happy we finally have normal discussion in thread than a fucking screaming posting.
BC is generic as fuck and for many boring but i don't care. I just have to wait for secondary characters to finally fully enjoy the series.
And they are samefags
How long until the blonde shows up? My best girl sense is tingling.
Bruh why did they fuck up the pacing of this?
>this pacing
I mean the manga just went with a 6 month timeskip so I guess this fleshes it out some.
You can have different types of screaming for fucks sake.
And his career
I haven't read the manga but I heard that the author was really rushing the story in the beginning since he was afraid of cancellation. I guess he asked the studio to flesh out the beginning a little bit. Then again it's pretty standard for shonen anime to take it slow in the beginning compared to the rest of the series. If the pace doesn't pick up by episode 7 it's time to get worried.
Finished reading.
It's good at the beggining but it becomes a clusterfuck of powerleveling really fast. MUH MANA!!!
This will be next Fairy Tail the fact that it's a mage setting makes it even more hillarious.
Asta is a strange case, you know how shonen characters act like the protagonist is so annoying? Well, this is the first time I understood them. Asta is a pain in the ass.
There was two times where he was likeable when he ignored the whispering from the high rankers and when he cried after witnissing his friends working to heal his arms.
One thing I'd like to add, this mangaka is GODLIKE at drawing female bodies, holy shit.
I hope the poor guy has insurance for his voice.
A mangaka who understand how bikinis work. Is this for real?
>One thing I'd like to add, this mangaka is GODLIKE at drawing female bodies, holy shit.
Considering he have a beautiful wife to test all the clothing out, not surprising in the least.
I doubt Jap girls have large enough assets to model or even
His wife do.
Spoonfeed yourself by simply googling.