Why do you focus on old outdated Darwinian model of Evolution when we have discovered so many more advanced mechanisms since then?
Why do you focus on old outdated Darwinian model of Evolution when we have discovered so many more advanced mechanisms since then?
adam and eve not adam and steve, ok?
that all falls within evolution
are you retarded?
Damn, I first read it as Genocide imprinting, that would have been a cool model of evolution
What about willful evolution, meaning you focus on what you want your offspring to have and create the mutations in your seed DNA by thought alone. If birds can do it, why can't we?
Because you can control methylation patterns only by changing your environment. It's not something that can be controlled directly. Lamarc was wrong btw.
How does evolution know how to cause an adaptation properly? Like fins and gills for underwater swimming?
>implying a creator didnt design the creations to evolve
>implying all creationists deny evolution
>implying the 2 are mutually exclusive
Fuckoff brainlet.
It doesn't. It works like communist Russians. It creates random mutations and see what sticks. Everything that gives you minimal advantage or doesn't cause disadvantage stays. In the end you get better suited to live in your current environment. Change the environment and evolution starts to favor different traits. What worked previously can no longer give you the advantage and your flavs can become positives. You can also repurpose what you already have to do new stuff of use neutral traits. It's all about what works best in your current environment.
All I'm saying is that they stopped learning about how evolution really works at the US high school level.
> It creates random mutations and see what sticks.
If that were true then you wouldn't see animals adapting so perfectly to their environments, but we do see that.
>Everything that gives you minimal advantage or doesn't cause disadvantage stays.
How does the evolutionary process know to keep the mutation or discard it?
If Apes have 24 pairs of chromosomes, and humans have 23 pairs... And we arose from a mutation... How did that first human have a mate to pair off with, or how did the first human baby survive with no human parents?
If it is such a gradual change, why are there no 23 pair fossils?
>If that were true then you wouldn't see animals adapting so perfectly to their environments, but we do see that.
Why? Once good mutation shows upit stays and over generations fittness accumulates. If new organism fucks up and creates lethal mutation, it dies.
As long as your environment is stable you can only get better at livving in it. That's why crockodiles don't change. They don't have to. Their environment is the same as ever.
>How does the evolutionary process know to keep the mutation or discard it?
If you managed to create more offspring or even offspring at all that means that the change got accepted. Better suited organisms tend to have more children. That's how changes spread. Good changes are rewarded with sex my dude
>How does the evolutionary process know to keep the mutation or discard it?
If your mutation is detrimental, you have a greater chance of dying without offspring. It's pure luck, there is no place for intention
>If it is such a gradual change, why are there no 23 pair fossils?
Brcause DNA gets destroyed with time you cretin. That's why we don't have dinosaur dna from fossils.
Genetic drift can cause funny stuff to happen.
>all blonde men die in war
>gingers survive
Now you have a majority of gingers in your isolated populations.
Shit happens. Only the ones with kids wun in the end. Dying for Israel ehile your wife cheats on you is retarded.
So evolution just iterates through a whole plethora of new traits every generation? Doesn't sound like that is true.
Not all of them. Once you have a working mechanism in your body you can only change certain points and not cause death. That's why mechanism responsible for crucial shit like operating cell machinery never changes. One non neutral mutation and you are dead. You need to work with what you have. Luckly our genes sometimes duplicate and gets silenced. We also have viral dna from viruses that failed to reproduce and simply built itself into our genome. These duplicated and 'junk' dna regiong are where the magic happens. They can accumulate mutations without causing much damage and one day be used as a basis for new trait.
No you fucking idiot
That's why it takes so fucking long
If every generation mutated it wouldn't take millions of years
Mutations are completely random mistakes in the genetic code and happen all the time
Most are benign but some cause physical change
can you just do your own goddamn research
You don't have to believe it
But asking others to explain it to you in toddler terms is a waste of everyone's time
Wikipedia is a great starting point
Get familiar with the processes and terminology and then come back
Also thats pretty good bait
>Mutations are completely random mistakes in the genetic code and happen all the time
Fun fact, most mutations gets repaired. And the chance of missed mutation getting into your sperm cells is so low. Remember that regular somatic mutations do jack shit to evolution unles they kill you before you reproduce.
You're the fucking idiot, random mutations aren't intelligent enough to adapt a species perfectly to their environment, stupid fuck.
Ok now I'm pretty embarrassed for having fallen for it as much as I did
You got me fair and square
In advance, naming phenomena isn't "discovering advanced mechanisms." Now I will waste my time reading the first part of each of those links so I can concisely explain to you their irrelevance and the stupidity of this post.
>Most are benign but some cause physical change
DNA code us redundant.
You can change nucleotides in codons with 0 effect. The influence of a mutation is dependant on the position of nuvleotide changed in a tripplet.
Plus dna repair mechanisms themselves are awesome at their work. Not to mention that mutated cells get killed on the spot unless they become cancer and trick the body into leaving it alone. There are many levels of looking on mutations. From single nucleotide polymorphism up to entire tissue changes.
There is nothing intelligent in rearranging blocks and see what sticks, mate.