Everyone sings: Die Gedanken sind frei...
/Kraut/pol/ - AfD: Martin und Pettibone sind frei Edition
Even the brits ppayed their part
I hope Martin has been enriched while in retention
Shalom goyim
(((Alternative für Deutschland))) - auch zionist shills/israel cucks für deutschland genannt
>Wake up pls und seht ein, dass die cuckservative nichts anderes ist als kontrollierte opposition/israelgeprüfte systempartei.
>Spricht nicht mal an, dass das GG keine Verfassung ist. Nice partei
Einfach mal bei der suchmaschine deiner wahl "juden empfehlen afd zu wählen" und/oder "afd israel (connection)" eingeben. Kommen genug artikel.
>Spricht das judenproblem nicht an (zionisten)
>Exposed keine Juden (zionisten).
>Spricht zwar das problem "einwanderug und Migration" an, will es jedoch nicht vehindern sondern nur kontrollierbar machen
>Spricht nicht an, (((wer))) hinter der migration/Einwanderung steckt // wer sie leitet
>Zum thema "gibt derzeit nichts besseres / müssen wir damit leben
>Wenn du also die wahl zwischen pest und cholera hast, nimmst du einfach das, was länger braucht dich zu töten?
Wenn die afd doch so antisemitisch und rassistisch ist, wie immer behauptet wird, warum fordert die AfD fraktion dann, jerusalem als Hauptstadt israels anzuerkennen (bsp)? Und noch vieles mehr
>Marcus pretzel "israel ist unsere politische zukunft
>Alice weidel "das judentum gehört zu Deutschland
>Frauke petry "afd ist der Garant für jüdisches leben in Deutschland (ich weiss, sie ist nicht mehr Mitglied der partei, sprach damals aber als Pressesprecherin im namen der partei/ für die AfD
Gibt noch einiges mehr.. man muss nur recherchieren und nicht sofort die augen und ohren zu machen wenn man das wort juden hört (no offense
inbe4 "antisemit" "komm mal mit beweisen, nicht alles ist eine jüdische verschwörung" leider doch, michel. Leider doch.
What a shit eating grin
Both probably got raped by pakis
Schon wieder dieser zerteile support & herrsche shill shit? Dein copypasta hat bisher nix geholfen, die AfD aber schon eine Menge.
first for boomer posting
Weiter im Text: twitter.com
Wie informieren, verbreiten und nutzen wir die türkisch-kurdischen Auseinandersetzungen heute?
Also: Isn't Martin late with his Wochenrückblick? This is inexcusable!
It's always weird to me when 68ers are called boomers. Our baby boom was under Nazi rule for obvious reasons. I guess it's a way to communicate the idea to Americans.
kek, Zeit now erased the obviosuly right-wing attacks, part. Comment section was going mayhem.
Her old flame the Stickman would've protected her
forgot link
url is still the same. Fucking amateurs in cover-up
Beddiboan? Does she believe she is the new Eva Braun or what is thus shit?
I hate Nazis, by the way, all a bunch of anti-free speech retards.
>stale pasta
>alle Nazis ausser Mutti
You are wrong. Boomers were born after the WW2. 68er ARE boomers.
jahrgänge between 48 to 69 are the biggest, make up over a third of the population and have the lowest turnout for afd. 68ers are boomers.
Is this definitely him?
>Our baby boom was under Nazi rule for obvious reasons
boomer generation began post ww2 and reached into mid 60s
mgw boomer offspring
>implying they don't liked it
i think most of us are and as our generation grows older it gets more clear by the day how massively they fucked us over. any other classic boomer quotes for my oc?
not 100% confirmed, but it looks likely
>Antifugger provide video evidence of them arson'ing the place
>rääääächte Anschläge
the absolute state of german (((journalism)))
so the inter-guestworker war is supposed to start at midnight
what do ye think lads
i imagine if they attack enough places at the same time the feuerwehr will be completely swamped
if they are firebombing business then i would be worried about the people in apartments above the businesses
member how many false accusations the left made with their "quality doxxing" after Charlottesville?
we can do better than that
youre bad at shilling. WOW
the correct phrasing seems to be:
'das muss man differenziert betrachten'
inb4: we need more intergration
the moment the first family dies i expect a political response
will be interesting how they try to spin this along with their tax funded "war against right"
>Kein Mensch ist illegal!
>Abschiebungen? Das sind Nazimethoden!
>Wir haben die Pflicht, sie aufzunehmen. Alleine wegen damals!
>In Afrika hungern Kinder und du meckerst wegen den Paar Einzelfällen?
>Es gibt auch viele Deutsche, die kriminell sind!
>Für euch sind zwey Dinge
>Von köstlichem Glanz
>Das leuchtende Gold
>Und ein glänzender Schwanz.
>Drum wißt euch ihr Weiber
>Am Gold zu ergötzen
>Und mehr als das Gold noch
>Die Schwänze zu schätzen.
>- Faust, initial draft
Kek. I just realized Goethe was the first shitposter
what about these fags?
I just looked it up and we had two booms, one under Hitler and one starting around '55 a good 10 years than in the USA.
The cancerous entitled former-liberal now-cuckservative generation is quite a bit smaller here and yet they still fuck us over.
My mother fits the stereotype perfectly, but my dad is a post war child he's not entitled at all.
>Das ist der Preis für unsere Waffenlieferungen!
>Denk doch an die Kreuzzüge damals, die waren auch schlimm!
They're gonna have some killer reunion sex
Everybody knows that Martin is gay and Pettibone a Russian-US double agent. Generation Yid is financed by Coach Redpill who is the hub to funnel money from Gazprom to the western far right to gain back control over Poland
lets hope no german family dies
do you believe this story about the k's attacking the T's
is it credible at all
What happened? I stopped following this fag after his "stop being so mean to our precious women" video.
seems legit
is Goethe german
a lot of degeneracy in that poem
Haha thought so as well. Next week: 'Yes she is pregnant! ' ;)
Would be nice to hear, though...
Almost as bad of a shill as the other one in the beginning.
he´s calling them out though not promoting it
mainstream will always choose a victim before even asking what happened
and as the Turks are our "friends" according to Mürkel i expected nothing else
in my opinion kurds have all the right to defend themselves, just like pakis
i am not going to pick a side unless its my own
that is legitemately sexist, also racys.
does the gender department of your local university know about this, user?
we will know in 20 minutes if it's a larp or not
inb4 Bücherverbrennung
fuckin hell in that case what a piece of poetry
Basierter Johann Wolfgang von.
If I found a woman who looked at me like pettibone looks at sellner, I'd be in heaven
T - 15 minutes
spring purge, soon?
man, can you imagine the gender department stormfagging the literature department?!
absolutely mayhem.
what side will the sociology dep. pick?
will there be shisms developing?
we must know. i hope we will know soon
lads join me in a prayer it doesn't start tonight
the moment our "intellectuals" start going after each other we will need to reset the simulation for good
whatever comes of it, and i don't expect to much, i will be watching from a safe distance
stay safe city anons
also checked
7 minutes
if they as much as make a move tonight,
it will be the last move they ever make,
i will start a purge from the west coast of ireland and will not stop until we drive every invader back across the Bosporus and retake Constantinople
>join me in a prayer it doesn't start tonight
the sooner, the better. it will be instructive to study the urban tactics of the left.
hold on user,
the intellectuals and media class are not finished with their byzantine musings yet
phew it was just a larp
and a wakeup call
wtf is suppose to happen? Should I take my Aug and shotgun for a night walk?
it's called attraction.
halo meine nam is ahmend del abdul el salem ben afgahnie unt was diese?
>ahmend del abdul el salem ben afgahnie
straight outta internet name generator
this picture was taken last year,
you are 18 years old now
stay calm and don't expect to much. some arsons here and there. but there is a good chance, the left will radicalize much more by cooperating with kurds and learning/copying their tactics. that's a good thing. another step in the weimar direction.
Handy weglegen. Zeit für die Heia, mein Kleiner.
>>Denk doch an die Kreuzzüge damals, die waren auch schlimm!
>not even their final form
bloody hell, what happened to those?
sharia control
frankly i doubt the cops know what the gesture even means
they most likely ran out of time between learning all 72 genders and 150 pronounce before starting their shift
i always knew they put something in our tap water
i just didn't know what it was until recently
hey alter wo warst du
wir haben dich vermisst
bestimmt am saufen
thats what habbened.
their frustration then makes them susceptible to this extremist 'one gender' phallacy
I used to drink tap water, now I'm a cocksucker who cuddles his bf at night.
Achso ja, gestern mit meiner Oma angesoffen. Über klassische Musik und Politik diskutiert, sie findet das mit dem 'Tag des Seils' auch eine gute Idee. Hat leider übel für mich geendet, die alte Frau verträgt einfach mehr als ich und schenkt ständig nach ... bin Weißwein nicht gewöhnt.
ok after reading your post 4 times i understand
sounds comfy
my 2 grannies are saints in heaven
naechstes mal das du saufen gehst mit oma musst du mich einladen
l to r
>me go, if you go
>me go basteln feuerwerk
>me go, maybe, should i? why me?
>me go and krieg als erster auf die schnauze
>me tell where to go from kommandostand
>me go nowhere, me report to führungsoffizier
>Tag des Seils
sounds like you need more practice
i only drink tap water
t. well owner
Damn, I forgot you were no native speaker... grannies are the best btw! Although mine ALWAYS asks me if I do eat enough ... like I am at the brink of starvation or something.
Ja mei ... frei nach Karl Lueger halt ;)
>grannies are the best
I know right?
Sollten Högge und Gauland aus der AfD fliegen ist die Partei tod.
Der Weidel Flügel sind alles Cuckservative die nichts richten werden.